Friday, August 9, 2013

Change Your perception ( 15 ) .

We are, after all, only babies still sucking at our mother's breast. We are still on planet Earth, feeding of her .Being babies we think and act like them. We have got a long way to go before we grow up.

When we are older we will leave  our mother Earth, and seek out fresh pastures.That day has not yet come.
At the moment we are still very, very young.

For humanity to grow up collectively, unlike what happens to us individually here, whereas we are born without egos, but acquire them later i n the grand scheme of things,the opposite happens.
We have an ego now as humans, as we suck at our mother's breast-the Earth- but have to lose it to  enable us to get mature and to grow.

Some people think that if we abandon self then everyone would all be the same.
Well, we would, but at the same time we would be different.
The late , great D.T.Suzuki, a Zen Master was enlightened as was the Buddha. Although they still had the same essence, I am sure they were still very different. The oak tree in your garden is similar, but still different to the one in your neighbour's garden.
We would not, if we lose our egos , become clones.
Infinite consciousness celebrates its differences: look at the abundant life forms who are looking at life through different perspectives.

Have you ever wondered why we don't accept sickness, disease, suffering and death?
Simply because we know deep down  that these things are not meant for us. We are meant to be happy, living a life of joy, but we have lost our way badly.

If we don't change, then the Earth (a living highly intelligent being) will probably shake us off her and let another species take our place.

We are truly on the edge. Either the ego World continues and its destiny will only lead to utter destruction. We have seen too well the fruits of ego control in the form of mass starvation .untold suffering, and that most absurd evil monster,war.

Wars have to stop. As Einstein said he didn't know what weapons would be used in the third world war, but in the fourth, it would be sticks.
Wars are only fought for greed, so a few sick lunatics can get more and more .Blood for oil.
We are fools to let this happen. But, then again, can we lash ourselves for this, when we have been constantly brainwashed to accept war as being normal;  to accept injustice on a massive scale and situations that are evil as part of the human condition?
How on Earth can we accept brother killing brother whether black, white, brown or yellow?
We allow whole countries of starving people, so a few can get richer and richer.

What the mainstream media will never tell you is that :"today's World has all the physical resources and technical skills necessary to feed the present population of the planet or a much larger one".
"It is the rich who consume at least half of the World's food supply in the most wasteful possible manner"
This is  from How The Other Half Dies,by Susan George, Penguin books.
In the same book Professor Roger Revelle argues that we could support a population of 40 to 50 billion people  .(page 45 of said book)
I doubt if the Professor or Susan George have ever been invited to the B.B.C.
This cannot continue.
The signs are that the ego constructs are starting to fall. The people in ever larger numbers, thanks mainly to the Internet, are, at long last, waking from their slumber, to the awful truth, that has been hidden from us for so long, that a  small number of families are milking us, and using every trick in the book.

The whole system is in free fall. Everywhere across the globe you see riots, demonstrations ,marches , sit-ins, occupy this  ,  occupy that movements that are spreading like wild fire.
Those who are aware and awake know that the whole system stinks.

Non-violence is the key.
As the Buddha said; "Conquer the angry man by love".

Our very sick rulers have controlled us through fear, punishment or violence. They have used us to better themselves. They have made us turn against each other for their own gain.

The know exactly how the ego works; exactly what buttons to push to bring the worst out in us, to make us hate and kill.
These people (are they really people?)  have no compassion at all, and probably don't really know what it is. They have no love apart from self-love.

As I wrote earlier, maybe they really are a different species.

Compassion though is our weapon.
"Friendship is the only cure for hatred.the only guarantee of peace".The Buddha.

Peace is our sword and love our shield.
With these the World will be transformed.

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