Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Wrong And Blinding Road.

Almost every country in the world is now walking up it; the wrong and blinding road. This road is beset with potholes, sinkholes , boulders and rocks and stones. The walkers keep stumbling, while the blinding flashes of lightning send them running for cover, but there is nowhere to hide.

People are starving on the road; you see countless beggars sitting with that beaten, defeated look in their sad, confused eyes.Children are wearing old, and unwashed clothes; they are hungry ; they go to school and ask teachers for food. Welcome to the E,U.

The sick can't afford medicines or good food and are dying.Suicides are a daily occurrence on a mass scale.

On each side of the road ,shops that once did thriving business are now boarded up.Some walkers are a lot more awake than others, but the majority shrug their shoulders and say, ' What can we do ?' over and over again.It's an expression I hear all the time in Greece,

A lot have weird zombie-like expressions , and a look that says , ' I give up.'

Big Pharma is delighted as sales of their anti- depressants are through the roof.Cheap booze sales are booming, as people try to block out the harsh conditions of this awful road.
Thieves are out in force ready to murder for their next meal.
The old and the vulnerable shake with fear behind closed doors, terrified of being robbed in their homes.They have heard so many horror stories of break-ins; of their friends being beaten and injured or murdered.

Then you get the ones on the edge, waiting for the day they get the sack from their jobs.The ones who hear rumours every day of how soon it will be before the chopper chops down on them.

The wrong and blinding road that was paved by the architects of the New World order.

In the modern world ,Greece has been picked on as the one with the worst road. If the Elite think  the Greeks can be forced to walk up this road, then the rest of the world will be made to follow suit.

The Greeks are considered difficult and rebellious ( see my post on that mega war- criminal Kissinger for further details ) and that is why they have been chosen for a dose of strong poison. If the Elite break the Greeks, so the reasoning goes, then they can break the rest

The next few months should, as the Chinese say, be interesting times, especially as more and more people are realizing that the journey down this road is a complete waste of time.

The slow dawn of truth is getting brighter every day, as more and more realize that the road is, in fact a dead end.

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