Sunday, March 31, 2013

Nailed To Your Cross.

Easter has not arrived in Greece yet, but in many countries Easter is celebrated this weekend. I have always thought that the Christian message at Easter of Christ on the cross,could be interpreted as symbolic of the death of the ego,and re- birth of the true self.Not really re-birth, because your true self has never been born,and without birth there is no death.Your true self always is.

Many claim that the Earth is changing its energy field,and that this year could be the time when a lot of people become more aware.If this is true,it must surely mean that any effort,or should I say, effortless effort,we apply,stands a better chance of being successful.

If our consciousness is suddenly taking a leap forward in these times,it would be a good idea to align ourselves with this new shift.

Whatever your religious beliefs, why not use the Easter period to meditate on the image of a body on a cross with nails in its hands and feet?

Can't you see the connection of how the ego nails you down,so you cannot experience a wider fuller state of awareness?

The hands, which can symbolize the active, creative part of the self are nailed to wood. The nails being hard and painful,are keeping the active, creative aspect,firmly held down. The wooden cross can represent the circle of life, and its endless seasons.

It is on this circle of life where our egos are stuck .

The feet represent the ability of the self to move ,to change,to explore, to discover.The nails, though, prevent them from moving.

Is this the golden time in our history when we,as a species, collectively break through the nails that have held us back,and hindered us for Centuries?

If enough people can break free from the cross we all carry, a new consciousness with a far greater awareness will emerge on this Planet.

If we don't do this,the unconsciousness,the ignorance that we are still in, will only lead to more darkness,more ignorance and more suffering.No sane person wants that.

At this time of year,with the Spring showing off its new shoots,and the World coming out of its long dark Winter. you too can celebrate with Nature,and emerge from your long dark Winter.Release yourself from the wooden structure of the ego,and realize, once and for all,that your mind is not you,and your ego is not you.

You are far greater than either of these two deceivers.

I know the mind can be a truly remarkable instrument if used correctly,but we don't use it the way we should.It is like we have a very powerful generator of energy,and we only ever use it to light one tiny light bulb.What a waste!

Embrace your true self, the one you are unaware of,the one hiding behind your mind and your ego.This true self, that is longing ,each moment of your life, to be recognized , so you can be how you are meant to be- happy.Letting the ego control your life only leads to suffering in one form or another,so let it go, for good.

We are all nailed to our crosses,but the good news is we don't have to be;there is a better way to live.

For further information and practical exercises on how to achieve this,I invite you to read ,for free, on this blog, my book- How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream.New chapters are uploaded on a regular basis. Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

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