Wednesday, November 6, 2013

International Money Fraud. Or The I.M.F

International Money Fraud.Tree.

" I have more sympathy for the children in Africa than I do for the Greeks."

Who said those honeyed words ? It was none other than the Queen of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, or , as it should be called to meet the requirements of the Trade Description Act , the International Money Fraud Tree.

Actually,Ms. C. Lagarde we know from  your esteemed organizations actions in both these countries, that you don't have any sympathy for any poor African children or for any poor Greeks.

The I.M.F. on its website must be having a joke with its readers. This is what it proudly proclaims :

" The I.M.F. is an organization of 188 countries working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and reduce poverty around the world."

Now is that funny or is that sad, when you know that the exact (and I mean exactly exact) opposite is true?

According to all the available evidence to date it does the following:

"Destroy monetary cooperation,encourage financial instability,hinder international trade, promote high unemployment and increase poverty around the world."

This is what this truly awful organization has done and is still doing, and I am not exaggerating.

Just look at two of its victims; Argentina and Greece.There are countless more.

By its fruits you shall know the tree.No luscious looking apples on the I.M.F's tree; rotten and maggot filled fruit falls from its twisted branches on to any country unfortunate and foolish enough to reach out to it.

It is an evil organization, quite simply, because it causes and has caused immense and intense suffering worldwide.Poverty, suicides, disease and death stalk the lands where this grim reaper has brandished its scythe.

Any country that gets into bed with this shameless,whore of Babylon gets very sick, very quickly and finds its whole body covered in festering, stinking sores.In the places ( thanks Leonard Cohen) where it used to play it now aches .

Here is just one example of what this ,oh, so respected organization has caused.

According to Wikipedia in 2009 a study from Cambridge University And Yale concluded that strict conditions on the international loans by the I.M.F. resulted in thousands of deaths in Eastern Europe from T.B.( Tuberculosis) as public health care had to be weakened.

In the 21 countries in which the I.M.F. has given loans T.B. deaths rose by 16%. Wikipedia states that the economic advice the I.M.F. gives might not always take into consideration the differences between what spending means on paper and how it is felt by citizens. Talk about an understatement.The first part of this should read: "The economic advice the I.M.F gives never takes into consideration.." or put another way doesn't give a dam about the people.

The truth is they don't care how much their policies hurt ordinary people, as such a consideration would not enter their left brain, reptile like, closed minds.Numbers are like God to them; people are irrelevant ; they could be machines as far as they are concerned.

Its policies are not for the good of the people, but only exist to line their own huge pockets and those of their crooked friends, the bankers.It is us who fund their lavish and greedy lifestyles.

As Greece bites into the rotten, maggot filled, mouldy, squashed , virus and bacteria filled fruit from this International Money Fraud Tree, I bet Killinger, I mean Kissinger is rubbing his hands with glee and roaring with laughter.If you scroll down to the bottom of this page you will see a picture of this war criminal picking his nose and next to this is an article I wrote which will explain what I mean.

While people are ripping their hair out and slamming their hands onto empty tables and looking for candles, spare a thought for the boss of the International Money Fraud Tree. Here is something for those to ponder on as they see their sick grandparents who can't afford to buy much needed medicine,  as they stare in disbelief at the latest electricity bill  they can't pay; who look into the frightened, confused eyes of their children, loved ones and friends..

This is what Christine Lagarde, the Queen of I.M.F. earns, or rather, what she did earn last year, because it has gone up since then. I got this information from the official I.M.F. site.

467,940 dollars tax free per year


83,760 dollars tax free per year.You probably wonder why  this 2nd bit of extra  of cash is needed. This is, according to the I,M.F site , to enable her to maintain a scale of living appropriate to her position as a managing director.So, what is the first figure of  almost 468000 dollars for ? Toilet paper ? Cosmetics ? Deodorant ?

But this is not all she gets.

She is reimbursed for reasonable expenses actually incurred for entertainment directly related to the business of the fund.Also, all travel and hotel expenses incurred in the interests of the fraudsters she gets back..Any spouse or partner who fancies joining her has all his or her expenses paid as well.. She is
 told that she has to travel first class when conducting business.

Nice work if you can get it, providing you don't mind having blood on your hands,and a lot of it.

 As an aside, her terms of contract state that she should strive to avoid even the appearance of impropriety  in her conduct. Obviously this clause was faithfully adhered to by her predecessor, Strauss-Khan, as could be seen by his alleged behaviour with that maid in a hotel.

In Euros this lady earns more than 420,914 a year.How much does the average Greek earn ?

I wonder what her Christmas will be like .

Mike Selley.

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