Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Kissinger's Plan For Greece Done.

" So that we can neutralize their ability to develop"

"We can force them to conform".

"Strike at their language".

Whoever said the above was talking about Greece.It must be some old enemy,perhaps some extremist from Turkey?
No, the words above were said by one of Greece's so called allies.Henry Kissinger,who holds the joint distinction of being a Peace Prize holder, as well as being wanted as a war criminal in many countries,said those friendly words above about Greece to a group of businessmen in Washington.D.C. in September 1974..

Here is the full text as taken from the Godlike Productions site:

"The Greek people are anarchic and difficult to tame.For this reason we must strike deep into their cultural roots.Perhaps then we can force them to conform.I mean,of course, to strike at their language,their religion,their cultural and historical reserves,so that we can neutralize their ability to develop, to distinguish themselves to prevail,thereby removing them as an obstacle to our strategically vital plans in the Balkans, the Med and the Middle East."

Let's go through this.

Firstly he says that the Greeks are anarchic.This was said shortly after the fall of the Junta,so one deduces . that Kissinger didn't like the fact that the people had managed to get rid of the U.S.A. backed Junta.So, a people who show they are not brain-washed and half asleep, but have true Greek spirit are accused of being anarchic.

Then he says:"Difficult to tame".Now you can see how such people such as Kissinger view the useless eaters of this World;by using the word'tame' he gives the game away;they consider the people to be like animals who have to be taught how to behave.

"We must strike deep into their cultural roots".

I think it is obvious that over the last 20 years or so,the cultural roots of Greece have been eroded.The showing of countless American T.V. shows has had an enormous impact on the thought patterns and behaviour of the Greeks.The average young Greek now dresses just like the average young American,and has a similar mindset,and uses American expressions.

The traditions of Greece are losing their hold on the young, and it is only in villages and islands where age old customs are still honoured.
Another  gem from his speech: "To strike at their language".

I find this extraordinary; why on earth try and destroy the Greek language?It's almost petty and childish to even consider such nonsense.A large proportion of Greek T.V. is in English(that is American English) as so many  shows are imported from America,whereas a few years ago there were far fewer American series,shows and films.

"Strike at their religion" Ten years ago the Greek Orthodox Church was a force to be reckoned with.Now however, it has hardly any impact on Government policy or peoples lives.

The young,in particular,are no way near as religious as they were a decade ago.But, this , I think , will be difficult to totally uproot,as the roots are very deep.

"Strike at their cultural and historical reserves" Once again this appears to be pathetic, in its desire to take away the identity of the Greek people.Perhaps the yanks are telling the British to keep hold of those precious  marbles!

"So that we can neutralize their ability to develop,to distinguish themselves, to prevail ".

Well, thanks to Goldman Sachs, the I.M.F.,the rest of the money grabbers at the centre of the Tower Of Babel,and other sundry hollow men in the prescribed uniforms of dark suits,who read a script when someone pulls their strings,Kissinger's wish to "neutralize their ability to develop, to distinguish themselves, to prevail" has certainly come true.

Now we can just sit back and see what wonderful plans are afoot in the Balkans, The Med and the Middle East.Whatever plans they are,you can count on it that it will not do the people who live in these areas any good whatsoever,and no doubt the spilling of blood will be involved,as seems to be usual of late,

Kissinger though, has got what he wanted.He must be very satisfied.
I wonder what his Karma will be?  

Mike Selley.

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