Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Sunlight Dancing On The Sea.

Sunlight Dancing On The Sea.

The following happened to me a few days ago on a beautiful sunny day in Autumn, on the enchanting Greek Island called Aegina.

The little sparkles of sunlight were dancing with abandon on the gentle,calm crystalline blue sea. There were thousands of these dancers, and I sat on an old stone wall by the sea, entranced and enchanted by the awe-inspiring picture before me.

The beach and the sea were deserted which was unusual at this time in the morning, as usually there were a few small fishing boats smoothly sliding silently through the water. The one or two,usually elderly bathers who continue to go for a dip in the Autumn, were also absent today. I had the place to myself.

A few seagulls were swooping and diving high up in a children's picture-book blue sky. They occasionally gave a cackled cry that to me was saying,"This is the life ".

I couldn't have agreed more.

So fascinated was I by the sunlight  quickstep that I couldn't take my eyes of the spectacle. It was like I had been transported into a wondrous World full of light and love.

All the usual anxieties and worries that had been buzzing like demented bees in my head stopped their constant drone.

I felt honoured to be allowed to be part of this moment; to be the only one, who was, by some
fluke, allowed to watch the dancing sparklers. I felt blessed to actually be a witness to what seemed almost like a secret ritual that humans knew nothing about.

Then I knew, just knew, what the sun was really doing. It was expressing its love for the sea by showering it with a thousand kisses.

A peace I had not felt since I was a child filled my heart. I was no longer aware of 'me'. There was not even an observer as the observed and the observer were one. I was not looking at a picture anymore; I was part of the picture.

The dancing sunlight and the sea, and the'me' who was not me were one.

To separate and name the players in this play was not possible, and to do so would be to tell a lie.

What I had thought of as 'me' and the sun, the sea, the sky, the old stone wall, the seagulls and the sky were really the same. We just put on different disguises and performed different tasks

As I sat on that old wall completely lost in the moment, I felt that I was there amongst the dancers on the sea. The love I felt was almost overwhelming in its strength and intensity .So much so that I wanted to cry out loud with pure naked joy.

 Then an extraordinary thing happened. The little dancing droplets of sunlight suddenly started dancing faster and faster with more vigour and enthusiasm on the willing,welcoming sea. More and more bursts of sunlight came to join in, so that a huge portion of the sea was now filled with beautiful, jumping, dancing sunlight

.I felt that I was there with them too, or rather I felt part of them. We were, as one, celebrating life, relishing the magic of being in this truly amazing creation of illusion.

We were, if you like, giving praise to God ; giving thanks for being in His creation, which is, at the same time, our creation.

Thought did not take place at the time that this was going on, but  afterwards,  I tried to put the experience into words.It was not an easy task, as the feeling transcended all normal human activity; it was like trying to put a natural , free animal into a cage of words.

I eventually walked away from my enchanted moment. I was a very different person to the one who had arrived.

It was like I had caught a glimpse of Heaven.

Mike Selley.

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