The final act is now about to be acted out.Everyone who has performed in the play has to appear, and that is why there are so many of us now.
All the people who have ever lived in this particular Cosmic Game, who have been vibrating on this frequency that we call planet Earth, have returned.
Round and round we have all been going:; jumping on the ride and jumping off, jumping on and jumping off; over and over again.
We are now all gathered to find out'who done it', to partake in the grand finale.
We all know what happens at the end of the play. We know the script by heart, but we chose to forget.Or- were we made to forget ?
The time has come though, we know deep down ,for all to be revealed, for the reasons for these shadows of joy and despair, with all the notes on the myriad octaves in between, being played out., in our life after life, after life.
The black notes and the white notes have been playing non-stop.The minor key and the major key keep changing with the quavers and the semi-quavers supplying the subtle nuances, accompanied by the unexpected change of beat, or the beat of change, that just goes on in all our lives.
One moment, such a celebration of life; the carefree abandon of the illusion; a glimpse of what makes the shadows appear so real.
The moment the sunbeam falls with unconditional love upon the mundane table in your room.You stare transfixed- just for a second, and you've got it, and you're gone, then its gone.
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds ?
No. You, here and now.
That look on her face when she looks at you. That look you store in your minds photo' album to return to, for comfort, for hope.Is she your mama, or Virgin Mary, or your soulmate, or don't you really know.?
But you know she is there.
Alone by the seasisde with the sun in your hair:the sea, the sky and you make such a perfect pair..A feeling of oneness with everything, lasts one second , and then you're alone again, missing something; missing a dream you once did dream; Missing that elusive, wondrous thing.
The glimpse of a face that you know and love, but you think you have never met before, staring at you and only you, through a crowd .There is the head where you place the crown, there is my smile, instead of my frown,this is the one from way back when--- oh, imagination , you are leaping, you are spinning. out of control again..
The space between the shadow and the maker of the shadow.You caught it, you were it, for a moment-less moment.But it goes, and its back to holding on to the formed image you believe is you.Like a child you cling onto the elephants neck as it spins round and round. on this roundabout.
The dance of no restrictions, no rules, no laws.The Dance that is The Dance, and you have danced it.Yes you have.Some a few times, some hardly ever and a few all the time.
How often do we dance this ?Hardly ever we cry.When we have we know that we are.; that the whole script of life for once makes sense.Most of the time though, none of it makes any sense at all.
The raised voices, the trembling lips, the deep crimson hurt you feel blazing through your heart.Why, why, why ?
Why me ? Why him ? Why her ?
Why is life so cruel ?
Yet life can be so breathtakingly, wondrously, magical when all the beauty, all the dream stuff you dream, is surpassed by what is happening.This illusion becomes mountains above the
fantasy.; the daydreams that you love.
A peak against a valley.
At long last we will name and capture the villian; the stealer of our dreams; the robber of our youth; the accuser before our imagined God.
The answers to the eternal questions will be given to us.Bit by bit the secrets of eternity, the spirit of the Rose will seep into the consciousness of the few.
The roundabout has spun for so long with us weaving our webs on and on, seeing the same old faces, life after life; singing the same old songs in a slightly different key.Still doing the same old things, saying the tired worn-out phrases.
Hoping, wanting, laughing, crying, half asleep, till you 'die'.
What a strange set-up !
The roundabout is stopping.
The dark, red ,plush curtains are slowly drawing back.
The orchestra strikes up.
The time has come.
The stage is packed with us all.Us, old, old friends, who have been through so much together.
And some will be very troubled when the truth is out, and then an acceptance, an understanding of a love and a peace that was, but is not now, beyond our understanding.
Hi,Thanks for visiting my blog. This blog is ,as it says , an oddblog, so as a description all I can say is that this isn't your everyday blog.It might shock or even make people think it's not true.Good, I hope I do make someone think.Above all, I hope you are entertained, at the least. by this oddblog.Scroll down for the posts.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Awake T.V. Is For You And Me.
If you go to you tube,click on Mike Selley songs, and then look at the top right hand corner of the screen, you will see the name Ashvill1983.Next to this is an icon. If you click on this ,you will find Awake tv.Or straight link
It's chock- a - block , filled right up with videos to help you in every way.
The Elite are filling us up with non-stop negativity, but this is the way to beat them. You can't fight them. They are experts at that, and that's exactly what they want you to do.The Elite are trying to make you feel and think in a certain kind of way, but if you refuse to play their game they have no game to play. If you think in a loving, positive way, you are out of their frame. Awake T.V. helps you escape their matrix of insanity.
Going out on the street throwing bricks at police hasn't solved the problem has it ?
So why keep doing it ?
That old adage.' Doing the same things over and over again and expecting diiferent results is a definition of insanity. ' And that is what people are doing.
When I told some people the other day that , if demonstrators simply sat down and chanted the word'Love', they looked at me as if I was really niave and living in a sort of old -fashioned childrens book. I found that rather sad.
The police dressed as terminators would look ridiculous, and there would be no riot. In fact I doubt if the media would want to show this, as it is not what the powers that be want.
They want violence, as that is how they survive.They want conflict, and the worse the conflict the better.
They even plant police, dressed as demonstrators, to start the trouble. How sick is that?
They love to ferment hate.
So let us embrace love. Then they are lost as it's something they do not understand.
We have to forget the hate we feel for the governments and the banks.We have to tune into a higher frequency, and if enough people do this, this sick, sick system will collapse. Game over.
To help us do this my son, James Selley has created this marvellous channel on you tube.
Let's hear what he has to say about this.
Me: " What gave you the idea of starting AwakeT.V. ?"
James:" The fact that you watch news on the T.V. and all you hear is bad news, negativity, poverty, war, crises and rich people and how stupid they are.You never see any good news.You never hear about alternative ways to live. You don't feel good after watching the news. You feel that this World is a World of evil corporations, and crisis after crises.
There must be an opposite to this. So I decided to give people only positive stuff, instead of all the negative stuff that is rammed down our throats."
Me:" Why is it called Awake T.V. ?"
James: " Because I found it a catchy title, and I believe all great truths are telling us to wake up .In fact the words' wake up' can be found written in English, in towns and villages, even in the wilds of the country , all over Greece."..
However, I want to emphasise that it is not just about waking up. It is a gathering of everything that is optimistic and positive around the World.
It could be beautiful views, beautiful music.Anything that is positive to counter the awful negativity that is smothering us. all.
It has videos of everyone from Ekhart Tolle to Jim Carey, plus interviews with people who have positive things to say. It includes extraordinary facts about our planet and technology that could be used in a positive way to help us all.
I hope that it reminds people of what a beautiful planet we live on.We forget about how incredibly valuable this planet is. I have included videos of happy people laughing full of the joy of life: movie trailers of films that make people think.
.It will have no anger whatsoever.
Me:" So you have hope in Mankinds future ?"
James: "There is no other way, is there ?"
Do check it out. I think it's just what we all need right now.
It's chock- a - block , filled right up with videos to help you in every way.
The Elite are filling us up with non-stop negativity, but this is the way to beat them. You can't fight them. They are experts at that, and that's exactly what they want you to do.The Elite are trying to make you feel and think in a certain kind of way, but if you refuse to play their game they have no game to play. If you think in a loving, positive way, you are out of their frame. Awake T.V. helps you escape their matrix of insanity.
Going out on the street throwing bricks at police hasn't solved the problem has it ?
So why keep doing it ?
That old adage.' Doing the same things over and over again and expecting diiferent results is a definition of insanity. ' And that is what people are doing.
When I told some people the other day that , if demonstrators simply sat down and chanted the word'Love', they looked at me as if I was really niave and living in a sort of old -fashioned childrens book. I found that rather sad.
The police dressed as terminators would look ridiculous, and there would be no riot. In fact I doubt if the media would want to show this, as it is not what the powers that be want.
They want violence, as that is how they survive.They want conflict, and the worse the conflict the better.
They even plant police, dressed as demonstrators, to start the trouble. How sick is that?
They love to ferment hate.
So let us embrace love. Then they are lost as it's something they do not understand.
We have to forget the hate we feel for the governments and the banks.We have to tune into a higher frequency, and if enough people do this, this sick, sick system will collapse. Game over.
To help us do this my son, James Selley has created this marvellous channel on you tube.
Let's hear what he has to say about this.
Me: " What gave you the idea of starting AwakeT.V. ?"
James:" The fact that you watch news on the T.V. and all you hear is bad news, negativity, poverty, war, crises and rich people and how stupid they are.You never see any good news.You never hear about alternative ways to live. You don't feel good after watching the news. You feel that this World is a World of evil corporations, and crisis after crises.
There must be an opposite to this. So I decided to give people only positive stuff, instead of all the negative stuff that is rammed down our throats."
Me:" Why is it called Awake T.V. ?"
James: " Because I found it a catchy title, and I believe all great truths are telling us to wake up .In fact the words' wake up' can be found written in English, in towns and villages, even in the wilds of the country , all over Greece."..
However, I want to emphasise that it is not just about waking up. It is a gathering of everything that is optimistic and positive around the World.
It could be beautiful views, beautiful music.Anything that is positive to counter the awful negativity that is smothering us. all.
It has videos of everyone from Ekhart Tolle to Jim Carey, plus interviews with people who have positive things to say. It includes extraordinary facts about our planet and technology that could be used in a positive way to help us all.
I hope that it reminds people of what a beautiful planet we live on.We forget about how incredibly valuable this planet is. I have included videos of happy people laughing full of the joy of life: movie trailers of films that make people think.
.It will have no anger whatsoever.
Me:" So you have hope in Mankinds future ?"
James: "There is no other way, is there ?"
Do check it out. I think it's just what we all need right now.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Who Killed Cocky Robin Cook- Final Part.
To recap.
The story so far :
1. British Foreign Secreatary, Cocky Robin Cook criticises God's chosen people, Israel.
2.Condemns the war on Iraq.
3.Writes article exposing Bin Laden as an agent of the U.S.A. when Russia was in Afghanistan.
4. States, in this article, that Al-Quada was the data base of foreign agents ( the Taliban ) working for the U.S.A.
5. A few weeks later goes up a remote mountain, without a mobile phone,and falls off it and dies of a heart attack.
6.Mystery man, in this deserted area, suddenly appears from nowhere which, according to a local, was truly amazing, as the place is usually almost totally deserted.
7 This mystery man arranges air- rescue of Robin Cook
8.This good samaritan refuses to give his name or to have his photo taken.I presume this is true as no photos have ever been seen of this guy.
9. Cook's wife refuses to accompany her injured, and possibly dying husband in the air-rescue helicopter..
!0. He died in the most dangerous part of this area.
11.Near to where he died is an omnidirectional Radio Antenna; this can receive or transmit radio signals.
12." Man is a living radio transmitter and there is no reason why this should not be disrupted and interefered with by other fields outside the body at roughly the same frequency." This is the opinion of two esteemed scientists 30 years ago.In other words this could have been used to kill him, possibly..
13. Rumours claim that Gaynor, Cook's second wife, used to work for the British Secret Service and was keeping a close eye on him.
14. Another rumour claimed that he was investigating whether the secret service had plans to kill Gaddafi. If he had found this to be true, it would have shown the government in a very bad light.Being Cocky Robin Cook he would have told the press.
15. The land where Cook died is owned by the Duke Of Westminster- a man who took a keen interest in the Iraq war, and is a high -up in the army.
16. Prime Minister Tony Blair, did not attend the funeral of Robin Cook. He attended a memorial at a later date.
Guilt ?
Yes, I did think so for a micro- second, but then I remembered him at the Chilcott inquiry, and realised that Blair has no concept of guilt. It's not in his DNA.
Robin Cook was 59 years old when he died or killed.He is meant to have died of a heart attack.
Not one newspaper article or any website made any mention of Cook ever having had health problems at all before the fateful day.
In view of this I was very surprised to read on State University .Com. at the end of Cook's biography, which , by the way, makes no mention of any health issues at all, this statement:
" It is quite clear that Mr. Cook was suffering from advanced heart disease, and that the fatal heart attack was brought on by the physical exertion in climbing Ben Stack."
Did some pen- pusher at the British Secret Service write this ?
I would like to know why it is' quite clear'.I would also love to know who wrote this, as no name is given as to the author.A liitle strange that.
The whole tone of it reeks of government or newspeak.
Plodding through almost everything I could find about Robin Cook, including most of the obituaries, not once is it mentioned that he suffered from ill health or had heart problems.
His first wife did accuse him of being a heavy drinker, problem drinker or alcoholic, depending on which newspaper you read.
Remember though that Cocky Robin had an affair while he was married to his first wife and as; "Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned " perhaps such remarks shouldn't be taken too seriously. .
Would an alcoholic be such a brilliant debater ?
Could a soak have displayed such oratory skills ? I don't think so.
Perhaps he just liked a drink like most British or Scottish people do.
According to the obituaries, Cook rode at every opportunity, he enjoyed deer watching, and this is the cruncher, he was an experienced, very keen mountain walker.
If he was very used to climbing mountains, why did climbing that one in Scotland give him a heart attack ?
If he had never climbed a mountain before, and he was not used to physical exercise, maybe it would have triggered his death.But he was used to physical activity, and seemed to have done a lot of it.
So who killed Cocky Robin ?
I am not a 100 per cent sure obviously, but I do think that the whole affair is very mysterious , and certainly leaves a lot of questions that have not, to my mind, been answered.In other words , the whole thing looks suspicious.
On the other hand, it would be hilarious in a sick way, if this whole conspiracy thing is a lot of nonsense.
Husbands and wives can have really bad rows sometimes!
Somehow though, I think it more likely that secret organizations, who, of course, are above the law, were involved in this.
Another casualty of war, like Dr. Kelly.
I don't think your cock sparrow killed Cocky Robin. An Eagle, a Lion,and a Canaan dog maybe ?
Perhaps in 60 years time the truth will come to light. In the U.K. if anything might be really damaging to the government, they keep it under wraps for almost a generation, as the people involved in such atrocities will probably all be dead by then.
It's sad to think that some people really still do believe we live in a democracy. I wonder what, if anything , would wake them up from their deep slumber.
The story so far :
1. British Foreign Secreatary, Cocky Robin Cook criticises God's chosen people, Israel.
2.Condemns the war on Iraq.
3.Writes article exposing Bin Laden as an agent of the U.S.A. when Russia was in Afghanistan.
4. States, in this article, that Al-Quada was the data base of foreign agents ( the Taliban ) working for the U.S.A.
5. A few weeks later goes up a remote mountain, without a mobile phone,and falls off it and dies of a heart attack.
6.Mystery man, in this deserted area, suddenly appears from nowhere which, according to a local, was truly amazing, as the place is usually almost totally deserted.
7 This mystery man arranges air- rescue of Robin Cook
8.This good samaritan refuses to give his name or to have his photo taken.I presume this is true as no photos have ever been seen of this guy.
9. Cook's wife refuses to accompany her injured, and possibly dying husband in the air-rescue helicopter..
!0. He died in the most dangerous part of this area.
11.Near to where he died is an omnidirectional Radio Antenna; this can receive or transmit radio signals.
12." Man is a living radio transmitter and there is no reason why this should not be disrupted and interefered with by other fields outside the body at roughly the same frequency." This is the opinion of two esteemed scientists 30 years ago.In other words this could have been used to kill him, possibly..
13. Rumours claim that Gaynor, Cook's second wife, used to work for the British Secret Service and was keeping a close eye on him.
14. Another rumour claimed that he was investigating whether the secret service had plans to kill Gaddafi. If he had found this to be true, it would have shown the government in a very bad light.Being Cocky Robin Cook he would have told the press.
15. The land where Cook died is owned by the Duke Of Westminster- a man who took a keen interest in the Iraq war, and is a high -up in the army.
