Saturday, March 16, 2013

Where's The Compassion ?

Seeing the video on this blog, somewhere under this post called," Power cuts a daily reality in Greece" by Daily Motion , about people having their electricity cut off because of non-payment of the bill, raised one question in my mind: where's the compassion ?

The workers at DEH ( the Greek Ekectricity Company) are human and yet they are acting without any feelings for their fellow kind.Knowing that they are depriving their customers, who have , after all been loyal cxustomers often for many years because they have no choice, of light and warmth and hot water and possibly hot food. This is not a compassionate act.You could say that this is not a natural human act.

I know the argument; this is the law laid down by the psychopathic Elite and these employees are only doing their duty. If they didn't , they might be sacked and who would want that in todays awful job market.

Well, it doesn't wash. In the film, most of the ones who who were interviewed had offered to pay DHE in installments and this was in every case , refused. Why ? As the company would get the money, albeit, not immediately, but over a matter of months, I fail too see why such cruel hardship has to be inflicted on so many.

I am sure some bully mentally, power hungry,tellings others what to do types get a kick out of having the power to ruin people's lives. Such types exist in both private and public monstrosities. 4 in every hundred people is said to be  a psychopath or 4%. of the population.

But the others who work there ? Some are probably too scared to bend any rules; others, no doubt, don't even think about the consequences of their action and are doing their work like robots, as robots it is they have become.

Of course, everyone has  because everyone has gone through the absurdly called Education System which should really be called the De- Education System, because that is what it does; it smothers your natural instinctive feelings About 12 years of learning to obey without question , and then possibly a year in the Army and time at college  anyone is perfectly suitable to carry out any government or corporations dirty work, as they have been trained and conditioned not to have any independent thought.

In a sane world, which this one certainly isn't,any directive from a high-up would not be carried out if it was considered inhuman and yes, insane.

The trouble is , we live in a world that is going further and farther away from any pretence of common sense or compassion.Sometimes I think that we are living in   and on an asylum planet.

There are some wonderful people worldwide who have sacrificied their time and energy to help the less fortunate ones; such types restore one's faith in humanity's essential goodness and compassion for each other.These people though are, sadly, few and far between.

I suppose the robots and the ," Yes sir, we'll do anything for you sir'" types will only stop being blindly obedient when their own petty ,little worlds are threatened by the very ones they so devoutely serve.

Though, sometimes I wonder. Maybe they are a lost cause and they have been so thoroughly immersed in the sick system for so long that even when it causes hardship and suffering to themselves, they will still bow their heads and do their duty, regardless of the fact that their lives are being ruined.

Remember the second world war. It was ordinary soldiers who blindly carried out atrocities without question .

Remember also the Nuremberg Trials when those ordinary soldiers were put to death for carrying out orders that were inhuman.

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