1.Research by the British group, Republic claims that the Government spends over 30 times more on a working member of the Royal family than it does on a serving soldier in Afghanistan.
From Press T.V. 1.8.2012.
2.Iran was intended to be the biggest victim of 9.11 . The intellectual architects of 9.11, Paul Wolfowitz,Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Benjamin Netanyaha, Philip Zelikow and other neocons arranged 9.11 to use the American Military in wars for Israel.
Israel wanted regime change in Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Egypt,Lebanon,Somalia, and the most important of all, Iran.
This is the view of Dr.Alan Sabrosky, former head of strategic studies at the U.S. Army War College.A great many other high level insiders agree with him.
From Press T.V.
3.A source in the Deutsche Bank claims that in 2008 our financial and monetary system completely collapsed.Since then banking cartels have been 'propping up ' the system to make it appear that everything is fine.
In reality, our stock market and monetary systems are fake; there is nothing holding them in place except the illusion that they have stabilized since the stock market crash nearly five years ago.
From an article by Suzanne Posel dated 2. 8. 2012 on Press T.V.
4.5000 new nuclear bomb shelters are being constructed in Moscow, to be completed by the end of 2012.China has also built huge underground shelters.
From an article on the Infowars site, by Paul Joseph Watson, dated 2.8.2012.
Do these countries know something we don't?
5.Everyday, in the U.S.A. 290 people are killed by F.D.A. approved prescription drugs.This is a conservative number published by the Journal Of The American Medical Association( J.A.M.A, volume 284, no 4, July 26th 2000), These figures have, no doubt , increased since then.
According to the report 'Death By Medicine', written by doctors, the medical establishment kills 783,936 people a year in the U.S. A.
You stand a 6200% higher risk of being killed by your doctor, than you do than being killed by a lunatic gunman.
From The Natural News site.
6.On 1.8.2012 stock exchange trading went off the charts with 2000% increases instantly.This is exactly what happened two days before 9. 11.
From an article by Josey Wales on the Before It's News site, dated 1.8.2012.
Funny that so many people with free tickets didn't show at the Olympics.Is something going on here?
7.Athletes in the 19th century took cocoa leaves, cocaine and alcohol to improve their performance.Thomas Hicks won the 1904 Olympic marathon with a liitle help from his friends, namely, raw egg, strychine and brandy..
Ancient Olympic dopers chewed raw animal testicles!
From Reuters.
When I was a meat eater- I don't eat meat nowadays I ate goats balls when in Turkey. I hate to say it, but they were delicious!And- forget viagra!
8.A theme park in southern China has been criticised by local residents for offering half price entry for women wearing mini-skirts.
From the Daily Telegraph 3.8.2012.
9.A doctor, Ben Waterfall( he had the right name) saved his tortoise from a slow death.He found it drowning in its own water bowl.
The doctor said, "He was dead; I pulled him out but he was not breathing, so I gave the eight year old reptile, mouth to mouth resuscitation.It recovered and lived.".
From Metro Now site.
10.Those paper clips that have been a must in every office in the land for more than a hundred years, have been banned by a Health Trust.G.P.surgeries,clinics and offices are not allowed to use them, after a member of staff cut their finger on one.
From the Daily Mail dated 2.8.2012.
How grazy can our World get?
Isn't there something in the Bible about God saying, that before he destroys a people , he sends them mad?
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