Thursday, November 7, 2013

5 Lies Most People Believe.

If you hear something said enough times,even if it is a complete lie,you will eventually believe it. This seems to be the yarn that has been meticulously spun into our mass consciousness.

The five lies below have been fed to us through almost every orifice, at least through our ears and our eyes, and from every angle. It just feels like every orifice because we have heard it so much.

Newspapers, magazines, documentaries, books and news items repeat these whoppers as if they were sacred, obvious truths. On top of this they have the audacity to infer that anyone who doesn't believe them is either stupid or a useless trouble maker,and ,of course, a conspiracy  nutter.

A bit of research will show you how obvious it is that we have been lied to on a massive scale,on a daily basis, about these five particular subjects-and I hasten to add, myriads more.

These are the five lies .

1.The World Is Over Populated.
This is like a background wallpaper to our lives.
Yet the fact remains,according to the Agriculture Information site more than 97% of the surface of the Earth is empty. That is a lot, I think you will agree. So much so that it is hard to believe; I kept going back to the site to check that I had read it right.In fact, I'll go back now, as it does seem such a high percentage..Yes, that is the correct figure,which is truly amazing when you think of what people like Bill Gates keep saying..
.Also, the entire population of the World would fit into Kansas.


I was going to go on, but what's the point.I mean there really is no need to say more is there?.

The reason people accept the belief  that the world is full of too many people, is because most of us live in crowded cities.So when you hear the mantra that there are too many people on the planet, you look around and think;"Yer, They're right,it is crowded".

But they are not right;it's a blatant lie.A good excuse to kill as many of us as they can.What did Bill Gates say?Something about birth control and vaccines solving the problem.I'm surprised that he didn't mention Chemtrails,our water supply and food as a means to do this also.

2.Fluoride Is Good For You.

According to the Global Healing Centre site, Fluoride is highly toxin and used to be used as a rat poison and insecticide.Fluoride has been shown to enhance the brain's absorption of aluminium-the substance found in most alzeimers sufferers
According to this site,it is not good for your teeth(surprise, surprise)because it discolours them.But this is not all it does , by a long shot.This seems to be a multi-purpose poison.It damages the nervous system and causes muscular degeneration.Also a number of studies have linked fluoride to 10,000 cancer deaths per year,in particular bone cancer.You may consider changing your brand of toothpaste.


3.Bin Laden Was Killed In 2011.

According to infowars site in the Corbett report(James Corbett is a very reliable reporter) dated 21.5.2011. - in July 2001 Bin Laden was flown to the American hospital in Dubai for kidney treatment.On the day that changed the World, 9.11.2001.when he was meant to be in a cave hatching his James Bond like fiendish plot against the World, he was in a  Pakistan Military hospital.

Even that mainstream paper- The Daily Mail had this article:

On 26.12.2001 Fox News reported that the Afghan Taliban had officially stated that Bin Laden had died earlier that month,and had been buried 24 hours later.

It's interesting to note that no videos or photos of the  Navy Seals attack on him,or of his 'burial at sea' were released.We were told that the burial at sea was in accordance with Muslim customs,which is odd because although they permit burial at sea, it is very rare.Those same Navy Seals who were meant to have carried out the operation all died in a Helicopter crash on 6th August 2011.Dead men can't talk or,horror of horrors,blow whistles.

4. Vaccines Are Good For You.

According to the Health Board site vaccines are bad for you as they contain Mercury-one of the most toxic substances on this planet.Also the site claims that vaccines can cause cancer,s.i.d.s. autism and more.


According to the Organic Health site.when a mass swine flu vaccination was given to people,more people died after taking the vaccine than those who did not.

Autism was very rare two decades ago,and yet now 1 in every 91 American children get this.The Amish people do not take vaccines;there is absolutely no autism among them.

The site goes on to say that cervical cancer vaccines have crippled and killed a significant number of young girls.


5.Global Warming Is Caused By Humans.

According to the Daily Mail.30.3.2012., in an article by Ted Thornton- the whole of the Earth heated up in Medieval times without human C.O. emissions.The warming was far reaching and not limited to Europe.Ted Thornton comments that this throws doubts on latest statements that declare that we  have caused Global warming.

Sorry, but I can't find the link.

Although I have mentioned a few sites, there are hundreds of other sites who are saying the same things and more.

So there you have it These five lies are just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, it looks like watching the mainstream news nowadays is like watching fiction.Some rich banker or Government official says something, often without anything to back up his claims, and it is dutifully reported as fact. No journalist bothers to check if it is true. Mind you, if he did, and he found out it was a lie , he would probably not be allowed to report this, and if he insisted, would be sacked before he could tell the people the truth

Don't forget that people once believed that the World was flat, and if you dared to question this, you were in deep trouble. Isn't that similar to what happens, if by some fluke say, an anti-over population advocate appears on T.V .He will be attacked and even laughed at .And to even let it cross your mind that Bin Laden wasn't killed in 2011,well ,you must be missing something in your brain. Like, it hasn't been washed?

Mike Selley.

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