Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Elite Mindset.

The Elite Mindset.

This is it: no morals:it is entirely focused on selfish needs and has not got the ability to consider the welfare of others.

Hunger, sex , violence and fear are always just below the surface. Its impulses are based on instinct and ritual. It is concerned with survival, physical maintenance, hoarding, dominance, preening and mating.

It suffers from obsessive compulsive behavior, personal day to day rituals and superstitious acts, slavish conforming to old ways of doing things and ceremonial re-enactment.Obeisance to anything legal, religious and cultural.It is a master of deception.

The above is a description of the reptile brain.The reptiles on this planet all have this mindset .So do we, to some degree , because, at the back of our skull, at the top of the end of the backbone,we have the reptile brain.It does some extremely useful vital functions such as breathing, digestion, circulation, elimination, temperature control and the fight or flight  response.

The Elite,though, appear to only use this brain. Does this mean that, whereas we as a human species have developed (a bit anyway) there is a segment of our species who have not advanced, and are still stuck in the reptilian brain mindset only, and the other parts of their brain are not used. It is said that they all inter-breed, and by doing so this would ensure that the reptile brain is well and truly kept in the family.

The evidence around us would appear to support this.

Every country,which always has a puppet of the Elite in power is obsessed by its past (slavish conformity to the old ways of doing things) and has special days when people perform a ritual (rituals and superstitious acts). Think of all the remembrance days, the memorial days and the Holy days. This is all reptile brain activity.

No morals. Well,there is so much evidence for this.I wouldn't know where to start. No point naming a few names, as there are hundreds more.

Anger, violence and fear have soaked into the fabric of most modern societies.
When details of the sex lives of the Elite emerges,which is usually when the member (pun intended) of the select club has  acted not in keeping with the current programme, it is usually pretty lurid or perverted.

The mass austerity inflicted on almost every country is proof that the Elite have not got the ability to consider the welfare of others.

Their anger and violence is satisfied by non-stop wars. I suppose they get their kicks from seeing so much suffering. We join in such acts of insanity, because the Elite know how to activate our reptilian brain by using symbols and similar methods.

Listen to how they think about the human cattle. The boss of I.M.F., Lagarde, whose take home pay is 298,675 pounds a year un -taxed,who also receives an extra tax free allowance of 52,000 pounds a year,had this to say;"I have more sympathy for the children in Africa, than for those in Greece". This said after she helped to inflict the worst austerity measures inflicted on any country in peacetime on Greece.

Prince Phillip said that if there was reincarnation, he wanted to come back as a virus to wipe out humankind.

Kissinger, when discussing yet another war that America was thinking about starting. said ,if about 4000 American soldiers died, that figure was quite acceptable.

Their actions, using deception speak for themselves. Take two examples.
Pearl Harbour who the Japanese  attacked in the 2nd World War, was known about before; the authorities has fore knowledge of this event, but did nothing to prevent the loss of life of loyal, patriotic servicemen.The result was that 2402 Americans were killed.1282 were wounded and 65 Japanese were killed.

There is still debate on the following, but I think it most likely that if the Government denies it is true, it's a safe bet that they are lying.It is alleged that in the 2nd world war  Churchill knew that Germany was going to attack Coventry, but did not warn the town about this.568 were killed(amazing it wasn't a higher figure) 863 were seriously wounded, and 60,000 buildings were destroyed.

I could go on with countless examples of how we have been deceived on so many occasions.

The number of times that we have been deceived throughout the centuries must be staggering.

There is no doubt that the Elite certainly display all the traits of the reptilian brain.Perhaps they are a sort of sub-species of humanity; an aberration; a segment of the species that is really sub-human.

The alternative, of course is, what David Icke suggests.

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