Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Why Crush The Greeks ?

What, at first sight  appears odd, is the fact that Greece has been selected, out of all the countries, for a very nasty, cruel punishment.

Why are Greek's austerity measures so savagely severe ?

Kissinger wanted this to happen to  Greece a long time ago. I wrote a post on this some time back called,'Kissinger's Plan For Greece-Done .' If you haven't read this, I think you will be shocked.
Here though, is what this arrogant, war criminal said, way back in !974.

"The Greek people are anarchic and difficult to tame.For this reason we must strike deep into their cultural roots.Perhaps then we can force them to conform.I mean,of course, to strike at their language,their religion,their cultural and historical reserves,so that we can neutralize their ability to develop, to distinguish themselves to prevail,thereby removing them as an obstacle to our strategically vital plans in the Balkans, the Med and the Middle East."

If you want to read my full post, you will find a link to this right at the bottom of the blog under 'popular posts'.
or here:

Isn't it great to know that you are just a bit of flesh and bone to be used by stinking rich psychopaths in any way they choose ?

America was very angry with the Greek people for  ruining their plans which was to keep the Junta in power for as long as possible.The great Greek spirit rose up though and wrecked their evil plans.

As I keep saying , the powers that be are bullies and petty and vindictive, and act like  very pampered , spoiled children if they don't get their own way.They are childish, immature and sick in the head.They love revenge and I strongly suspect that this is one of the reasons Greece is being treated with such utter contempt

It's pay back time

I suspect the Andreas Papandreou,      father of George refused to fully play the Elite's game,when he was leading Pasok He was, no doubt,  a member of the shady club that runs the World, but as in most clubs, you sometimes get a rogue member who doesn't always obey all the clubs rules..I think Andreas was such a character. He probably relished in the power and glory of his position, and at a time when America and Britain were trying to prepare the World for anti-Arab sentiment, he refused to be another mouthpiece, as he was enjoying his strutting on the Greek stage far too much.He was friendly with Arab countries and refused to be bullied by America, Israel or Britain.

He was convinced that he would be assassinated one day, and even when bathing in utterly deserted beaches, would always be surrounded by bodyguards.I read somewhere that he had , at least eight heavies with him most of the time.I'm not writing this in praise of him, but it's just the way I see it.

Put simply, the Elite who were trying to set the stage for the New World Order, never forgave Greece for this ( as Kissinger let leak in his pathetic, concise and racist hate speech mentioned above ) , so decided that , one day, they would get their own back.
He probably delayed their plans by about ten years.

How apt that Andreas 'son, George Papandreou was the one who was made to dance and dance to their distorted, humiliating, perverted melody .
How they must have loved that.

The second reason I believe that Greece was chosen for the headmaster's most severe lashings was to use Greece as a trial run.

In other words, if the Elite can crush the Greek people, who they consider the most difficult and rebellious of all the countries, then they can start inflicting the same punishment on all the other countries using the same methods.They are watching with interest how the guinea pigs are reacting to the poison.

Such a huge injustice that is taking place is such an offence to man, woman, child and animal and to the collective psyche of those that have been targeted, that the very strength of the feelings of the downtrodden  is building up to become a force of tremendous energy and power.It is now a vibrating spiritual entity..

The Elite can take away our homes and possessions and money, but they can't take away,the one thing that they seem to lack- the human spirit.In times of extreme adversary, it has always risen up to demonstrate that it is capable of almost God like actions,in particular, in times like the present where it is so painfully obvious that a gross injustice is being done to us. Humans do not abide injustice.

The really top of the tree Elite ( not the puppets underneath ) are extremely clever, but this time they are up against us, no longer divided and ruled as we have been for so long, but united as one , because this time they have gone way  too far , and because of this we are a formidable unstoppable vortex.

Mike Selley.

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