Sunday, March 31, 2013

Get Off Your Ego- Cross.

In an earlier post I suggested that the Easter story of Christ on the cross, could be interpreted as the death of the ego, and the rebirth of your true self.You though, are not re-born, as you were never born in the first place.As you were never born, you cannot die, as birth and death walk hand in hand; you can't have one without the other.You are eternal.

" You never change things by fighting the existing reality.To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."
Buckminster Fuller.

Everyone there is really is you. Under the disguise, beneath the costume ( you body ) is the same essence that is you in everybody.You have come of age; we have come of age; we have the key to the door; we only have to turn it in the lock and it will swing wide open.

" While it may look as though we're disconnected from one another and the rest of the world, that detachment doesn't exist on the plane where the hologram originates- on this level of reality there really can be no such ' things' as ' here ' and  ' there '."
Gregg Braden, " The Divine Matrix."

Each one of us is alone, and yet as one with everyone and everything. Look at the mirror you call the outside world, and be in it, but not of it.It is you who are creating your life dramas, as hard as this is to accept.It is no different to the stories you create everynight when you are asleep in you eyes-shut dream.In your eye-open dream you live in a collective dream. For an in-depth look at this, I suggest you check out the chapters from my book, called' How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream" which is free to read on this blog.

Lay your ego down. Get off your ego-cross you are nailed to. Roll away the ego-stone that has kept you in that dark cave for so long. Read my ," Change Your Perception " posts on this blog for exercises to help you do this .

Stop the non stop, never ceasing chatter and thinking in your head.It is claimed that we have 6000 thoughts every day !With 6000 thoughts a day, you don't stand a chance of being enlightened. The ego, thinking and time are the three major stumbling blocks preventing the true self from being aware of itself.

There is no distant shore to go to. That shore is here, wherever you are.

Everyday practise not thinking and observing yourself in all your daily activities, like a member of an audience would watch a play. Unlike a member of an audience though, you should not let the play ' stain' you in any way. If you do, you create new drama, or karma.You must be a detached, disinterested observer.

Realize with clarity that this life is only a dream as this takes away its power over you.

In theory, if you get off your ego-cross, stop incessant thoughts, jump off the time track, and accept that it's all illusion, you are free.A good theory, yes, but it must be put into practise.

We all have a cross to bear, and that cross is none other than what we think of as ourself- our ego. It's high time we stopped believing in this illusion, and collectively move forward to the next stage in this fantastic adventure consciousness is having.

Get off your ego-cross-
and be free....

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