Sunday, March 10, 2013

What The Dying Regret.

Bonnie Ware wrote a book called' The Five Regrets Of Dying'.What these regrets are should make us all sit up and think.Death will come to everyone of us one day; it could be anytime ; it could be in the next minute, today, next week or month or in 6o years time, but as sure as the sun sets each night, our own little lives will one day set just like the sun and be no more.At least , not until the sun rises after the night and we are re-born.

Here are the 5 regrets.

1. I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself , not  the life that others expected of me.

How many of us can relate to that ? A hell of a lot I would guess.

2. I wish I hadn't worked so hard.

For those still having a job, the majority have to work far harder than their parents did.I couldn't believe it when I read that in the U.K. a high percentage of office workers don't take a lunch break, but eat a snack at their desk while working.I remember enjoying pub lunches,  as a lot of other people did  way back when. Nowadays though, I understand that this is a complete no, no.We got the work  done, and you can bet that the workers were a happier lot than they are now.

3.I wish I had the courage to express my feelings.

We are so conditioned to obey, to keep our heads down ,believe that we are not important and play the game that we don't like, that we don't think that we have the right to express our feelings.

The secret to expressing your feelings is to get into the habit of doing this. Once you've done it a few times, it becomes easier.

4. I wish I'd kept in touch with my friends.

I am sure most of us feel that way.The popularity of sites like 'Friends United' show this to be true.Once you get involved in your own little ego scripts and dramas or move to different areas, or abroad, it is so easy to lose contact with even very close friends.

I often imagine what life was like in the mid 1800's in an English village.I am a great fan of Thomas Hardy . He is most famous for' Tess Of The D'urbervilles', but I think that everything he wrote was just as good .Hardy paints with a truly fine brush, a beautiful picture of people being born in a village, who then live all their lives in the same area.The friends they had as children remain with them all their lives.

5. I wish that I'd let myself be happier.The dying, suddenly realize, too late, that they had a choice between unhappiness and happiness, and they had made the wrong choice and had chosen to be unhappy all their lives; what a waste !

It's interesting to note that when faced with the end of the road- death, that people start getting ' real ' values that they never had when they were not facing the end of their existence.Perhaps they were too busy watching  'Eastenders ' and worrying about how to pay the rent next month.

Let these five regrets be a lesson and a warning to us all, so we don't, when dying, have these regrets.

Live your life true to yourself, and not how others want you to live.
Don't work so hard, no matter what people say.
Express your feelings. Sure, some people won't like it, but it's your life you are living and you have the right to say how you feel.

And the' cruncher'
Make the right choice.
Be happy !

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