Friday, November 8, 2013

Bill Gates Polio Paralysis.

The following was not, of course, mentioned in any mainstream Western media outlets.They only report what they are told to.
Deccan Chronicle Holdings Ltd. is the largest selling English newspaper in Southern India and this is what they reported on 14.4.2012.

" In 2011 an additional 47,500 children were newly paralyzed over the above standard rate of 2 children per 100,000."

This was after that nice Mr.Gates and the ludicrously titled World Health Organization injected the children with Polio vaccinations

That's a hell of a lot of lives that have been ruined; 47,500 and not a whisper from the B.B.C. or C.N.N or any of the other .pathetic, cowardly, New World Order Propaganda broadcasters.

A culling of the human race is well and truly, underway.  Article by Mike Selley.

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