16. Prime Minister Tony Blair, did not attend the funeral of Robin Cook. He attended a memorial at a later date.
Guilt ?
Yes, I did think so for a micro- second, but then I remembered him at the Chilcott inquiry, and realised that Blair has no concept of guilt. It's not in his DNA.
Robin Cook was 59 years old when he died or killed.He is meant to have died of a heart attack.
Not one newspaper article or any website made any mention of Cook ever having had health problems at all before the fateful day.
In view of this I was very surprised to read on State University .Com. at the end of Cook's biography, which , by the way, makes no mention of any health issues at all, this statement:
" It is quite clear that Mr. Cook was suffering from advanced heart disease, and that the fatal heart attack was brought on by the physical exertion in climbing Ben Stack."
Did some pen- pusher at the British Secret Service write this ?
I would like to know why it is' quite clear'.I would also love to know who wrote this, as no name is given as to the author.A liitle strange that.
The whole tone of it reeks of government or newspeak.
Plodding through almost everything I could find about Robin Cook, including most of the obituaries, not once is it mentioned that he suffered from ill health or had heart problems.
His first wife did accuse him of being a heavy drinker, problem drinker or alcoholic, depending on which newspaper you read.
Remember though that Cocky Robin had an affair while he was married to his first wife and as; "Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned " perhaps such remarks shouldn't be taken too seriously. .
Would an alcoholic be such a brilliant debater ?
Could a soak have displayed such oratory skills ? I don't think so.
Perhaps he just liked a drink like most British or Scottish people do.
According to the obituaries, Cook rode at every opportunity, he enjoyed deer watching, and this is the cruncher, he was an experienced, very keen mountain walker.
If he was very used to climbing mountains, why did climbing that one in Scotland give him a heart attack ?
If he had never climbed a mountain before, and he was not used to physical exercise, maybe it would have triggered his death.But he was used to physical activity, and seemed to have done a lot of it.
So who killed Cocky Robin ?
I am not a 100 per cent sure obviously, but I do think that the whole affair is very mysterious , and certainly leaves a lot of questions that have not, to my mind, been answered.In other words , the whole thing looks suspicious.
On the other hand, it would be hilarious in a sick way, if this whole conspiracy thing is a lot of nonsense.
Husbands and wives can have really bad rows sometimes!
Somehow though, I think it more likely that secret organizations, who, of course, are above the law, were involved in this.
Another casualty of war, like Dr. Kelly.
I don't think your cock sparrow killed Cocky Robin. An Eagle, a Lion,and a Canaan dog maybe ?
Perhaps in 60 years time the truth will come to light. In the U.K. if anything might be really damaging to the government, they keep it under wraps for almost a generation, as the people involved in such atrocities will probably all be dead by then.
It's sad to think that some people really still do believe we live in a democracy. I wonder what, if anything , would wake them up from their deep slumber.
Awake T.V Is Here !
Everyday we are bombarded with bad news, negative vibrations non-stop. An incessant shower of ice cold water thrown at us everyday to keep us in a low vibrational place, to keep us locked in this cage of fear.
Watch the news and you will hear the low frequency words, accompanied by pictures of destruction, carnage and suffering.Everywhere you go you feel this fog of disquiet, this mist of unease, the symptoms of a diseased planet.
After watching the news on T.V. you don't feel good, do you ? A funny feeling of agitation, slight aggression even; somehow you don't feel right. So strange to hear all those well spoken voices talk of such horrors in such calm voices.It almost seems unreal, which of course it is.
Imagine a T.V. channel that never shows bad news, but only churns out uplifting, positive- plus programmes that make you feel good.
Well, it's arrived! Or rather, the nearest thing to it !
A channel to counter the off -key dirge that is like sulfur from an ever erupting volcano.
A channel that lifts you up; makes you actually feel good about yourself, your life, your family , your future and the future of mankind.
A channel that has no negative stuff at all , but only good, positive words and pictures.
It is awesome!
It is revolutionary !
As far as I know it has never been done before.
A channel that has videos from:
Ekhart Tolle
John Lennon
Bob Marley
Alan W. Watts
Jim Carey
Dalai Lama
Bill Hicks
John Lennon
The Beatles
David Icke
Rowan AtkinsonSteiner
Celtic Music
Reiki Healing and this is just to name a few. There are hundreds of videos.
There are videos of uplifting songs, inspirational words, beautiful scenic views of our wonderful planet. Videos of dancing, flute playing, films of stunning views of other planets and outer space, and more.
The only golden rule is that there is no negativity at all. Every single video has been carefully chosen for its positive take on life.
It is exactly what the World is crying out for now.
You click on the first video, sit back and relax, and it automatically goes on to play the second video, then on to the third video and so on. Think how this will effect you as you are given positive vibes all the time ?
You can have it on as background ,filling your mind with positive thoughts, as you do your chores, without having to keep clicking your mouse as it plays for hours and hours.There are over 200 hours of videos.
Or, if you have people over for the evening, you can have it on , in the background, filling your room and your hearts with uplifting, positive feelings
Do check it out on or You Tube.
It is Ashvill's new channel and it is called: Awake T.V.
Fly above the negative dark thunder clouds , and soar through the beautiful sky.This channel will show you how to do this.
It really is a gale of fresh air !
Postcript.I understand that some people are having trouble finding Awake T.V. This is probably because it is so new.However, it can be found if you go to You Tube and write Mike Selley Songs. When the page appears of my songs, look at the top right -hand corner. Here you will see the name Ashville, and next to this is an icon. Simply click on this icon and you will find Awake T.V.
Watch the news and you will hear the low frequency words, accompanied by pictures of destruction, carnage and suffering.Everywhere you go you feel this fog of disquiet, this mist of unease, the symptoms of a diseased planet.
After watching the news on T.V. you don't feel good, do you ? A funny feeling of agitation, slight aggression even; somehow you don't feel right. So strange to hear all those well spoken voices talk of such horrors in such calm voices.It almost seems unreal, which of course it is.
Imagine a T.V. channel that never shows bad news, but only churns out uplifting, positive- plus programmes that make you feel good.
Well, it's arrived! Or rather, the nearest thing to it !
A channel to counter the off -key dirge that is like sulfur from an ever erupting volcano.
A channel that lifts you up; makes you actually feel good about yourself, your life, your family , your future and the future of mankind.
A channel that has no negative stuff at all , but only good, positive words and pictures.
It is awesome!
It is revolutionary !
As far as I know it has never been done before.
A channel that has videos from:
Ekhart Tolle
John Lennon
Bob Marley
Alan W. Watts
Jim Carey
Dalai Lama
Bill Hicks
John Lennon
The Beatles
David Icke
Rowan AtkinsonSteiner
Celtic Music
Reiki Healing and this is just to name a few. There are hundreds of videos.
There are videos of uplifting songs, inspirational words, beautiful scenic views of our wonderful planet. Videos of dancing, flute playing, films of stunning views of other planets and outer space, and more.
The only golden rule is that there is no negativity at all. Every single video has been carefully chosen for its positive take on life.
It is exactly what the World is crying out for now.
You click on the first video, sit back and relax, and it automatically goes on to play the second video, then on to the third video and so on. Think how this will effect you as you are given positive vibes all the time ?
You can have it on as background ,filling your mind with positive thoughts, as you do your chores, without having to keep clicking your mouse as it plays for hours and hours.There are over 200 hours of videos.
Or, if you have people over for the evening, you can have it on , in the background, filling your room and your hearts with uplifting, positive feelings
Do check it out on or You Tube.
It is Ashvill's new channel and it is called: Awake T.V.
Fly above the negative dark thunder clouds , and soar through the beautiful sky.This channel will show you how to do this.
It really is a gale of fresh air !
Postcript.I understand that some people are having trouble finding Awake T.V. This is probably because it is so new.However, it can be found if you go to You Tube and write Mike Selley Songs. When the page appears of my songs, look at the top right -hand corner. Here you will see the name Ashville, and next to this is an icon. Simply click on this icon and you will find Awake T.V.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Quotes For Out Time.
Douglass Adams.
2." In obedience there is always fear, and fear darkens the mind.".
3." The tongue like a sharp knife- kills without drawing blood."
The Buddha.
4".One is left with a horrible feeling that war settles nothing, that to win a war is as disastrous as to lose one."
Agatha Christie.
5." Enlighten the people and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like spirits in the dawn of day."
Thomas Jefferson.
6." Only the dead have seen the end of war".
7." Gaza, the most crowded place on earth is, ironically, little more than a concentration camp, and the World looks on."
David Icke.
8." Our prime purpose in life is to help others.And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them".
Dalai Lama.
9." What is true and positive is too real and too living to be described. It is like putting red paint on red roses.".
Alan. W. Watts.
!0." The revolutionary thinker must go beyond thought. He knows that all his best ideas come to him when his thinking has stopped."
Alan W. Watts.
Surfers Catches Of The Day.
From R.T. dated 25.08. 2012.
2.Danes are number one in global happiness.They are able to spend about two thirds of their hours sleeping, eating, taking care of themselves and just chilling out.
From The Telegraph,27.08.2012.
3.Pigeon fanciers are mystified after hundreds of birds disappeared in an area the locals now call' The Bermuda Triangle'.232 birds were released in Thirsk, North Yorkshire on saturday 25.08.2012. by a Scotish pigeon racing club. Only 13 returned. to Gashiels Selkirkshire.
The whole summer this year hundreds of birds have simply vanished in the same area.
4.The Israel defence Force's use of violence against children, including forcing them to act as human shields in military operations has been exposed by veteran soldiers in detailed statements giving details of dozens of brutal incidents.
The most disturbing trend relates to the wounding and killing of children in the occupied West Bank or Gaza by either targeted shooting or by failing to protect minors during military operations.
From, 'Breaking The Silence' video by Ruth Pollard.
From The Sydney Morning Herald, 27.08.2012.
How strange I have not seen this reported in any British newspaper.
5.A Nepali man who was bitten by a cobra snake bit it back and killed the snake in a tit for tat revenge.
He said," I could have killed it with a stick, but I was angry , so I bit it.and killed it."
The man was not in danger of dying. This happened in Katmandu.
From NBC News. com on 23.09.2012.
6. 20 UFOS were seen over Quirindi, New South Wales, Australia dropping down angel hair onto the ground as they flew overhead.People tried to pick the hair up, but it vanished into thin air.
From Paranormal,Weird News, Stories and beyond site, dated 27.08.2012.
7.A suggested sermon produced by the Church Of England for clerics attempting to tackle the stigma of mental health pulls no punches.It suggests that John The Baptist, St. Paul, St, Francis and others figures from the Bible may well have been mentally ill.They even wondered whether Jesus had mental health issues.
From the Daily Express dated 27.08.2012.
I don't think Jesus did, but his Father, in the Old Testament, certainly said and did some very strange things.
8. U. S. troop casualties in Afghanistan.
After 8 years and 5 months into fighting, the first 1000 troop deaths was reached.
This translates into 9.9 soldier casualties per month.
27 months later, casualties surpassed 2000.
This translates into 37 deaths per month, or one casualty per day.
From The new York Times. From R.T. 27.08.2012.
British newspapers seem to have avoided this story for some unknown reason.
9. 40 % of the U.S. population, that is the 40 % less well off own 0.3%, that is three tenths of one percent of America's wealth.America's middle class have only 15.7% of the nations wealth.
Such an unequal distribution of income is unprecedented in the economically developed World.
Dan Ariely ( Duke University ) and Mike Norton ( Harvard University ) gave the figures.
From an article by Paul Craig Roberts dated 24.08.2012 in the Activist Post site.
10.According to a number of people on the internet, Mars is practically teeming with aliens.These people have produced photographs showing several alleged UFOs and other anomalies in the surrounding landscape.These were seen when NASA recently landed on the so called ' Red Planet'.
From the Live Science site 27.08.2012.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
What Is Beyond Thought ?
The worst addiction in the World is not what most people think it is.Surprisingly enough, it is not Heroin. It is something you can't see, hear, taste, smell or touch.Unfortunately, we are all addicted to this elusive.invisible drug.
Everyday from the moment we open our eyes in the morning, to the time we lay our head on our pillow at night we consume this narcotic.Even then we continue, sometimes for ages letting the drug dominate us, overwhelm us, and like all addicts, we are its slave.
It is thinking.Thought, follows thought, follows thought, day in, day out, every morning, every afternoon, evening and night of our lives.
We worship this fake God. We think that without thinking we would be idiots, empty shells and no better than dumb brutes.
How do we know this ? Well, we don't, because we have never stopped thinking.If you had never drunk water, you would not know what it tastes like.It is our misguided belief that by thinking about a problem we can solve it.In fact, most thinking involves imaginary situations that you fear might take place in the future, or thoughts about some past event.Even if does address the problem head on, all it really does is put a not very efficient plaster on it, and think that the real problem is solved, but it's not.
The problem will only arise under a different name.I bet you have noticed this.It seems that the root cause of the problem is not dug up by thinking, but a few branches may be cut off the tree, leaving the root still stuck in the ground.
So what would happen if we stopped thinking ? Would we be like a lost child in a thick, dark overgrown forest with frightening shadows and wild animal noises that terrify us ?
No.We would be in a place of peace, harmony and understanding and real love, not the sort of love we think we experience in our normal lives.A place where answers to problems come without any problem, because we then know there aren't any problems.
So, what is really beyond thought ?
It is that which makes you be.
It is that which makes the whole wonderful universe up.
It is true awareness.
It is, if you like, God.
It is, if you like, the Buddha.
It is, is.
It is the real you.
That is why the great spiritual ( for want of a better word ) teachers of mankind spoke with such authority and gave us great truths.They were speaking from the ground of being, not from their ego thoughts.
You too can return to where you have always been, always are,and always will be.You have access to this place ( though , of course, it is not a place ) by letting go of that heavy weight on your shoulders- your thoughts. It is the only route you can take.
Thoughts are like the dark clouds that are blocking out the sun.It is so blocked out, you find it hard to believe the sun is still shining behind them.It is though, and it is shining all the time.
In the dark of the night the sun is still up there with all its brilliance. This could be compared to those times when you have dark, depressing, ego- centered thoughts that are so heavy you feel far, far away from your true state. Your life is dark and frightening: you feel far from your home.
The Greek word for Devil, in its original meaning, meant to divide or seperate. That is how we feel if we only live in our world of thoughts.We are seperated from our true nature.
Our formless thoughts have created formed monstrosities in this world, and formed systems that are leading us to destruction.It is time to stop thinking: to have a wider more open compassionate awareness that comes from beyond thought.
If only for a few moments every day we practise being in the now, being simply( without discrimination ) aware, we will be on that road that too few ever dare to walk upon.
It's our road to our home, where we already are, but are unaware of this.
Everyday try and jump off the wheel of life that is going so fast. Take time out and meditate with the aim of stopping thinking
It's a lot more beneficial than watching that dreadful T.V. !.
Everyday from the moment we open our eyes in the morning, to the time we lay our head on our pillow at night we consume this narcotic.Even then we continue, sometimes for ages letting the drug dominate us, overwhelm us, and like all addicts, we are its slave.
It is thinking.Thought, follows thought, follows thought, day in, day out, every morning, every afternoon, evening and night of our lives.
We worship this fake God. We think that without thinking we would be idiots, empty shells and no better than dumb brutes.
How do we know this ? Well, we don't, because we have never stopped thinking.If you had never drunk water, you would not know what it tastes like.It is our misguided belief that by thinking about a problem we can solve it.In fact, most thinking involves imaginary situations that you fear might take place in the future, or thoughts about some past event.Even if does address the problem head on, all it really does is put a not very efficient plaster on it, and think that the real problem is solved, but it's not.
