Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Awake T.V. Is For You And Me.

If you go  to you tube,click on Mike Selley  songs, and then look at the top right hand corner of the screen, you will see the name Ashvill1983.Next to this is an icon. If you click on this ,you will find Awake tv.Or straight link

It's chock- a - block , filled right up with videos to help you in every way.

The Elite are filling us up with non-stop negativity, but this is the way to beat them. You can't fight them. They are experts at that, and that's exactly what they want you to do.The Elite are trying to make you feel and think in a certain kind of way, but if you refuse to play their game they have no game to play. If you think in a loving, positive way, you are out of their frame. Awake T.V. helps you  escape their matrix of insanity.

Going out on the street throwing bricks at police hasn't solved the problem has it ?

So why keep doing it ?

That old adage.' Doing the same things over and over again and expecting diiferent results is a definition of  insanity. ' And that is what people are doing.

When I told some people the other day that , if demonstrators simply sat down and chanted the word'Love', they looked at me as if I was really niave and living in a sort of old -fashioned childrens book. I found that rather sad.
The police dressed as terminators would look ridiculous, and there would be no riot. In fact I doubt if the media would want to show this, as it is not what the powers that be want.

They want violence, as that is how they survive.They want conflict, and the worse the conflict the better.
They even plant police, dressed as demonstrators, to start the trouble. How sick is that?

They love to ferment hate.

So let us embrace love. Then they are lost as it's something they do not understand.

We have to forget the hate we feel for the governments and the banks.We have to tune into a higher frequency, and if enough people do this, this sick, sick system will collapse. Game over.

To help us do this my son, James Selley has created this marvellous channel on you tube.

Let's hear what he has to say about this.

Me: " What gave you the idea of starting  AwakeT.V. ?"

James:" The fact that you watch news on the T.V. and all you hear is bad news, negativity, poverty, war, crises and rich people and how stupid they are.You never see any good news.You never hear about alternative ways to live. You don't feel good after watching the news. You feel that this World is a World of evil corporations, and crisis after crises.

There must be an opposite to this. So I decided to give people only positive stuff, instead of all the negative stuff that is rammed down our throats."

Me:" Why is it called Awake T.V. ?"

James: " Because I found it a catchy title, and I believe all great truths are telling us to wake up .In fact the words' wake up'  can be found written in English, in towns and villages, even in the wilds of the country , all over Greece."..

However, I want to emphasise that it is not just about waking up. It is a gathering of everything that is optimistic and positive around the World.

It could be beautiful views, beautiful music.Anything that is positive to counter the awful negativity that is smothering us. all.

It has videos of everyone from Ekhart Tolle to Jim Carey, plus interviews with people who have positive things to say. It includes extraordinary facts about our planet and technology that could be used in a positive way to help us all.

I hope that it reminds people of what a beautiful planet we live on.We forget about how incredibly valuable this planet is. I have included  videos of happy people laughing full of the joy of life: movie trailers of films that make people think.

.It will have no anger whatsoever.

Me:" So you have hope in Mankinds future ?"

James: "There is no other way, is there ?"

Do check it out. I think it's just what we all need  right now.


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