Thursday, November 7, 2013

Create Your Reality- Without Wanting It.

Create Your Reality Without Wanting It.

Create Your Reality Without Wanting it.

The point about wanting something,whether it is one thousand pounds, a new house, a girl or boy friend or a job, is that while you are wanting ,you know that you have not got your particular desire.

It strikes me that there are two types of wants. One type is when you want something and are pretty sure that you will get it. An example of this could be you wanting to have lunch; if you have had lunch most days of your life, it is highly likely that you will get what you want- your lunch. Or you may want to go for a walk, and while you have this wish you know that you probably will go for your walk.

The other type of want is when you want something that you have not had in your life before, and there is a doubt inside you that you may well not get your desire .If you want to move abroad , but can see no way how you could do this, this particular want can become like a pipe dream and nothing more.

It is this second type that I am writing about.

Wanting a sunny day means you haven't got it. While you continue wanting something day in and day out, you are never getting it, because you are hoping that you will get it in the future. That future will never be while you continue wanting. You could say that your continual wanting is forever pushing away the very thing that you want.

I'm on about creating your own reality, manifesting the life that you want to live.

How do you overcome this problem of wanting?
 It's simple- you stop wanting! While you are wanting all the time, it is likely that you won't get what you want, because you keep wanting it in some never to come future.

What is the best way to create your reality without this feeling of wanting it?

1. Stop wanting, wishing for whatever it is you desire.

2 .Pretend that you have whatever it is you desire in your life right now.

That's all there is to it. Sounds dead simple,but it's not. The reason it is not easy is that you have to convince yourself that you are living the life you feel you should live.

This is not easy if you want a decent income, and at the moment your senses tell you that you are surrounded by bills that you cannot pay.

Perhaps you want a larger place to live in, but at present you are living in a small apartment.

Your senses are telling you that you lack, so you have to convince yourself that you don't lack for anything, when your eyes are telling you otherwise.

I suggest you do the following;

1.Accept whatever is going on in your life as being perfectly fine.

2.Be grateful for whatever you have in your life.

3.Don't fight the events that are taking place in front of you- accept them with thanks

4 .Everyday in a relaxed,calm state be alone for a while and paint those pictures in your mind of how you imagine you are living the life of your dreams. Now this is the important bit: while you are doing this, imagine that you have all those things in your life now,not in some distant future.

Although when you come out of your visualization exercise, you will see that everything is as before,the fact that you have planted seeds in your mind, means that these seeds are growing from being thought forms in your inner consciousness to being outward manifestations.

It is a natural law of life.

Imagine your mind as the soil in a flowerbed.

You plant seeds in this flowerbed and they will sprout and come out of the earth.

When they emerge from their formless state, which is how you perceive them in your mind, they sprout through into the world of form.

Everything is formless first of all, and then becomes form,though,in fact, the formless and the form are the same substance,but are on different frequencies.

So to create reality you want, the main point is to believe that you are now living in that reality.

Mike Selley

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