The problem will only arise under a different name.I bet you have noticed this.It seems that the root cause of the problem is not dug up by thinking, but a few branches may be cut off the tree, leaving the root still stuck in the ground.
So what would happen if we stopped thinking ? Would we be like a lost child in a thick, dark overgrown forest with frightening shadows and wild animal noises that terrify us ?
No.We would be in a place of peace, harmony and understanding and real love, not the sort of love we think we experience in our normal lives.A place where answers to problems come without any problem, because we then know there aren't any problems.
So, what is really beyond thought ?
It is that which makes you be.
It is that which makes the whole wonderful universe up.
It is true awareness.
It is, if you like, God.
It is, if you like, the Buddha.
It is, is.
It is the real you.
That is why the great spiritual ( for want of a better word ) teachers of mankind spoke with such authority and gave us great truths.They were speaking from the ground of being, not from their ego thoughts.
You too can return to where you have always been, always are,and always will be.You have access to this place ( though , of course, it is not a place ) by letting go of that heavy weight on your shoulders- your thoughts. It is the only route you can take.
Thoughts are like the dark clouds that are blocking out the sun.It is so blocked out, you find it hard to believe the sun is still shining behind them.It is though, and it is shining all the time.
In the dark of the night the sun is still up there with all its brilliance. This could be compared to those times when you have dark, depressing, ego- centered thoughts that are so heavy you feel far, far away from your true state. Your life is dark and frightening: you feel far from your home.
The Greek word for Devil, in its original meaning, meant to divide or seperate. That is how we feel if we only live in our world of thoughts.We are seperated from our true nature.
Our formless thoughts have created formed monstrosities in this world, and formed systems that are leading us to destruction.It is time to stop thinking: to have a wider more open compassionate awareness that comes from beyond thought.
If only for a few moments every day we practise being in the now, being simply( without discrimination ) aware, we will be on that road that too few ever dare to walk upon.
It's our road to our home, where we already are, but are unaware of this.
Everyday try and jump off the wheel of life that is going so fast. Take time out and meditate with the aim of stopping thinking
It's a lot more beneficial than watching that dreadful T.V. !.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
An Insane Greek Drama.
Insanity. Absolute lunacy..Complete absurdity.
I just cannot believe that Merkel, the I.M.F., the Troika or whatever, can really believe that Greece will win through.
I just cannot believe that the three wise men in Athens can really believe that they can pull Greece out of this dark, dirty sea.
You know why ?
Because it is impossible.
Why is it impossible ?
Because the people have not got the money to give to the government.
It is as simple as that.
They have not got it.
So, it doesn't really matter if they demand this, that or the other. If you haven't got it, you can't give , this, that or the other, can you ?
The whole affair is a complete farce.
What baffles me is that the people involved in this ludicrous Greek drama are meant to be highly educated, intelligent people with degrees dripping from them.They surely must realise
that the Greek government cannot possibly pull the rabbit out of the hat.
Are they playing a game ?They must be. It is the only explanation.If not, we are dealing with people who never understood the times tables and who can't add up or subtract.
And the name of the game is, as long as their lifestyles remain the same, they do not give a damn about the Greek people, or anyone else for that matter.
When will people get this ?
Wake up is written. in English , everywhere all over Greece, but, if you are so asleep, it is really hard to wake up.A few though, far too few, have woken up, but the rest are watching the rubbish on T.V., still believing in governments, like they used to believe in God.
A story that is not reported in the obviously, controlled media and Greek blogs, is that on every island in Greece , when the tax inspectors arrive, they are attacked by the locals.
Didn't see this on Megga or Star T.V. did you ?
Mustn't give the people ideas, must we ? Perish the thought !
I wonder how long this comedy will continue. Not long , I suspect.
Don't hear much about Alexis Tsipiras do we? I wonder why..
This is so unreal, it is like living in an Alice In Wonderland world, but in this Alice In Wonderland world people really, really suffer.This is the tragedy. The poor, poor Greeks who are being taken for a ride,:treated with contempt and humiliated just so the Elite can continue livivng the life that their evil ancestors always lived.
It is pathetic.
I just cannot believe that Merkel, the I.M.F., the Troika or whatever, can really believe that Greece will win through.
I just cannot believe that the three wise men in Athens can really believe that they can pull Greece out of this dark, dirty sea.
You know why ?
Because it is impossible.
Why is it impossible ?
Because the people have not got the money to give to the government.
It is as simple as that.
They have not got it.
So, it doesn't really matter if they demand this, that or the other. If you haven't got it, you can't give , this, that or the other, can you ?
The whole affair is a complete farce.
What baffles me is that the people involved in this ludicrous Greek drama are meant to be highly educated, intelligent people with degrees dripping from them.They surely must realise
that the Greek government cannot possibly pull the rabbit out of the hat.
Are they playing a game ?They must be. It is the only explanation.If not, we are dealing with people who never understood the times tables and who can't add up or subtract.
And the name of the game is, as long as their lifestyles remain the same, they do not give a damn about the Greek people, or anyone else for that matter.
When will people get this ?
Wake up is written. in English , everywhere all over Greece, but, if you are so asleep, it is really hard to wake up.A few though, far too few, have woken up, but the rest are watching the rubbish on T.V., still believing in governments, like they used to believe in God.
A story that is not reported in the obviously, controlled media and Greek blogs, is that on every island in Greece , when the tax inspectors arrive, they are attacked by the locals.
Didn't see this on Megga or Star T.V. did you ?
Mustn't give the people ideas, must we ? Perish the thought !
I wonder how long this comedy will continue. Not long , I suspect.
Don't hear much about Alexis Tsipiras do we? I wonder why..
This is so unreal, it is like living in an Alice In Wonderland world, but in this Alice In Wonderland world people really, really suffer.This is the tragedy. The poor, poor Greeks who are being taken for a ride,:treated with contempt and humiliated just so the Elite can continue livivng the life that their evil ancestors always lived.
It is pathetic.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Who Killed Cocky Robin Cook. Part 5.
Remember the story so far ?
Here it is in a very short form.
1.British Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook, criticises Israel: condemns planned war on Iraq: says Bin Laden worked for U.S.A. in the nineteen -eighties, and that Al- Quada was a data base used by the U.S.A when Russia was in Afghanistan.
2 Shortly after this he falls off a cliff in a very remote area and dies.
So let us continue.
Close to where cocky Robin met his death is an omnidirectional radio antenna ( one report said that this was solar -powered.).
This is an antenna that can receive or transmit signals from all directions equally.
They are used with waves in the radio part of the electromagnetic spectrum; that is radio waves.
" Man is a living radio transmitter.He is an electromagnetic system. Systems run around our bodies and we radiate E.M.waves into space much as a broadcasting station does.
Everytime our heart contracts it sends out a wave of 1-3 cycles per second, or 3HX in radio language."
The above is from a very interesting book by Playfair and Hill called,'Cycles Of Heaven' published in 1978 by Souvenir Press.
To continue from this book:
" Such signals are carried via the nervous system, and as with any other E.M. signal there is no reason why they should not be disrupted or interfered with by other fields outside the body at roughly the same frequency".
This book was written in 1978. Thirty or so years later, I wonder what can be done with radio waves nowadays.? Could they be used to kill a man ?
It is, of course, pure speculation, but it does make me wonder.
Was this the weapon of choice to kill cocky Robin ?
Some say that the secret military now have guns that can shoot into the heart, cause a heart attack and yet leave no trace of the bullet, so it looks like a natural death..An undetectable poison ( shades of Agatha Christie ) possibly given at breakfast a few hours earlier, is another possibility.
Or was it simply, non -tech, non-chemical and just an old fashioned push ?
But this last suggestion, is by far the most risky, as there is no guarantee that the victim will die, unless the cliff was so dangerous that it would be more likely to cause death than not.Strangely enough cocky Robin did die in the most dangerous place in that area.The newspapers actually said this.We though have never been shown exactly where he died. This is odd, don't you think ?
Some ugly rumours have surfaced. One is that Cook's second wife, Gaynor, used to work for the secret service and had been thrust on him to keep a close eye.She was with him when he died?.Was she involved in this ? What does she really know ?
The othe rumour is that, after years of refusing to believe that the British Secret Service had plans to kill Gaddafi, he was now investigating this.If he had found out that this was true, being cocky Robin Cook, he would have certainly told the press.This would, of course, have put the Government in a very bad light.
This might well have been another reason to silence him for good.
There are still some more very strange facts that I uncovered, and I will present these in part six., which will follow shortly.
Here it is in a very short form.
1.British Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook, criticises Israel: condemns planned war on Iraq: says Bin Laden worked for U.S.A. in the nineteen -eighties, and that Al- Quada was a data base used by the U.S.A when Russia was in Afghanistan.
2 Shortly after this he falls off a cliff in a very remote area and dies.
So let us continue.
Close to where cocky Robin met his death is an omnidirectional radio antenna ( one report said that this was solar -powered.).
This is an antenna that can receive or transmit signals from all directions equally.
They are used with waves in the radio part of the electromagnetic spectrum; that is radio waves.
" Man is a living radio transmitter.He is an electromagnetic system. Systems run around our bodies and we radiate E.M.waves into space much as a broadcasting station does.
Everytime our heart contracts it sends out a wave of 1-3 cycles per second, or 3HX in radio language."
The above is from a very interesting book by Playfair and Hill called,'Cycles Of Heaven' published in 1978 by Souvenir Press.
To continue from this book:
" Such signals are carried via the nervous system, and as with any other E.M. signal there is no reason why they should not be disrupted or interfered with by other fields outside the body at roughly the same frequency".
This book was written in 1978. Thirty or so years later, I wonder what can be done with radio waves nowadays.? Could they be used to kill a man ?
It is, of course, pure speculation, but it does make me wonder.
Was this the weapon of choice to kill cocky Robin ?
Some say that the secret military now have guns that can shoot into the heart, cause a heart attack and yet leave no trace of the bullet, so it looks like a natural death..An undetectable poison ( shades of Agatha Christie ) possibly given at breakfast a few hours earlier, is another possibility.
Or was it simply, non -tech, non-chemical and just an old fashioned push ?
But this last suggestion, is by far the most risky, as there is no guarantee that the victim will die, unless the cliff was so dangerous that it would be more likely to cause death than not.Strangely enough cocky Robin did die in the most dangerous place in that area.The newspapers actually said this.We though have never been shown exactly where he died. This is odd, don't you think ?
Some ugly rumours have surfaced. One is that Cook's second wife, Gaynor, used to work for the secret service and had been thrust on him to keep a close eye.She was with him when he died?.Was she involved in this ? What does she really know ?
The othe rumour is that, after years of refusing to believe that the British Secret Service had plans to kill Gaddafi, he was now investigating this.If he had found out that this was true, being cocky Robin Cook, he would have certainly told the press.This would, of course, have put the Government in a very bad light.
This might well have been another reason to silence him for good.
There are still some more very strange facts that I uncovered, and I will present these in part six., which will follow shortly.
Mystery Of The Moon.
A number of people claim that there is alien life on the moon.There are a host of videos on you tube showing strange looking objects on the surface.Other videos show what look like structures of some sort. Still others
boast of blurry spots, that could be anything.
Nothing though is clear cut.The presenters of these videos claim that the reason for this is that N.A.S.A has blurred the images on purpose.It could all be speculation, and the objects sighted could be explained as natural, if we could see them clearer.
I don't know, but it is possible that the moon is full of aliens.A favourite theory is that on the dark side of the moon, aliens have a huge base, and that they have a massive mining operation going on. More on that later.
A popular theory is that America never took much interest in the moon after the initial landings, after being told, in no uncertain terms, by E.Ts never to return or face the consequences.
Jung, of course, would have, no doubt said that all these sightings are seen, because we want to believe that we are not alone, because at the moment we all feeling rather lonely.
Things are not exactly great on planet earth, and never before have so many people reported seeing U.F.Os.Then again, never before has so much been written about aliens and U.F.Os thanks to the internet, so people are far more aware of them.
Other rumours circulate such as- It is alleged that Neil Armstrong and Edwin'Buzz' Aldrin saw U.F.Os , not only follow them to the moon, but saw them on the moon also.
Of more substance is the statement of a Naval Intelligence Officer, Milton Cooper, who claimed that there is an alien base which is on the far side of the moon, and that this was filmed by the American Astronauts.
Cooper also said that there is a massive mining operation going on ( on the far side ) and that huge ships are docked on the moon.He actually said , really huge ships.He added that small ships visit the earth often.
David Icke has an interesting theory, that the moon is an alien base that came to our planet from another part of space.
Whether or not there are other beings on that yellow orb is certainly an interesting question.One or two factors though point to the fact that our night light might not be what we think, or what we have been told it is.
Consider the following.
1. According to the 'Aliens On The Moon ' site, it is strongly suspected that the moon is older than the earth.As we have all been taught that the moon came from the earth, this comes as quite a shock.
Moon rocks have been dated 5.3 million years old, and the dust up there is said to be another billion years older.
Stranger and stranger!
2..We only ever see one side of the moon; the dark side is not visible to us.This would , of course, be a perfect location for aliens to hide from us.
3.The moon is exactly 400 times smaller than the sun, but 400 times closer to the earth, so that the sun and the moon appear to be precisely the same size in the sky., and this gives us the total eclipse.
Some scientists claim that this is the biggest coincidence in the universe.
4. The moon mirrors the movement of the sun in the sky , by rising and setting at the same point on the horizon as the sun does at opposite solstices.
5. It has no solid core, and appears to be hollow inside.Even N.A.S.A hinted at this.
As so much is now being revealed on our earth which has been hidden from us for so long, I wouldn't be at all surprised if these revelations take us further afield, and show us that the moon is full of aliens.If so, they probably live inside and not on the surface.
One day we will know, and that day cannot be too far into the future.
Postcript. I have just read that Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, died yesteday. 24.08.2012.Whatever her knew, he has taken it with him to the grave. Bless his soul.
boast of blurry spots, that could be anything.
Nothing though is clear cut.The presenters of these videos claim that the reason for this is that N.A.S.A has blurred the images on purpose.It could all be speculation, and the objects sighted could be explained as natural, if we could see them clearer.
I don't know, but it is possible that the moon is full of aliens.A favourite theory is that on the dark side of the moon, aliens have a huge base, and that they have a massive mining operation going on. More on that later.
A popular theory is that America never took much interest in the moon after the initial landings, after being told, in no uncertain terms, by E.Ts never to return or face the consequences.
Jung, of course, would have, no doubt said that all these sightings are seen, because we want to believe that we are not alone, because at the moment we all feeling rather lonely.
Things are not exactly great on planet earth, and never before have so many people reported seeing U.F.Os.Then again, never before has so much been written about aliens and U.F.Os thanks to the internet, so people are far more aware of them.
Other rumours circulate such as- It is alleged that Neil Armstrong and Edwin'Buzz' Aldrin saw U.F.Os , not only follow them to the moon, but saw them on the moon also.
Of more substance is the statement of a Naval Intelligence Officer, Milton Cooper, who claimed that there is an alien base which is on the far side of the moon, and that this was filmed by the American Astronauts.
Cooper also said that there is a massive mining operation going on ( on the far side ) and that huge ships are docked on the moon.He actually said , really huge ships.He added that small ships visit the earth often.
David Icke has an interesting theory, that the moon is an alien base that came to our planet from another part of space.
Whether or not there are other beings on that yellow orb is certainly an interesting question.One or two factors though point to the fact that our night light might not be what we think, or what we have been told it is.
Consider the following.
1. According to the 'Aliens On The Moon ' site, it is strongly suspected that the moon is older than the earth.As we have all been taught that the moon came from the earth, this comes as quite a shock.
Moon rocks have been dated 5.3 million years old, and the dust up there is said to be another billion years older.
Stranger and stranger!
2..We only ever see one side of the moon; the dark side is not visible to us.This would , of course, be a perfect location for aliens to hide from us.
3.The moon is exactly 400 times smaller than the sun, but 400 times closer to the earth, so that the sun and the moon appear to be precisely the same size in the sky., and this gives us the total eclipse.
Some scientists claim that this is the biggest coincidence in the universe.
4. The moon mirrors the movement of the sun in the sky , by rising and setting at the same point on the horizon as the sun does at opposite solstices.
5. It has no solid core, and appears to be hollow inside.Even N.A.S.A hinted at this.
As so much is now being revealed on our earth which has been hidden from us for so long, I wouldn't be at all surprised if these revelations take us further afield, and show us that the moon is full of aliens.If so, they probably live inside and not on the surface.
One day we will know, and that day cannot be too far into the future.
Postcript. I have just read that Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, died yesteday. 24.08.2012.Whatever her knew, he has taken it with him to the grave. Bless his soul.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
A Message To Greek Journalists.
Why, oh why, do most of the Greek Newspapers suppport the traitors who are destroying Greece ?
Why, oh why, do most of the Greek bloggers- such as Keep Talking Greece, which must be run by New Democracy, support the total destruction of what was once a beautiful, wonderful country ?
What the hell is going on ?
This is totally unbelievable.
Greece is being led , like a lamb to the slaughter. If anyone can't see that , they are as blind as a bat.
I needn't repeat what anyone who lives here knows- suicides, no money for health care, no jobs, total despair of the youth,no hope, no future, rows in families all the time. This is insanity.
Yet, what is the media saying ? It has to be this way.
For God's sake, for your childrens sake, wake up.
If only the newspapers and T.V. said the obvious, and that is, that the I.M.F. are a bunch of crooks; they are mafia, and they have ruined every country , yes, every single country they have been involved in. I'll repeat that because it has never, ever been said , as far as I know in the Greek media.Here it is again- the I.M.F. has ruined every single country it has been involved in.Yes , every single one. And they will ruin Greece.
That is the truth. This is the awful, sobering fact.
They are gangsters, they are mafia, they are evil.Do you think I am being melodramatic? Sorry, but I'm not. You see, unlike most Greek journalists, I have spent hours researching what the I.M,F have done to so many countries. And it is not a pretty sight.
To spell it out for you the I.M.F .has killed millions of people. Millions of millions of people, and caused terrible, terrible suffering.. These are the people that the three wise men are dealing with.
And you journalists write about this as if it is normal, and that there is no alternative.
We now hear rumours that more austerity measures are on the way. Remember the promises before the elections? No more cuts. Did anyone really believe this.My God, I hope not.But it seems some did.
Journalists, let me ask you a question?
Have you been paid recently?
Yet, you still are spinning the lie.
Are you married, and have or want children one day?
Well, what sort of Greece are you going to give your children?
Think about it. Don't you think you have some sort of responsibility to try and give them a better life than a future that is no future ?
Or , are you just hoping you might get paid next month, so you keep playing the game you are told to play ?
I know that Athens News reporters have not been paid for months, but the reporters keep supporting the newspapers line, which is, like so many newspapers- we have no choice.
Are you all brainwashed ?
Too many Chemtrails ?
Too much T. V. or Lady Gaga ?
It does not, and I will repeat, have to be this way. Do a bit of research. Iceland said,"Go to Hell" to the I.M.F. and now they are doing very well.Very well indeed.
Greece can do the same.If Greece doesn't, it will be absolutely ruined, like every other country that the I.M.F. has got involved in. In fact , there is not one country that the I.M.F.has ever helped. Yes, that's right, they have ruined every single one, so why should Greece be any different ?
Journalists, you have a responsibility for your families, for your children, for your grandchildren.
I am sure that you want them to have , happy , fullfilled lives, with good education, good health care,and a choice of jobs .
If you continue to support this complete insanity, you are helping to ruin the lives of future generations.
How do you feel about that ?
What will you do when your grandchildren look you in the eye and say: "Papa, what were you doing when Greece was been robbed ?"
What will you say ? "I helped them do it ?"
Would that make you feel good.?
How will you feel when you realize that you helped bring this amazing country to total destruction ?
Why, oh why, do most of the Greek bloggers- such as Keep Talking Greece, which must be run by New Democracy, support the total destruction of what was once a beautiful, wonderful country ?
What the hell is going on ?
This is totally unbelievable.
Greece is being led , like a lamb to the slaughter. If anyone can't see that , they are as blind as a bat.
I needn't repeat what anyone who lives here knows- suicides, no money for health care, no jobs, total despair of the youth,no hope, no future, rows in families all the time. This is insanity.
Yet, what is the media saying ? It has to be this way.
For God's sake, for your childrens sake, wake up.
If only the newspapers and T.V. said the obvious, and that is, that the I.M.F. are a bunch of crooks; they are mafia, and they have ruined every country , yes, every single country they have been involved in. I'll repeat that because it has never, ever been said , as far as I know in the Greek media.Here it is again- the I.M.F. has ruined every single country it has been involved in.Yes , every single one. And they will ruin Greece.
That is the truth. This is the awful, sobering fact.
They are gangsters, they are mafia, they are evil.Do you think I am being melodramatic? Sorry, but I'm not. You see, unlike most Greek journalists, I have spent hours researching what the I.M,F have done to so many countries. And it is not a pretty sight.
To spell it out for you the I.M.F .has killed millions of people. Millions of millions of people, and caused terrible, terrible suffering.. These are the people that the three wise men are dealing with.
And you journalists write about this as if it is normal, and that there is no alternative.
We now hear rumours that more austerity measures are on the way. Remember the promises before the elections? No more cuts. Did anyone really believe this.My God, I hope not.But it seems some did.
Journalists, let me ask you a question?
Have you been paid recently?
Yet, you still are spinning the lie.
Are you married, and have or want children one day?
Well, what sort of Greece are you going to give your children?
Think about it. Don't you think you have some sort of responsibility to try and give them a better life than a future that is no future ?
Or , are you just hoping you might get paid next month, so you keep playing the game you are told to play ?
I know that Athens News reporters have not been paid for months, but the reporters keep supporting the newspapers line, which is, like so many newspapers- we have no choice.
Are you all brainwashed ?
Too many Chemtrails ?
Too much T. V. or Lady Gaga ?
It does not, and I will repeat, have to be this way. Do a bit of research. Iceland said,"Go to Hell" to the I.M.F. and now they are doing very well.Very well indeed.
Greece can do the same.If Greece doesn't, it will be absolutely ruined, like every other country that the I.M.F. has got involved in. In fact , there is not one country that the I.M.F.has ever helped. Yes, that's right, they have ruined every single one, so why should Greece be any different ?
Journalists, you have a responsibility for your families, for your children, for your grandchildren.
I am sure that you want them to have , happy , fullfilled lives, with good education, good health care,and a choice of jobs .
If you continue to support this complete insanity, you are helping to ruin the lives of future generations.
How do you feel about that ?
What will you do when your grandchildren look you in the eye and say: "Papa, what were you doing when Greece was been robbed ?"
What will you say ? "I helped them do it ?"
Would that make you feel good.?
How will you feel when you realize that you helped bring this amazing country to total destruction ?
The Shock Of Naked Prince Harry!
A letter from Lieutentant Colonel Perrigine Asquire- Smythe. to The Times.
Dear Sir,
I, who was a Lieutentant Colonel in the British Army, have never been so shocked,so sobered, so humiliated and aghast at the news that a possible future King Of England has been shown naked in many publications around the World.
This surely is absolutely beyond the pail, beyond the bounds of decency, beyond anything I have seen in my life before.- and I have seen a lot, I can tell you.
Why on earth would a possible future Monarch want to indulge in such depravity has shocked me to the core.
I usually have, after my two bottles of excellent vintage wine at dinner, 3 or 4 glasses of brandy, but tonight, as my dear wife, pointed out, with her voiced raised a little too much I thought, after I had kicked the dog, tried to tie the cat's tail up and drown the goldfish,I had , she thought a lot more than that.
Words are beyond me,or as my dear wife Gladys said, I know the words I want to say, but they come out sounding like some rock singer my daughter used to rave about. Someone called Cliff Krichards , or something like that
But, back to the point, and to help me make this particular point I will have another large one to help me gather my thoughts on this very important matter.
Gladys has now retired, and I see that the dog and the cat are cowering in the corner and shaking at the other end of the room. I have no idea why.
I also have no idea why on earth Prince Larry, Barry or Harry or whatever his bloody name is can't simply do what Royalty do.
What Royalty do is kill.That is their main sport; their fun.And quite right so. There is nothing like a good, or even a bad , kill.
Oh, the joy of being on a English moor in the early light of morning, gun in hand, belly full of whisky, shooting, shooting, those pesky little feathered things in the sky.
Or, even better, smelling the excitement of the dogs, seeing their saliva droop out of their mouths, hearing their yelps and cries, on a cold English morning, as you stagger, I mean proudly mount your loyal horse who is already sweating with excitement at the thought of the hunt.
Flask in hand yelling:" Tally Ho, Tally Ho!"
Oh, what joy!
Then you're off!
Off to kill that fox.
What a feeling!
What excitement!
Why on earth can't this Hrince Parry or whatever, continue doing what Royals have done for centuries and kill defenseless creatures ?
It doesn't have to be puny little birds; it can be pheasants, elephants, tigers, rhinos, crocs, and as your Royalty , it can be anything you bloody well like.It's your right, your privilege.
So, Quince Garry, or Ince Darry, or is it Prince Harry, I can't recall, forget about running around naked
Get back to your roots. Do what you lot have done for centuries and-
Kill, Kill, Kill.
Now where the hell is that other bottle!
" Gladys!".
Oh, I forget, this is a letter to the Ministry Of Truth, no, not the B.B.C.Where the hell was I going to send this letter?
Oh yes, that pillar of establishment, that arm of propaganda, The Times. ; the voice of the establishement.
Yours, absolutlety disgusted, from Woking,
Colonel Leeutentant Perrigine Asquire-Smythe ( ret)
Dear Sir,
I, who was a Lieutentant Colonel in the British Army, have never been so shocked,so sobered, so humiliated and aghast at the news that a possible future King Of England has been shown naked in many publications around the World.
This surely is absolutely beyond the pail, beyond the bounds of decency, beyond anything I have seen in my life before.- and I have seen a lot, I can tell you.
Why on earth would a possible future Monarch want to indulge in such depravity has shocked me to the core.
I usually have, after my two bottles of excellent vintage wine at dinner, 3 or 4 glasses of brandy, but tonight, as my dear wife, pointed out, with her voiced raised a little too much I thought, after I had kicked the dog, tried to tie the cat's tail up and drown the goldfish,I had , she thought a lot more than that.
Words are beyond me,or as my dear wife Gladys said, I know the words I want to say, but they come out sounding like some rock singer my daughter used to rave about. Someone called Cliff Krichards , or something like that
But, back to the point, and to help me make this particular point I will have another large one to help me gather my thoughts on this very important matter.
Gladys has now retired, and I see that the dog and the cat are cowering in the corner and shaking at the other end of the room. I have no idea why.
I also have no idea why on earth Prince Larry, Barry or Harry or whatever his bloody name is can't simply do what Royalty do.
What Royalty do is kill.That is their main sport; their fun.And quite right so. There is nothing like a good, or even a bad , kill.
Oh, the joy of being on a English moor in the early light of morning, gun in hand, belly full of whisky, shooting, shooting, those pesky little feathered things in the sky.
Or, even better, smelling the excitement of the dogs, seeing their saliva droop out of their mouths, hearing their yelps and cries, on a cold English morning, as you stagger, I mean proudly mount your loyal horse who is already sweating with excitement at the thought of the hunt.
Flask in hand yelling:" Tally Ho, Tally Ho!"
Oh, what joy!
Then you're off!
Off to kill that fox.
What a feeling!
What excitement!
Why on earth can't this Hrince Parry or whatever, continue doing what Royals have done for centuries and kill defenseless creatures ?
It doesn't have to be puny little birds; it can be pheasants, elephants, tigers, rhinos, crocs, and as your Royalty , it can be anything you bloody well like.It's your right, your privilege.
So, Quince Garry, or Ince Darry, or is it Prince Harry, I can't recall, forget about running around naked
Get back to your roots. Do what you lot have done for centuries and-
Kill, Kill, Kill.
Now where the hell is that other bottle!
" Gladys!".
Oh, I forget, this is a letter to the Ministry Of Truth, no, not the B.B.C.Where the hell was I going to send this letter?
Oh yes, that pillar of establishment, that arm of propaganda, The Times. ; the voice of the establishement.
Yours, absolutlety disgusted, from Woking,
Colonel Leeutentant Perrigine Asquire-Smythe ( ret)
Who Killed Cocky Robin Cook.Part 4.
The story so far.
(a) Foreign Sec. of the Labour Party in the U.K. speaks out against Israel, and denounces the proposed Iraq war.
(b) Foreign Secretary is demoted.
(c) Writes article in main-stream media saying Al-Quada was originally the computer file of thousands of Mujahideen who were recruited and trained with help from the C.I.A. to defeat the Russians( who were in Afghanistan at the time).He also wrote that Bin Laden was, throughout the eighties, armed by the C.I.A. to wage Jihad against the Russian occupation.
He mentions in his article that he intends to write a book.
(d) A few months later, he falls off a cliff in the wilds of Scotland and dies.
(e) A mysterious walker suddely appears from nowhere and arranges for him to be air-lifted to a hospital.
(f) The media-shy rambler refuses to give his name.
( g) No photo of this mystery man is ever shown.
(h) The owner of the hotel where Cook had been staying seemed very surprised that Cook's wife had been able to summon help so easily.
She said the following:
" You could be on Ben Stack ( the place where Cook died ) ninety times and not see a soul, so, for someone to be within shouting distance and be with a mobile phone was very fortunate."
( I) Robin Cook's wife did not want to go in the helicopter that took him to the hospital.As stated in the earlier part, I find this odd, but then again, there might not have been room in the helicopter.
( j) Neither Robin or his wife Gaynor, had mobile phones with them.
The mountain where Cook met his death is part of the Reay Forest Estate.
Who owns this ?
It is owned by one of the richest men in England, if not the World: The Duke Of Westminster.
The Duke, who is known for being one of the richest landlords to have ever lived, has other interests apart from letting out properties.
His particular love is the armed forces, and he is the most senior officer, a Major General in the Territorial Army. He had, at the time of Cook's death, visited Iraq no less than 5 times since the invasion.
He is also the Assistant Chief Of Defence Staff ( reserves ) at the Ministry Of Defence.
The other X file- or is it more Conan Doyle?- type teaser is the fact that very near to where Cook met his sudden death, is a very strange object, that has remarkable powers.
I will, in the next part, explain what this object is and what it can do.I will also show why Cook's death seems, looking at further evidence not presented here, unlikely to have been natural
Part 5. will follow shortly..
(a) Foreign Sec. of the Labour Party in the U.K. speaks out against Israel, and denounces the proposed Iraq war.
(b) Foreign Secretary is demoted.
(c) Writes article in main-stream media saying Al-Quada was originally the computer file of thousands of Mujahideen who were recruited and trained with help from the C.I.A. to defeat the Russians( who were in Afghanistan at the time).He also wrote that Bin Laden was, throughout the eighties, armed by the C.I.A. to wage Jihad against the Russian occupation.
He mentions in his article that he intends to write a book.
(d) A few months later, he falls off a cliff in the wilds of Scotland and dies.
(e) A mysterious walker suddely appears from nowhere and arranges for him to be air-lifted to a hospital.
(f) The media-shy rambler refuses to give his name.
( g) No photo of this mystery man is ever shown.
(h) The owner of the hotel where Cook had been staying seemed very surprised that Cook's wife had been able to summon help so easily.
She said the following:
" You could be on Ben Stack ( the place where Cook died ) ninety times and not see a soul, so, for someone to be within shouting distance and be with a mobile phone was very fortunate."
( I) Robin Cook's wife did not want to go in the helicopter that took him to the hospital.As stated in the earlier part, I find this odd, but then again, there might not have been room in the helicopter.
( j) Neither Robin or his wife Gaynor, had mobile phones with them.
The mountain where Cook met his death is part of the Reay Forest Estate.
Who owns this ?
It is owned by one of the richest men in England, if not the World: The Duke Of Westminster.
The Duke, who is known for being one of the richest landlords to have ever lived, has other interests apart from letting out properties.
His particular love is the armed forces, and he is the most senior officer, a Major General in the Territorial Army. He had, at the time of Cook's death, visited Iraq no less than 5 times since the invasion.
He is also the Assistant Chief Of Defence Staff ( reserves ) at the Ministry Of Defence.
The other X file- or is it more Conan Doyle?- type teaser is the fact that very near to where Cook met his sudden death, is a very strange object, that has remarkable powers.
I will, in the next part, explain what this object is and what it can do.I will also show why Cook's death seems, looking at further evidence not presented here, unlikely to have been natural
Part 5. will follow shortly..
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Ecuador And Its H.A.A.R.P Volcano?
No, they wouldn't do it; they wouldn't punish a country for not doing what they want it to do, would they?
Those nice looking men in their smart suits, neat haircuts, and such lovely wives and oh, so charming children.
I mean, they are just like us: they forget their kids when they go drinking in pubs.
They dance with the natives when they go to foreign lands. Some of them even sing and play musical instruments.The ones at the very top of the pyramid even give pop stars knighthoods..
They sit in cafes in Spain and forget to tip the waitress.They are so, so human , aren't they?
They order take-aways. Heck, some of them even smoke a cigarette or a cigar.Wow, that is so cool and naughty!
Mick Jagger sings at the Whitehouse!Lady Gaga speaks with the Queen!
Oh yes, they are so normal.
Prince Harry gets drunk in London, just like the British love to do.
What a tangled web they weave, when they practise to deceive.
And what a very tangled web it is.
So very tangled that the majority are totally deceived.
Which brings me to the following.
Ecuador's Tungurahua's volcano has been active since 1999, but this week,it went into overdrive, and got really violent.
This was immediately after Ecuador's government granted that wicked, and according to the Daily Mail, extremely funny looking man who reminds them of some obscure actor in the 1970s, asylum.I am not joking. This was their take on this important story.
I am talking about Julian Assange.
Do you remember Iceland after it refused to play the bankers game?
How very strange, that after the citizens voted against repaying the I. M. F. in March 2010, suddenly , a few days later , a volcano which had been dormant for about a hundred years , violenty sprung back into life
Or how about Japan ?
In early March 2011 it gave 3.1 million dollars to Palestine, and said it fully supported the aspirations of the Palestinians., and did not agree with Israel's policy.
A few days later, Japan was subjected to a tsunami, that caused massive radiation leaks.
No one, but a conspiracy nutter would think that such 'Acts Of God 'had anything to do with the Elite.
The Elite, by the way stands for Evil, Lying,Inherently Terrible Entities.
No one , but a conspiracy lunatic would think that if the Elite don't get their own way they act like spoilt children, and punish those who don't do their wishes.
I wonder if Greece was threatened with a massive earthquake, if it didn't follow orders.
Money + power + technology in the hands of madmen = absolute disaster for humanity.
Those nice looking men in their smart suits, neat haircuts, and such lovely wives and oh, so charming children.
I mean, they are just like us: they forget their kids when they go drinking in pubs.
They dance with the natives when they go to foreign lands. Some of them even sing and play musical instruments.The ones at the very top of the pyramid even give pop stars knighthoods..
They sit in cafes in Spain and forget to tip the waitress.They are so, so human , aren't they?
They order take-aways. Heck, some of them even smoke a cigarette or a cigar.Wow, that is so cool and naughty!
Mick Jagger sings at the Whitehouse!Lady Gaga speaks with the Queen!
Oh yes, they are so normal.
Prince Harry gets drunk in London, just like the British love to do.
What a tangled web they weave, when they practise to deceive.
And what a very tangled web it is.
So very tangled that the majority are totally deceived.
Which brings me to the following.
Ecuador's Tungurahua's volcano has been active since 1999, but this week,it went into overdrive, and got really violent.
This was immediately after Ecuador's government granted that wicked, and according to the Daily Mail, extremely funny looking man who reminds them of some obscure actor in the 1970s, asylum.I am not joking. This was their take on this important story.
I am talking about Julian Assange.
Do you remember Iceland after it refused to play the bankers game?
How very strange, that after the citizens voted against repaying the I. M. F. in March 2010, suddenly , a few days later , a volcano which had been dormant for about a hundred years , violenty sprung back into life
Or how about Japan ?
In early March 2011 it gave 3.1 million dollars to Palestine, and said it fully supported the aspirations of the Palestinians., and did not agree with Israel's policy.
A few days later, Japan was subjected to a tsunami, that caused massive radiation leaks.
No one, but a conspiracy nutter would think that such 'Acts Of God 'had anything to do with the Elite.
The Elite, by the way stands for Evil, Lying,Inherently Terrible Entities.
No one , but a conspiracy lunatic would think that if the Elite don't get their own way they act like spoilt children, and punish those who don't do their wishes.
I wonder if Greece was threatened with a massive earthquake, if it didn't follow orders.
Money + power + technology in the hands of madmen = absolute disaster for humanity.
Quotes For Our Time.
Benny Hill.
2." We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark.The real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light".
3. " Because the eye gazes and catches no glimpse of it, it is called rarified; because the hand cannot feel it, is called infinitesimal : its rising brings no heat, its sinking , no darkness.It is called Chi.".
Toa Te Ching.
4." The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant."
5." Fish rots from the head down and society is rotten from the head down".
Gerald Celente.
6." Is this the United States Congress or the Board of Directors of Goldman Sachs.?" "
Rep.Dennis Kucinich.
7. " How can you believe in preventive war, that is the belief in the principle of starting wars and expanding wars and get a peace prize.?"
Ron Paul.
8." The wealth of the Rothschilds alone could feed, clothe and shelter every being on Earth".
David Icke
9." My father told me all about the birds and the bees- the liar. I went out with a woodpecker till I was 21"
Bob Hope.
10. " The greatest achievment is selflessness.
The greatest worth is self mastery.
The greatest quality is seeking to serve others
The greatest precept is continual awareness
The greatest medicine is emptiness of everything.
The greatest action is not conforming to the Worlds ways.
The greatest magic is transmutting the passions.
The greatest generosity is non attachment.
The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind.
The greatest patience is humility.
The greatest effort is not concerned with results.
The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go.
The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances.".
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Hyperventilating And Hysterical.
Thank you John Pilger for the title, which he used when talking about governments, on a you tube video about Julian Assange.
Why are our esteemed, respected governments hyperventilating and getting hysterical?
Because they are in a panic. Like vampires they don't like too much light, as it shows us who they really are,and , like vampires, they will die in the light, because their home is in the dark where they can do their dark deeds.
For the first time ever, the people are seeing the whole sick system for what it really is.The people are waking up to the horrors that have been hidden from them for so long.
And what has been so carefully, cunningly concealed and kept out of sight from all of us innocent, trusting fools?
One hell of a lot. I suspect if people really knew what has and is going on , that there would be mass suicides around the World.Many of their deepest secrets would, I suspect, fill us with revulsion and utter amazement.
The little bits that are emerging from the rat-filled sewer are only the very small tip of a mighty iceberg which is burning as hot as Hades,because that is where it appears to be coming from.
There is a lot more to come, and what follows, in the near future , will really stun people, who will find it really hard to believe that such deeds could be done by, what appear to be, respectable pillars of society.
At the moment all we are learning is that these smartly dressed, well spoken men and women in smart suits are only up there for themselves and their overlords behind the scenes, who tell them what to do.
People - those who are even a tiny bit awake- now know that these leaders, movers and shakers who have stolen all our money, do not give a fig about us
We now know for sure that most of them are serial liars and born hypocrites.They can't be trusted, they have no credibilty, they make used car- salesmen look like beggars stealing a slice of bread.
We now know that the banking system controls government policies.
The light of truth is blinding them and making them panic.What if people really find out what their filthy, blood-soaked hands are groping around in?
If people really knew about the secret deeds, the illegal so- called special operations, the inside knowledge that enables them to get filthy(and that word was carefully picked) rich, or the fact that all the major governments are up to their necks in supplying heroin, crack, cocaine and designer drugs onto the streets, what would happen?
There is big money in drugs, and there is no way they would not be a part of the action with such massive rewards. That is why they are so hard on their competitors
John Pilger, who I greatly admire as an honest real journalist, I was pleased to see , is of the opinion that people everywhere are waking up to what is really going on, and that the days of might is right will draw to a close.
How long this will take is hard to say, but you can be sure of this.The more the rats feel cornered, the more they will fight.There will be more draconian laws, more taking away peoples liberties, more state spying, more control over all activities of our lives, and more control of free speech.
This is, of course, all happening now.It will just get worse- until like the Berlin Wall, it will collapse
So let them hyperventilate and get hysterical.
You know they are starting to look absurd and stupid and almost comical..
Why are our esteemed, respected governments hyperventilating and getting hysterical?
Because they are in a panic. Like vampires they don't like too much light, as it shows us who they really are,and , like vampires, they will die in the light, because their home is in the dark where they can do their dark deeds.
For the first time ever, the people are seeing the whole sick system for what it really is.The people are waking up to the horrors that have been hidden from them for so long.
And what has been so carefully, cunningly concealed and kept out of sight from all of us innocent, trusting fools?
One hell of a lot. I suspect if people really knew what has and is going on , that there would be mass suicides around the World.Many of their deepest secrets would, I suspect, fill us with revulsion and utter amazement.
The little bits that are emerging from the rat-filled sewer are only the very small tip of a mighty iceberg which is burning as hot as Hades,because that is where it appears to be coming from.
There is a lot more to come, and what follows, in the near future , will really stun people, who will find it really hard to believe that such deeds could be done by, what appear to be, respectable pillars of society.
At the moment all we are learning is that these smartly dressed, well spoken men and women in smart suits are only up there for themselves and their overlords behind the scenes, who tell them what to do.
People - those who are even a tiny bit awake- now know that these leaders, movers and shakers who have stolen all our money, do not give a fig about us
We now know for sure that most of them are serial liars and born hypocrites.They can't be trusted, they have no credibilty, they make used car- salesmen look like beggars stealing a slice of bread.
We now know that the banking system controls government policies.
The light of truth is blinding them and making them panic.What if people really find out what their filthy, blood-soaked hands are groping around in?
If people really knew about the secret deeds, the illegal so- called special operations, the inside knowledge that enables them to get filthy(and that word was carefully picked) rich, or the fact that all the major governments are up to their necks in supplying heroin, crack, cocaine and designer drugs onto the streets, what would happen?
There is big money in drugs, and there is no way they would not be a part of the action with such massive rewards. That is why they are so hard on their competitors
John Pilger, who I greatly admire as an honest real journalist, I was pleased to see , is of the opinion that people everywhere are waking up to what is really going on, and that the days of might is right will draw to a close.
How long this will take is hard to say, but you can be sure of this.The more the rats feel cornered, the more they will fight.There will be more draconian laws, more taking away peoples liberties, more state spying, more control over all activities of our lives, and more control of free speech.
This is, of course, all happening now.It will just get worse- until like the Berlin Wall, it will collapse
So let them hyperventilate and get hysterical.
You know they are starting to look absurd and stupid and almost comical..
Surfers Catches Of The Day.
The Daily Mail 19.8.2012.
2.The head of the U.K. Air Traffic Control has admitted that Britain is visited by around one unidentified flying object once a month.
From the B.B.C. 19.8.2012.
3.It is estimated that around a 1000 people a day are losing their jobs in Greece, and already the percentage of the population not working is higher than those who are employed.
From the B.B.C: article by Chloe Hadjimatheou. 20.8.2012
4.A Costa Rican study found that chronic marijuana smokers who were also cigarette smokers were less likely to develop cancer than cigarette smokers who didn't smoke marijuana.
From the Natural News Site.
5 A woman who won her right to prove she was left deaf by the MMR jab- but a medical assessment
panel ruled that Katie Stephenaged 21, will not receive compensation because she is not considered disabled enough
From the Daily Mail 19.8.2012.
6.Almost 1 million die each year from suicides at a rate of 16 per 100,000, or one every 40 seconds.For every suicide 20 other people attempt it
From Reuters August 2012.
7..Professor Noel Sharkey of Sheffield University claims that the use of missile strikes using unmanned ariel vehicles is just the beginning of 'The Industrial Revolution Of War'.
Sharkey states that the C.I.A is thought to have killed up to 1035 civilians in drone strikes outside of legitimate war zones in the last 8 years, including 200 children.
From Infowars. com.
8 Former Mosad chief, Efraim Halevy told the New York Times on 2.08. 2012, "If I were an Iranian, I would be very fearful of the next 12 weeks."
From Infowars 2.08.2012.
9.Top jokes at The edinburgh Film Festival this year were,
.Do you know who really gives kids a bad name? Posh and Becks.
Stewart Francis. Beckhams kids names are- Brooklyn, Romeo, Cruz and Harper Seven.
Last night me and my girlfriend watched 3 videos back to back.Luckily I was the one facing the telly.
Tim Vine.
I was raised as an only child which really annoyed my sister.
Will Marsh.
.You know you are working class when your T.V. is bigger than your bookcase.
Rob Beckett.
I'm good friends with 25 letters of the alphabet ,I don't know why.
.Pornography is often frowned upon, but that's only because I am concentrating.
George Ryegold.
. I saw a documentary on how ships are kept together.Riveting!
Stewart Francis.
.My mum's so pessimistic that if there was an Olympics for Pessimism- she wouldn't fancy her chances.
Nish Kumar.
10.Cats that pester for food could be suffering from a psychological condition.If your pet rubs against your ankles when you are preparing your dinner, it could be a sign of a creature whose obsession with food has driven it to the edge of insanity.This is according to a group of vets.
From The Daily Telegraph. 21.08.2012.
I have had cats all my life, so every cat I have had has been on the brink of insanity! Come on!l
I must be a really bad cat owner!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
George Orwell .Part Nine.
In this series I am trying to show how what George Orwell wrote in his book,'Nineteen-Eighty Four' was almost a blueprint of how our society is today.
Let's take a look at Jack Straw., one of Britain's leading lights in the, absurdly called Labour Party..
This is what he said to some really dumb reporter :This is just the kind of lie that would come from Orwell's book, as the government in his book always told the exact opposite of what was true.
"So far, the medical researchers have not been able to prove, indeed very few have tried, that there are real beneficial effects from cannabis."
No one questioned him on this. It was just accepted as true. Well, let me tell you, this is a complete lie.He just stood there and came out with a downright lie, and not one person raised their voice.
It never ceases to stagger me how politicians can come out with bare-faced lies like this and so easily get away with it.
There is enough evidence to squash an elephant showing the numerous beneficial effects of the innocent weed.
Here are some reports proving my point. If you google,'Medical Benefits Of Cannabis', you will find in Wickipedia the following: I have only included the first few lines, as there must be about over a thousand words or more written about the amazing number of beneficial effects.
' Cannabis has several well- documented beneficial side effects. Among these are : ameloration of nausea amd vomiting, stimulation of hunger in A.I.D's and chemeotherapy patients, lowered intaocular eye pressure( prevents glaucoma, and helps glaucoma sufferers) as well as being a general pain reliever, and beneficial for multiple sclerosis and depression. It also reduces the harm cigarettes are alleged to do to you, if you smoke cannabis.' It goes on and on and on. It prevents and cures cancer of all types, and that is partly why it is banned in most countries.It is so good for you, that if I wrote all the beneficial effects it has, it would fill pages and pages.
Yet no one said to Jack Straw, "Hey, that is not true?" Why not?
As Orwell said in his book lies are accepted as truths.
Let's continue looking at this Jewish plant( planted by Blair) in the British government.
" Saddam's weapons pose a grave threat to international peace
and security." Another downright lie.
Notice the use of the word 'grave' which means , in this context, fraught with danger and harm.
Here is another extraordinary statement uttered by him.
"We do have, I think a right to say that we've got to be able to deal with Mr.A. or Mr.B. or Mr. C. We can't deal with Mr.Nobody.And that's the problem, O.K?" He said this about Saddam Hussein- I think.
Er, well, it's not O.K , because we don't know what the hell you are talking about..
Maybe he smokes the stuff he knows so little about. His son did.Can you blame him?The B.B. C. run a story on this on 24 12 1997. A good day to tell the story as half of Britain was probably legless on this day.
And one( just to show how amazingly out of touch with reality these beings are) sound bite from John Reid, the then Defense Secretary, when British troops were first sent to Afghanistan:
" We would be perfectly happy to leave Afghanistan in three years time without firing a shot."
What planet was this guy on?.
Mind you, the police did find that dreadfull, oh so wicked weed in his house, but all charges were dropped.
See the B.B.C. report of 29.4. 2006. .
The newspapers really played that one down. Something about must have been left there by the previous owners.
Well, what do you think.?
These are the people who control our lives, just like the people in Orwell's classic'Nineteen- Eight -Four'.
Liars, cheats and hypocrites, and we let them get away with it.
Will we ever wake up?
Let's take a look at Jack Straw., one of Britain's leading lights in the, absurdly called Labour Party..
This is what he said to some really dumb reporter :This is just the kind of lie that would come from Orwell's book, as the government in his book always told the exact opposite of what was true.
"So far, the medical researchers have not been able to prove, indeed very few have tried, that there are real beneficial effects from cannabis."
No one questioned him on this. It was just accepted as true. Well, let me tell you, this is a complete lie.He just stood there and came out with a downright lie, and not one person raised their voice.
It never ceases to stagger me how politicians can come out with bare-faced lies like this and so easily get away with it.
There is enough evidence to squash an elephant showing the numerous beneficial effects of the innocent weed.
Here are some reports proving my point. If you google,'Medical Benefits Of Cannabis', you will find in Wickipedia the following: I have only included the first few lines, as there must be about over a thousand words or more written about the amazing number of beneficial effects.
' Cannabis has several well- documented beneficial side effects. Among these are : ameloration of nausea amd vomiting, stimulation of hunger in A.I.D's and chemeotherapy patients, lowered intaocular eye pressure( prevents glaucoma, and helps glaucoma sufferers) as well as being a general pain reliever, and beneficial for multiple sclerosis and depression. It also reduces the harm cigarettes are alleged to do to you, if you smoke cannabis.' It goes on and on and on. It prevents and cures cancer of all types, and that is partly why it is banned in most countries.It is so good for you, that if I wrote all the beneficial effects it has, it would fill pages and pages.
Yet no one said to Jack Straw, "Hey, that is not true?" Why not?
As Orwell said in his book lies are accepted as truths.
Let's continue looking at this Jewish plant( planted by Blair) in the British government.
" Saddam's weapons pose a grave threat to international peace
and security." Another downright lie.
Notice the use of the word 'grave' which means , in this context, fraught with danger and harm.
Here is another extraordinary statement uttered by him.
"We do have, I think a right to say that we've got to be able to deal with Mr.A. or Mr.B. or Mr. C. We can't deal with Mr.Nobody.And that's the problem, O.K?" He said this about Saddam Hussein- I think.
Er, well, it's not O.K , because we don't know what the hell you are talking about..
Maybe he smokes the stuff he knows so little about. His son did.Can you blame him?The B.B. C. run a story on this on 24 12 1997. A good day to tell the story as half of Britain was probably legless on this day.
And one( just to show how amazingly out of touch with reality these beings are) sound bite from John Reid, the then Defense Secretary, when British troops were first sent to Afghanistan:
" We would be perfectly happy to leave Afghanistan in three years time without firing a shot."
What planet was this guy on?.
Mind you, the police did find that dreadfull, oh so wicked weed in his house, but all charges were dropped.
See the B.B.C. report of 29.4. 2006. .
The newspapers really played that one down. Something about must have been left there by the previous owners.
Well, what do you think.?
These are the people who control our lives, just like the people in Orwell's classic'Nineteen- Eight -Four'.
Liars, cheats and hypocrites, and we let them get away with it.
Will we ever wake up?
Fact Or Fiction.
!.The real World is the spirit World and we are its shadow.
2.There is a war in the spiritual World between two, for want of a better Word,Gods and their armies. We are the residue of this, and that is why we have constant wars, as we are merely copying what the armies in the spiritual World are doing. Every action in the spiritual World is acted out on our vibrational level.
3.What we call the subconscious is really a being sitting at a computer controlling our every move, and playing a game.This being controls our thoughts, moods and actions; we blindly obey.
4. Life is really a fairground ride( thanks Bill Hicks) but a very advanced one created by us.We are really in the year 5012( 3000 years in the future). There are many games we can play in 5012, but 'The Earth Game' is the most popular.We just wanted something really exciting, full of adventure, chance, risk, and thrills.. The thing that we really like about this game is that we have no access to any memories of who we really are, before we entered the game.We know it is an extreme sport as quite terrible things can happen to us, but we are prepared to take this when we sign on for the game.
When we die, we get off the ride, and most people roar with laughter at how seriously we took it all.There is also a strong feeling of relief, once we are off the game. Surprisingly though most people want repeated rides over and over.
5.We are on a planet that is used by all the nearby planets as a testing ground.We are like guinea pigs in a lab'.As we have the same ,or similar body structures to our nearby alien creatures they can carry out many tests on us, to see how we react .Everything from hair spray to electric cigarettes are tested on us first..If we get ill after using certain products, the aliens will not use it.This is the sole reason we were created.
6.We were once God's angels, but were captured by Satan and chained to the Earth to be his slaves.
7.The most advanced intelligent beings on this planet are trees. we are many, many steps behind them.Their consciousness is vastly superior to ours. The second most intelligent are Dolphins.
8.Death is life and life is death.We are really dead now. When we die we are born. Or, you could say that, at the moment we are in the womb, and we are having dreams while in this state.When we die, that is really our moment of birth.
9.We are all in a prison, because we are all guilty of crimes against the Universe.These crimes were so awful that they have been erased from our memories. We are all serving out life sentences.The ones who die young, committed minor crimes, so their sentences are shorter.
10.As faeces are waste products of the body, thoughts are faeces of the mind.
2.There is a war in the spiritual World between two, for want of a better Word,Gods and their armies. We are the residue of this, and that is why we have constant wars, as we are merely copying what the armies in the spiritual World are doing. Every action in the spiritual World is acted out on our vibrational level.
3.What we call the subconscious is really a being sitting at a computer controlling our every move, and playing a game.This being controls our thoughts, moods and actions; we blindly obey.
4. Life is really a fairground ride( thanks Bill Hicks) but a very advanced one created by us.We are really in the year 5012( 3000 years in the future). There are many games we can play in 5012, but 'The Earth Game' is the most popular.We just wanted something really exciting, full of adventure, chance, risk, and thrills.. The thing that we really like about this game is that we have no access to any memories of who we really are, before we entered the game.We know it is an extreme sport as quite terrible things can happen to us, but we are prepared to take this when we sign on for the game.
When we die, we get off the ride, and most people roar with laughter at how seriously we took it all.There is also a strong feeling of relief, once we are off the game. Surprisingly though most people want repeated rides over and over.
5.We are on a planet that is used by all the nearby planets as a testing ground.We are like guinea pigs in a lab'.As we have the same ,or similar body structures to our nearby alien creatures they can carry out many tests on us, to see how we react .Everything from hair spray to electric cigarettes are tested on us first..If we get ill after using certain products, the aliens will not use it.This is the sole reason we were created.
6.We were once God's angels, but were captured by Satan and chained to the Earth to be his slaves.
7.The most advanced intelligent beings on this planet are trees. we are many, many steps behind them.Their consciousness is vastly superior to ours. The second most intelligent are Dolphins.
8.Death is life and life is death.We are really dead now. When we die we are born. Or, you could say that, at the moment we are in the womb, and we are having dreams while in this state.When we die, that is really our moment of birth.
9.We are all in a prison, because we are all guilty of crimes against the Universe.These crimes were so awful that they have been erased from our memories. We are all serving out life sentences.The ones who die young, committed minor crimes, so their sentences are shorter.
10.As faeces are waste products of the body, thoughts are faeces of the mind.
Who Killed Cocky Robin Cook? Part Three.
In parts one and two I explained how Robin Cook had been removed from his post as Foreign Secretary, after daring to insult Israel.After this, he told the truth on who Al-Queda really was.As I said in part two, I think that this was what possibly sealed his fate.
In early August 2005 he and his wife were on a fortnights vacation in Scotland.On 6.8.2005, at around 2.20 p.m., whilst walking down the Ben Stack in Sutherland, Cook, the newspapers claimed, suddenly had a fatal heart attack, collapsed and lost consciousness. Some reports say that he fell down a ridge and broke his neck
The following I patched together after reading every report I could lay my hands on.
The parademics arrived some 40 minutes later in a helicopter.They had received a 999 call. Cook was taken to Raigmore Hospital, Inverness. His wife did not go with him in the helicopter, but walked down the mountain path.
Didn't she want to be with her husband who might be dying? Or wasn't there room in the helicopter?
Two days later a post-mortem revealed that Cook had died of hypertensive heart disease.
The post-mortem made no mention of any injuries to Cook's head or neck, although it had been stated that he had broken his neck.Also, if he had fallen down a ridge he probably had extensive injuries.
The spokesman for the R.A.F,. Kinloss Air Rescue Centre said that Robin Cook had been winched up to the helicopter,"from close to the summit".
Now we come to the suspicious bits.
Where Cook died is very rocky, and very steepSome newspaper reports claimed that Gaynor, his wife, and another hill walker had given Cook artifical resuscitation for 30 to 40 minutes until the rescue team arrived.
The funny part is that most newspapers gave slightly different accounts, and all had very little detail.
The name of the mysterious walker has never been given- which, of course, is odd.Most reports in the papers spoke of a group of walkers, but The Times wrote only of one.
The one reported fact I find extremely odd is that neither Robin Cook or his wife had mobile phones with them.
His wife claimed that she called out for help when her husband collapsed,and.a walker came to the rescue.This walker with no name called the emergency services on his mobile phone.
Now this is where it gets interesting.
According to the landlady of the place where the Cooks had been staying'The Scourie Lodge Hotel'
"You could be on Ben- Stack ninety times and not see a soul, so for someone to be within shouting distance and be with a mobile phone was very fortunate".
Where Cook died was, according to some reports, the most dangerous location in the area.
Now if you think that any of the above hardly convinces you to the fact that Cook's death was not a natural one,I would tend to agree. But it does raise a few doubts, don't you think?
However,part four, might well convince you that there was a massive cover up, as I unearthed, after a bit of digging , a few amazing facts that really raised my eyebrows.
I started digging deeper, and the more I dug the more I became almost convinced that , the public, as in the Iraq war, had again been fed a lie. Part four will follow shortly.
In early August 2005 he and his wife were on a fortnights vacation in Scotland.On 6.8.2005, at around 2.20 p.m., whilst walking down the Ben Stack in Sutherland, Cook, the newspapers claimed, suddenly had a fatal heart attack, collapsed and lost consciousness. Some reports say that he fell down a ridge and broke his neck
The following I patched together after reading every report I could lay my hands on.
The parademics arrived some 40 minutes later in a helicopter.They had received a 999 call. Cook was taken to Raigmore Hospital, Inverness. His wife did not go with him in the helicopter, but walked down the mountain path.
Didn't she want to be with her husband who might be dying? Or wasn't there room in the helicopter?
Two days later a post-mortem revealed that Cook had died of hypertensive heart disease.
The post-mortem made no mention of any injuries to Cook's head or neck, although it had been stated that he had broken his neck.Also, if he had fallen down a ridge he probably had extensive injuries.
The spokesman for the R.A.F,. Kinloss Air Rescue Centre said that Robin Cook had been winched up to the helicopter,"from close to the summit".
Now we come to the suspicious bits.
Where Cook died is very rocky, and very steepSome newspaper reports claimed that Gaynor, his wife, and another hill walker had given Cook artifical resuscitation for 30 to 40 minutes until the rescue team arrived.
The funny part is that most newspapers gave slightly different accounts, and all had very little detail.
The name of the mysterious walker has never been given- which, of course, is odd.Most reports in the papers spoke of a group of walkers, but The Times wrote only of one.
The one reported fact I find extremely odd is that neither Robin Cook or his wife had mobile phones with them.
His wife claimed that she called out for help when her husband collapsed,and.a walker came to the rescue.This walker with no name called the emergency services on his mobile phone.
Now this is where it gets interesting.
According to the landlady of the place where the Cooks had been staying'The Scourie Lodge Hotel'
"You could be on Ben- Stack ninety times and not see a soul, so for someone to be within shouting distance and be with a mobile phone was very fortunate".
Where Cook died was, according to some reports, the most dangerous location in the area.
Now if you think that any of the above hardly convinces you to the fact that Cook's death was not a natural one,I would tend to agree. But it does raise a few doubts, don't you think?
However,part four, might well convince you that there was a massive cover up, as I unearthed, after a bit of digging , a few amazing facts that really raised my eyebrows.
I started digging deeper, and the more I dug the more I became almost convinced that , the public, as in the Iraq war, had again been fed a lie. Part four will follow shortly.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Who Killed Cocky Robin Cook? Part Two.
In part one, I explained how Robin Cook had done the unthinkable, and had dared to criticize Israel's 'we can take any land we want'policy, because God has chosen them over anyone else.
But this was nothing to what he followed up with.
He committed the unforgivable sin. He dared to say, in the House of Commons, the following :
" It is more than 30 years since resolution 242 called on Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories".He ignited the fuse by adding, "We do not express the same impatience with Israel's refusal to comply, as we do with Iraq."
He could, I suppose, have added that, oh by the way, Israel has nukes wheras Saddam hasn't.Maybe he thought that was going a little too far, and knew that it would have been political suicide for him, although I doubt if it crossed his mind that he would be killed because of telling the truth.
The House Of Commons, so used to to hearing lies, perversions of truth and half truths must have been stunned.They probably thought Cook was speaking a foreign language first of all, which of course to them , he was.It was very foreign to them.But it must have hit something they once all had known, as he got a standing ovation.It was the the first speech ever in the House Of Commons to receive this honour.
It was two years later though ,when Cook tossed a grenade at the Bush- Blair house of lies.
His article in the Guardian on 8.7. 2005. might well have been his signature on his death warrant.He described Al Queda as a product of Western intelligence.He wrote:
" Bin Laden was, though, a product of monumental miscalculation by Western security agencies .Throughout the 1980's he was armed by the C.I.A. and funded by the Saudi's to wage war against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan".
He continued:" Al Queda, litererally the database, was originally the computer file of the thousands of Mujohideen who were recruited and trained with the help from the defeat the Russians."
He wrote further:"So long as the struggle against Terrorism is conceived as a war that can be won by military means, it is doomed to fail.A war on World poverty may well do more for the security of the west than a war on terror".
Here he was writing a philosophy that was the direct opposite of what was the accepted foreign policy of the time, and sadly still is. Oh yes, and he said he was going to write a book about this.
I think it was then that a few people started to look through the sites of a gun- barrell at Cook.
The perfect opportunity to get rid of him occurred a short while later.
I will explain what happened next in part three, and it really could have been scripted by Arthur Conan Doyle.
But this was nothing to what he followed up with.
He committed the unforgivable sin. He dared to say, in the House of Commons, the following :
" It is more than 30 years since resolution 242 called on Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories".He ignited the fuse by adding, "We do not express the same impatience with Israel's refusal to comply, as we do with Iraq."
He could, I suppose, have added that, oh by the way, Israel has nukes wheras Saddam hasn't.Maybe he thought that was going a little too far, and knew that it would have been political suicide for him, although I doubt if it crossed his mind that he would be killed because of telling the truth.
The House Of Commons, so used to to hearing lies, perversions of truth and half truths must have been stunned.They probably thought Cook was speaking a foreign language first of all, which of course to them , he was.It was very foreign to them.But it must have hit something they once all had known, as he got a standing ovation.It was the the first speech ever in the House Of Commons to receive this honour.
It was two years later though ,when Cook tossed a grenade at the Bush- Blair house of lies.
His article in the Guardian on 8.7. 2005. might well have been his signature on his death warrant.He described Al Queda as a product of Western intelligence.He wrote:
" Bin Laden was, though, a product of monumental miscalculation by Western security agencies .Throughout the 1980's he was armed by the C.I.A. and funded by the Saudi's to wage war against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan".
He continued:" Al Queda, litererally the database, was originally the computer file of the thousands of Mujohideen who were recruited and trained with the help from the defeat the Russians."
He wrote further:"So long as the struggle against Terrorism is conceived as a war that can be won by military means, it is doomed to fail.A war on World poverty may well do more for the security of the west than a war on terror".
Here he was writing a philosophy that was the direct opposite of what was the accepted foreign policy of the time, and sadly still is. Oh yes, and he said he was going to write a book about this.
I think it was then that a few people started to look through the sites of a gun- barrell at Cook.
The perfect opportunity to get rid of him occurred a short while later.
I will explain what happened next in part three, and it really could have been scripted by Arthur Conan Doyle.
Quotes For Out Time
George Carlin.
2." Why is marijuana against the law ? It grows naturally upon our planet.Doesn't the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit- unnatural?"
Bill Hicks.
3." A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have."
Thomas Jefferson.
4." Naturally, the masters in parliaments, in schools and in newspapers makes the most desperate efforts to prevent us from realizing our slavery.From our early years we are taught that our land is the land of the free."
George Bernard Shaw.
5." Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric".
Bertram Russell.
6." A believer is a bird in a cage.A free thinker is an eagle parting the cloudes with tireless wings".
Robert Ingersoll.
7." This is the real secret of life- to be completely engaged in what you are doing here and now.And instead of calling it work, realize it is play."
Alan Wilson Watts.
8." From childhood upwards everything is done to make the minds of men and women conventional and sterile.And if, by misadventure some spark of imagination remains, it's unfortunate possessor is considered unsound and dangerous, worthy only of contempt in times of peace, and a traitor's death in times of war".
Bertram Russell.
9."Lots of Christians wear crosses around their necks- you really think when Jesus comes back, he ever wants to see a fucking cross?"
Bill Hicks.
10." Zen does not confuse spiritually with thinking about God while one is peeling potatoes. Zen spirituality is just to peel the potatoes"
Allam Wilson Watts.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Who Killed Cocky Robin Cook ? Part one.
Maybe I'm just a suspicious person, or I have a fetish about conspiracy theories; perhaps I've spent too long roaming about conspiracy sites.The point is that when I heard about Robin Cook's sudden death in some remote beauty spot in Scotland, on 6.8. 2005. my first thought was, that all was not as it appeared to be.
The whole story just didn't ring true, a bit like how a lot of people felt when they heard about Lady Diana's death: who had ever heard of Royalty dying in a car crash? It just didn't happen. I thought the internet would be full of cries of ' foul play ', but ,surprisingly it wasn't.
True, one or two people did shyly raise their fingers of suspicion, but, on the whole, it was not a major topic
It was a while later, I decided to do a bit of sleuthing myself.The more I dug, the stronger I felt that something was not at all as we had been told.In fact my suspicions got stronger and stronger with each piece of the jigsaw I found.
What follows is what I discovered, and you, of course, when presented with the facts, are free to make your own mind up.
Robin Cook was the Foreign Secretary under New Labour from 1997 to 2001. The only thing going against him ( apart from his gnome like looks) was that he came across as aloof and cocky.
He was one of those rare politicians who wasn't afraid to tell the truth when he wanted too, and would not always slavishly stick to the governments 'newspeak'.
This was made clear when in March 1998 Cook visited Israel.Whilst on this visit, he dared do what most British ( and no American ) member of parliament would ever do.He actually dared to criticize Israel, by voicing his opposition to the expansion of Israel settlements, or their let's steal as much land as we can, because we are the chosen ones policy.
Benjamin Netanyaho angrily cancelled a dinner with Cook to show his displeasure.
Cook had stepped out of line.
How strange that after the 2001 General Election, he was suddenly removed, against his wishes from the Foreign Office, to become the leader of the House Of Commons.This was seen as a backward step, a real demotion by most observers.Considering that Cook had been one of Labours leading lights, it seemed an exrtraordinary thing for Blair to have done to him.
Cook's replacement at the Foreign Office was Jack Straw. This sounds like a good sturdy English name, but Straw is a Jew whose real name is rather hard to pronounce.
Cook wrote about his time as leader of the House Of Commons, in his book,'The Point Of Departure'.He said that he had kept trying to to persuade ministeral colleagues, including Tony Blair to snap the umbilical cord that tied them to Bush and his absurd foreign Policy.
No one, of course, took any notice of him.
On 17.3.2003 he boldly stated;"I can't accept collective responsibility for the decision to commit Britain to military action in Iraq without International agreement or domestic support.". He resigned.
His reference to 'domestic support' is interesting as he seems to be the only one who had noticed that the majority of the British public were dead against the war
In his resignation speech he also said the following; "The reality is that Britain is being asked to embark on a war without agreement in any of the International bodies of which we are a leading partner, not, Nato, not the European Union and now not the Security Council".
He added that the U.S. could afford to fight the wars alone.
But the bomb had yet to be dropped.
He went on to say what should never be uttered, not even whispered.
What he said I will reveal in part two which will follow shortly.
The whole story just didn't ring true, a bit like how a lot of people felt when they heard about Lady Diana's death: who had ever heard of Royalty dying in a car crash? It just didn't happen. I thought the internet would be full of cries of ' foul play ', but ,surprisingly it wasn't.
True, one or two people did shyly raise their fingers of suspicion, but, on the whole, it was not a major topic
It was a while later, I decided to do a bit of sleuthing myself.The more I dug, the stronger I felt that something was not at all as we had been told.In fact my suspicions got stronger and stronger with each piece of the jigsaw I found.
What follows is what I discovered, and you, of course, when presented with the facts, are free to make your own mind up.
Robin Cook was the Foreign Secretary under New Labour from 1997 to 2001. The only thing going against him ( apart from his gnome like looks) was that he came across as aloof and cocky.
He was one of those rare politicians who wasn't afraid to tell the truth when he wanted too, and would not always slavishly stick to the governments 'newspeak'.
This was made clear when in March 1998 Cook visited Israel.Whilst on this visit, he dared do what most British ( and no American ) member of parliament would ever do.He actually dared to criticize Israel, by voicing his opposition to the expansion of Israel settlements, or their let's steal as much land as we can, because we are the chosen ones policy.
Benjamin Netanyaho angrily cancelled a dinner with Cook to show his displeasure.
Cook had stepped out of line.
How strange that after the 2001 General Election, he was suddenly removed, against his wishes from the Foreign Office, to become the leader of the House Of Commons.This was seen as a backward step, a real demotion by most observers.Considering that Cook had been one of Labours leading lights, it seemed an exrtraordinary thing for Blair to have done to him.
Cook's replacement at the Foreign Office was Jack Straw. This sounds like a good sturdy English name, but Straw is a Jew whose real name is rather hard to pronounce.
Cook wrote about his time as leader of the House Of Commons, in his book,'The Point Of Departure'.He said that he had kept trying to to persuade ministeral colleagues, including Tony Blair to snap the umbilical cord that tied them to Bush and his absurd foreign Policy.
No one, of course, took any notice of him.
On 17.3.2003 he boldly stated;"I can't accept collective responsibility for the decision to commit Britain to military action in Iraq without International agreement or domestic support.". He resigned.
His reference to 'domestic support' is interesting as he seems to be the only one who had noticed that the majority of the British public were dead against the war
In his resignation speech he also said the following; "The reality is that Britain is being asked to embark on a war without agreement in any of the International bodies of which we are a leading partner, not, Nato, not the European Union and now not the Security Council".
He added that the U.S. could afford to fight the wars alone.
But the bomb had yet to be dropped.
He went on to say what should never be uttered, not even whispered.
What he said I will reveal in part two which will follow shortly.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Julian Assange And Nazi Britain.
So it has come to this.
If anyone dares to shine the light of truth onto the illegal wars and the disgraceful behaviour of the hopefully few rogue soldiers who indulge in disgusting acts against the enemy, they are thrown into the lions den.
The mafia American, Israeli and British governments- because that is all they are- will silence anyone who exposes their cult of evil and their anti human atrocities they inflict on innocent men, women and children on a daily basis.
Julian Assange showed the World what was really happening in these sick, sick wars. He exposed the truth.
America went into overdrive.
So desperate is America to get Assange, that they tell the British government to storm the embassy of Ecuador in London and capture Assange, if Ecuador grants him asylum.
The British Government wrote to the the Ecuador government and threatened them that they had every right to do this.
Assange has now been granted asylum and the foreign office says that it is not backing down on its mafia threats.
What's the date?
Are we back in the 1800s when Britain acted like the king of the World?
Er- no.
How arrogant is this?
What is this- Nazi Britain?Here are parts of a definition of the word 'Nazi' from the dictionary com site:suppressing all opposition and establishing a dictatorship over all cultural, economic and political activities of the people.Note the words'suppressing all opposition'.Come to think of it ,the rest of the definition, applies to not only Britain, but the U.S.A.too.
Well, the much loved( according to the B.B.C. and the Daily Mail) Prince Phillip has strong Nazi connections as does the Bush family.
Let's get this straight.
Under the terms of the 1961 United Nations Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations, embassies remain under the jurisdiction of the nation they represent, meaning that the British police have no authority to storm the Ecuador's embassy.
The convention is the cornerstone of International relations, and has been signed by 200 countries.
In 1987, in Britain, a law was inacted under which the diplomatic status of an embassy can be revoked
This was introduced following the 11 day Libyan Embassy seige when a gunman had shot and killed the highly unfortunate W.P.C. Yvonne Fletcher.The gunman was allowed to escape under the cover of diplomatic immunity.
It is this law that the Foreign Office is using as a gun at the head of the Ecuador government. Typical mafia tactics.
However, Carl Gardner, a former government lawyer, says that this particular law was specifically designed to stop acts of terrorism and other breaches of International law within a foreign embassy which Ecuador was not guilty of.
Because of this, the British government could well be in breach of the Vienna Convention which protects the status over embassies and diplomats, if the government used the law to send the police into Ecaudor's Embassy.
Sir Tony Brenton, who was the U.K's ambassador to Russia between 2004 and 2008 told B.B.C's radio four programme, that if the government does do this, it would become impossible for those working in British embassies abroad, and that he thinks it 'highly unlikely' that they would do this.
Put another way, he means that if Britain does this, any other country in the World could follow suit.I really do not think that the British Government would like the idea of this. Then again, maybe they are so in awe of Israel and America they might just do it.
But the very fact that they had the nerve to suggest that they would do such an outrageous, never -before - done- act shows their true colours.
America, Britain and Israel really do believe that they have the right to control the World.They break laws they themselves make; they kill people like Dr. Kelly and Robin Cook and countless lesser lights who stand in their way.
They are pure evil.
If anyone dares to shine the light of truth onto the illegal wars and the disgraceful behaviour of the hopefully few rogue soldiers who indulge in disgusting acts against the enemy, they are thrown into the lions den.
The mafia American, Israeli and British governments- because that is all they are- will silence anyone who exposes their cult of evil and their anti human atrocities they inflict on innocent men, women and children on a daily basis.
Julian Assange showed the World what was really happening in these sick, sick wars. He exposed the truth.
America went into overdrive.
So desperate is America to get Assange, that they tell the British government to storm the embassy of Ecuador in London and capture Assange, if Ecuador grants him asylum.
The British Government wrote to the the Ecuador government and threatened them that they had every right to do this.
Assange has now been granted asylum and the foreign office says that it is not backing down on its mafia threats.
What's the date?
Are we back in the 1800s when Britain acted like the king of the World?
Er- no.
How arrogant is this?
What is this- Nazi Britain?Here are parts of a definition of the word 'Nazi' from the dictionary com site:suppressing all opposition and establishing a dictatorship over all cultural, economic and political activities of the people.Note the words'suppressing all opposition'.Come to think of it ,the rest of the definition, applies to not only Britain, but the U.S.A.too.
Well, the much loved( according to the B.B.C. and the Daily Mail) Prince Phillip has strong Nazi connections as does the Bush family.
Let's get this straight.
Under the terms of the 1961 United Nations Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations, embassies remain under the jurisdiction of the nation they represent, meaning that the British police have no authority to storm the Ecuador's embassy.
The convention is the cornerstone of International relations, and has been signed by 200 countries.
In 1987, in Britain, a law was inacted under which the diplomatic status of an embassy can be revoked
This was introduced following the 11 day Libyan Embassy seige when a gunman had shot and killed the highly unfortunate W.P.C. Yvonne Fletcher.The gunman was allowed to escape under the cover of diplomatic immunity.
It is this law that the Foreign Office is using as a gun at the head of the Ecuador government. Typical mafia tactics.
However, Carl Gardner, a former government lawyer, says that this particular law was specifically designed to stop acts of terrorism and other breaches of International law within a foreign embassy which Ecuador was not guilty of.
Because of this, the British government could well be in breach of the Vienna Convention which protects the status over embassies and diplomats, if the government used the law to send the police into Ecaudor's Embassy.
Sir Tony Brenton, who was the U.K's ambassador to Russia between 2004 and 2008 told B.B.C's radio four programme, that if the government does do this, it would become impossible for those working in British embassies abroad, and that he thinks it 'highly unlikely' that they would do this.
Put another way, he means that if Britain does this, any other country in the World could follow suit.I really do not think that the British Government would like the idea of this. Then again, maybe they are so in awe of Israel and America they might just do it.
But the very fact that they had the nerve to suggest that they would do such an outrageous, never -before - done- act shows their true colours.
America, Britain and Israel really do believe that they have the right to control the World.They break laws they themselves make; they kill people like Dr. Kelly and Robin Cook and countless lesser lights who stand in their way.
They are pure evil.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Our Utterly Pathetic Media.
The bankers call the shots; they rule our sick world; they are the sacred cows; they have ruined us by their unbridled greed.
The newspapers, the radio and the T.V. all support them.I am, of course, talking about the main stream media, not the truth shouters that can be heard all over the internet- if you know where to look.
A few papers will complain about their evil practises, but it is hardly done with any vigour.They know that the people hate the banks, so to keep their readers happy they pretend that they agree with them.
It is the support of the bankers partners in crime though that is even more disturbing.Most of the media support governments as they unleash the most severe austerity measures known in most peoples lifetimes.
What these governements are doing is totally unacceptable to the very people who elected them, and yet the media make no real fuss about this.
To cut disabilty allowances, to cut pensions,to reduce unemployment benefits are not the acts of a caring, civilized government.To cut back on health care and at the same time spend millions on weapons that will injure, maim and kill people, is not the act of a sane person.Yet all governments are doing this, and getting away with it..
Am I saying they are mad? In a nutshell, yes. Their very actions prove it, and we take such madness.Swallow, it down with a few spoonfulls of sugar like that Olympic farce.
There is no outcry from the craven, cowardly media about the outrageous behaviour of all the governments in the World.The lunacy, the evil that governments are doing is simply accepted as necessary.The message from them is: it's really unfortunate, but things have to be this way, and we all have to accept it as we have no choice.
Well, this is utter bull. Society does not have to be this way.
People are dying, people are being killed by these policies. I'm talking millions of people here. We are at the top of the pile and we suffer, but in the third World the governments policies are killing people every second.
In the west, in once propsperous countries, many can't afford medicines or health care; they can't afford to eat, and the ones who can can only buy cheap unhealthy food. Have you seen , in Athens, the number of poor souls who go through the rubbish bins each day, like starving cats, looking for food? I doubt it as such scenes are censored by the sick editors of newspapers.
There are no jobs and people who do work have to work 14 to 16 hours a day just to survive.In Greece:millions who are employed have not been paid for months.
Suicides are soaring.,health, both physical and mental is destroyed.Children are getting mentally ill. The extend of the suffering is jaw- dropping. No hope, no future. A generation have had their dreams destroyed. A generation, many who are very bright, are thrown onto the dustcart.
Governments do not care a jot about these people.Does it worry them that the very ones who are needed most of all in their countries are fleeing in a search for a saner way of life.? Of course not, as if it did they would never have let this situation arise
I was astonished to read on a Greek blog the other day that the reason that the Greek Prime Minister hasn't told the Greek people what the new austerity measures are, is because he doesn't want to spoil their summer.
Does the writer of this tosh really believe this ?
The only reason no new austerity measures are mentioned is because the government is terrified of what will take place when such an announcement is made.
They know that social unrest that has never been seen before will take place.The sight of out of control riots and demonstrations would also worry their beloved masters, the troika, who might think, hey, maybe the measures won't work..
Well, the Greek government is only delaying the day of judgement.Maybe they want the tourist season finished before they dare to fire the starting pistol.
Greece is not alone though. Almost every country is going through the same' let's crush the people' game.
Yet the pathetic media is saying that it has to be this way.
Of course it doesn't have to be like this. The system is wrong, wrong, wrong.
If the newspapers and T.V said this, things would be a lot different.But they don't and they will not.They are mere puppets who are doing and saying what the rich guys want them to.
The media though is backing the wrong side.
Gandhi summed it up with the following;"When I depair, I remember that all through history, the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end they always fail- think of it always."
The tyrants and murderers who rule this planet now will also fade into history- think of it always.
The newspapers, the radio and the T.V. all support them.I am, of course, talking about the main stream media, not the truth shouters that can be heard all over the internet- if you know where to look.
A few papers will complain about their evil practises, but it is hardly done with any vigour.They know that the people hate the banks, so to keep their readers happy they pretend that they agree with them.
It is the support of the bankers partners in crime though that is even more disturbing.Most of the media support governments as they unleash the most severe austerity measures known in most peoples lifetimes.
What these governements are doing is totally unacceptable to the very people who elected them, and yet the media make no real fuss about this.
To cut disabilty allowances, to cut pensions,to reduce unemployment benefits are not the acts of a caring, civilized government.To cut back on health care and at the same time spend millions on weapons that will injure, maim and kill people, is not the act of a sane person.Yet all governments are doing this, and getting away with it..
Am I saying they are mad? In a nutshell, yes. Their very actions prove it, and we take such madness.Swallow, it down with a few spoonfulls of sugar like that Olympic farce.
There is no outcry from the craven, cowardly media about the outrageous behaviour of all the governments in the World.The lunacy, the evil that governments are doing is simply accepted as necessary.The message from them is: it's really unfortunate, but things have to be this way, and we all have to accept it as we have no choice.
Well, this is utter bull. Society does not have to be this way.
People are dying, people are being killed by these policies. I'm talking millions of people here. We are at the top of the pile and we suffer, but in the third World the governments policies are killing people every second.
In the west, in once propsperous countries, many can't afford medicines or health care; they can't afford to eat, and the ones who can can only buy cheap unhealthy food. Have you seen , in Athens, the number of poor souls who go through the rubbish bins each day, like starving cats, looking for food? I doubt it as such scenes are censored by the sick editors of newspapers.
There are no jobs and people who do work have to work 14 to 16 hours a day just to survive.In Greece:millions who are employed have not been paid for months.
Suicides are soaring.,health, both physical and mental is destroyed.Children are getting mentally ill. The extend of the suffering is jaw- dropping. No hope, no future. A generation have had their dreams destroyed. A generation, many who are very bright, are thrown onto the dustcart.
Governments do not care a jot about these people.Does it worry them that the very ones who are needed most of all in their countries are fleeing in a search for a saner way of life.? Of course not, as if it did they would never have let this situation arise
I was astonished to read on a Greek blog the other day that the reason that the Greek Prime Minister hasn't told the Greek people what the new austerity measures are, is because he doesn't want to spoil their summer.
Does the writer of this tosh really believe this ?
The only reason no new austerity measures are mentioned is because the government is terrified of what will take place when such an announcement is made.
They know that social unrest that has never been seen before will take place.The sight of out of control riots and demonstrations would also worry their beloved masters, the troika, who might think, hey, maybe the measures won't work..
Well, the Greek government is only delaying the day of judgement.Maybe they want the tourist season finished before they dare to fire the starting pistol.
Greece is not alone though. Almost every country is going through the same' let's crush the people' game.
Yet the pathetic media is saying that it has to be this way.
Of course it doesn't have to be like this. The system is wrong, wrong, wrong.
If the newspapers and T.V said this, things would be a lot different.But they don't and they will not.They are mere puppets who are doing and saying what the rich guys want them to.
The media though is backing the wrong side.
Gandhi summed it up with the following;"When I depair, I remember that all through history, the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end they always fail- think of it always."
The tyrants and murderers who rule this planet now will also fade into history- think of it always.
Monday, August 13, 2012
George Orwell,Part Eight.
I am, in this series, trying to illustrate that what George Orwell wrote in his book,'Nineteen Eight-Four'is almost a blueprint of the World we are now living in.
In 2007, The Centre For Policy Studies published a thirty page book that promised to translate' politicians speak' into plain English.The dictionary actually calls politicians language' Newspeak.' This is one of George Orwell's expressions.
The Director of the Centre For Policy Studies, Jill Kirby, had this to say:
"The government when talking about a problem has come to mean the same thing as doing something about it.." She also said that when a politician says,"Let me finish"all he really means is that he will continue talking so that you cannot ask any more difficult questions.
Are these Governments by the people and for the people?
Here are a few random examples of the Newspeak talked by politicians.
In the Chilcot farce Jack Straw was asked by Sir Rober Lyne the following:
"What was the general view that you were getting from your Ambassadors around the Middle East about the likely consequences if military action was taken to topple( hang, in public, as it eventually turned out) Saddam Hussain?"
Jack Straw replied,"Well, it varied is the answer, but there was a constant theme in the advice"
There we have a good example of modern newspeak.Varied and constant in one sentence.
It really could have come out of the pages of a Stephen Potter book, or out of 'Nineteen Eighty-Four'.
If you read Britain's Labour Party's webpage, it claims that one of its policies is to make sure that wealth and opportunity are in the hands of the many, not the few.
On 6.12.2004 John Carvel in the Guardian wrote an article that included the following:
'The wealth of the super-rich has doubled since Tony Blair came to power(Office For National Statistics)',.
According to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, in an article written on 16.7.07, based on a study done by the organization, Britain is moving backwards towards levels of inequality in wealth and poverty last seen more than 40 years ago, and that the rich and poor are living further apart.
Members of Parliament earn about ( not counting allowances) three times the average pay. of a 'normal citizen'.
But of course they are worth it, because they make everyones lives so much better don't they?
Now here's a classic. Tony Blair on 30.11.1995 in a speach at the Victoria and Albert Museum:
"We are on the side of ordinary people, against privilege, against vested interest of the public or the private sector".
His first speach from Downing Street on 2.5. 97 is another gem:
" It will be a government that seeks to restore trust in politics in this country".
But the following must win the prize as being the absolute opposite of what was said:
"We are not the masters."He said on 7.5.97."The people are the masters now.We are the servants of the people.We will never forget it".
Never forget it?
There are more from this weaver of guile, deception and spin.How about the following?
" I think most people who have dealt with me, think I'm a pretty straight sort of guy and I am".
Or this whopper:" The allegation that I or anyone else lied to this House or deliberatly misled the country by falsifying intelligence on weapons of mass destruction is itself the real lie".
This is straight Orwell.
One final one:
On 7.4 95 he told the Daily telegraph that he couldn't stand politicians who wear God on their sleaves.
On 4.3. 2006 though, he said to Michael Parkinson on his T.V. show,"I think if you have faith about these things, we realise judgement is made by other people, and if you believe in God, it's made by God as well"
It's frightening that this guy is back in the British Political scene.Perhaps he can smell blood from a war that might be next on the agenda.Blood and money, of course.
Part 9 of this series on George Orwell will follow shortly.
In 2007, The Centre For Policy Studies published a thirty page book that promised to translate' politicians speak' into plain English.The dictionary actually calls politicians language' Newspeak.' This is one of George Orwell's expressions.
The Director of the Centre For Policy Studies, Jill Kirby, had this to say:
"The government when talking about a problem has come to mean the same thing as doing something about it.." She also said that when a politician says,"Let me finish"all he really means is that he will continue talking so that you cannot ask any more difficult questions.
Are these Governments by the people and for the people?
Here are a few random examples of the Newspeak talked by politicians.
In the Chilcot farce Jack Straw was asked by Sir Rober Lyne the following:
"What was the general view that you were getting from your Ambassadors around the Middle East about the likely consequences if military action was taken to topple( hang, in public, as it eventually turned out) Saddam Hussain?"
Jack Straw replied,"Well, it varied is the answer, but there was a constant theme in the advice"
There we have a good example of modern newspeak.Varied and constant in one sentence.
It really could have come out of the pages of a Stephen Potter book, or out of 'Nineteen Eighty-Four'.
If you read Britain's Labour Party's webpage, it claims that one of its policies is to make sure that wealth and opportunity are in the hands of the many, not the few.
On 6.12.2004 John Carvel in the Guardian wrote an article that included the following:
'The wealth of the super-rich has doubled since Tony Blair came to power(Office For National Statistics)',.
According to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, in an article written on 16.7.07, based on a study done by the organization, Britain is moving backwards towards levels of inequality in wealth and poverty last seen more than 40 years ago, and that the rich and poor are living further apart.
Members of Parliament earn about ( not counting allowances) three times the average pay. of a 'normal citizen'.
But of course they are worth it, because they make everyones lives so much better don't they?
Now here's a classic. Tony Blair on 30.11.1995 in a speach at the Victoria and Albert Museum:
"We are on the side of ordinary people, against privilege, against vested interest of the public or the private sector".
His first speach from Downing Street on 2.5. 97 is another gem:
" It will be a government that seeks to restore trust in politics in this country".
But the following must win the prize as being the absolute opposite of what was said:
"We are not the masters."He said on 7.5.97."The people are the masters now.We are the servants of the people.We will never forget it".
Never forget it?
There are more from this weaver of guile, deception and spin.How about the following?
" I think most people who have dealt with me, think I'm a pretty straight sort of guy and I am".
Or this whopper:" The allegation that I or anyone else lied to this House or deliberatly misled the country by falsifying intelligence on weapons of mass destruction is itself the real lie".
This is straight Orwell.
One final one:
On 7.4 95 he told the Daily telegraph that he couldn't stand politicians who wear God on their sleaves.
On 4.3. 2006 though, he said to Michael Parkinson on his T.V. show,"I think if you have faith about these things, we realise judgement is made by other people, and if you believe in God, it's made by God as well"
It's frightening that this guy is back in the British Political scene.Perhaps he can smell blood from a war that might be next on the agenda.Blood and money, of course.
Part 9 of this series on George Orwell will follow shortly.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Surfers Catches Of The Day.
From search Do you know anyone who laughs a hundred times a day? In the World we live in today?
2 .The word'Handicap' comes from ' cap in hand'., refering to a disabled person's need to subsist through begging.
3.An Oregon man received 30 days in jail for collecting rainwater on his own property.
From from Fox News.
4.In 1931 Dr. Cornelius Rhoads was sponsored by the Rockfeller Institute to conduct experiments in Puerto Rico.He infected Puerto Rican citizens with cancer cells; 13 of them died..
He said the following;"The Porto Ricans(sic) are the dirtiest, laziest, most degenerate and thievish race of men ever to inhabit this sphere. I have done my best to further the process of extermination by killing some and transplanting cancer into several more- all physicians take delight in the abuse and torture of the unfortunate subjects."
The good doctor was then elected by the U.S.A to be in charge of chemical warfare projects and was given a seat on the U.S, Atomic Energy Commission.
He was also made Vice- President of the American Cancer Society.
From War Is Crime site
5. Naked rambler Stephen Gough is accused of committing a breach of the peace near a childrens play park in Dunfermline in the U.K. on 20.7.2012-,because he was in the nude.
He appeared at the Kirkcaldy Sherriff Court naked, apart from walking boots and a pair of white socks.
He told Sherrif Richard Mcfarlane he would;"absolutely not put clothes on as he was dressed appropiately".
He added that he would never wear clothes in court as being naked gives him his freedom.
From the B.B.C.
6.Lisa Rigley and her husband Phil set up a camera outside their home to try and catch who it was who had been attacking their car.
They were stunned when the camera's footage showed what looked like a white glowing orb looking like the ghost of a young child jumping over the car..
From the Daily Mail on 10.8.2012. Pictures are on this site of the white blob.
7. Telling lies, according to a study from the University of Notre Dame, can actually cause physical and mental distress.People who consciously tried to tell fewer white lies were less likely to feel tense or sad, and also experienced fewer sore throats and headaches..
It was also discovered that the average person tells 11 lies a week.
From the daily mail 8.08.2012.
8.A stray cat with no eyes was found by Wood Green Animal Shelter . The Shelter called the cat'Stevie Wonder' because he was blind.The strange part is it was noticed that he loved to listen to piano music. So, they sat'Stevie Wonder' at the piano, and he started playing it with his paws. He now plays it whenever he can, and seems to love playing it.
From The Daily Mail 8.08 2012.
9.In 1871-82 in England, 98% of the population aged between 2 and 50 were vaccinated against smallpox..
England then experienced its worst ever smallpox outbreak with 45,000 deaths.
In Germany, compulsory vaccination against diptheria commenced in 1940 and by 1945 diptheria cases were up from 40,000 to 250,000.
In 1967 Ghana was declared measles free by the W.H.O. after 96% of its population was vaccinated.
In 1972, Ghana experienced one of its worst measles outbreak with its highest ever mortality rate.
From Natural News 9.8.2012.
!0.A choice cut of beef taken from the upper hindquarters (i.e.the loin) is called sirloin because an English King, who was so pleased with the dish, that he knighted it'sir loin'.
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