Caught a few of the childrens' eyes
From Heaven above, Hell had arrived,
On the 6th August 1945.
Was this the greatest crime ever committed in human history?
It was unique in that it had never happened before, as far as we know, and people thought it would never happen.
But it did.
It was such a savagely.cruel, inhuman act, it is hard to believe that any sane person could have given the orders for it to be carried out.More frightening than that though is the fact that the people given the orders, simply ,did not question them , but blindly carried out the most vile ,loathsome carnage ever inflicted on one country by another.
How could the pilots do what they did? How could they have obeyed such a lunatic order?
Did Paul Tibbets, the pilot of B.29( adds up to 11- interesting) feel a true hero as he released the bomb ?
He died at the ripe old age of 92( adds up to 11) in 2007(adds up to9), and to his dying day said that he had no regrets about the mission and slept just fine at night.This is from the N.B.C. news site.
I wonder where he is now?Does he still have no regrets?
I am talking about that dreadfully dark day that casts a long heavy shadow on the history of our species.
In fact, it is not one day, but two.
The 6th August and the 9th August !945.
Not days you hear talked about much.Yet we have not been allowed to forget the killing of large numbers of Jews killed in the second World war and we shouldn't forget these awful crimes ever.But by our attention being focused on this truly terrible crime against humanity,the bombing of Japan has never had much coverage in the main stream media.
I wonder if any newspapers will even mention it on the 6th and on the 9th of August this week, Maybe a few lines somewhere on the third page, but nothing more. No in- depth coverage of what suffering was caused.
Little Boy was what they called the atomic bomb that dropped on Hiroshima .
Another day of city life
Innocents living out their lives
Shattered dreams by a blinding light
On the 6th of August 1945.
Fat man was the name of the second bomb that fell on Nagasaki, just three days later
Few days on in another city
From the sky, devoid of pity
Destruction and death raining down
The gates of Hell fell on the town.
How typical that such harmless names should have been given to the two demons that were surely in these bombs.We think of little boys as innocent and cute, and fat men , though politically incorrect, as , sort of funny, like the fat one in Laurel And Hardy.
How sick
Within the first two to four months of the bombings, the acute effects killed 90.000 to 166,000 people in Hiroshima and 60,000 to 80,000 in Nagasaki.
60% died from flash or flame burns.30% from falling debris, and 10% from other causes.
The manner of death was grotesque
Peoples bodies were terribly squeezed, then their internal organs ruptered.
The blast blew the broken bodies at 500 to 1000 miles per hour, through the burning hot stinking air.
In the following months, large numbers died from the effects of burns, radiation sickness and other injuries.Their hair fell out, their gums bled. they vomitted blood and they died.From the Pharyngola site.
The radiation from the attacks caused gene mutations in the survivors and such mutations led to birth defects in the next generation.Survivors had a much higher rate of cancers and tumours .From Wikepedia..
Why bomb such crowded cities full of civilians?
Why not pick a military target?
I think we know the answer to that one.
It was an extreme act of evil, no matter what lying justifications were given for this almighty crime against humanity.
Surely these days should be remembered more than any other? Shouldn't we all hang our heads in shame as we remember this heinous tragedy.
The 6th and the 9th of August should be Remembrance days for the whole World. Two days of reflection, of mourning, of a collective determination that such abominations must never, but never happen ever again..Two days when the whole World stops its frenzied activities, reflects on our shared humanity. and vows to never repeat what happened on the 6th and ninth of August nineteen forty-five
Could two days of International mourning one day lead to the dream that every sane man woman and child has on this planet, and that is for all war to be classified as the greatest crime ever?
Is it really possible that one beautiful day the following will happen?
"And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."Isaiah 2.4. King James Version( Cambridge Edition).
Sadako Sasaki(7.Jan 1943- 25 Oct !955) who died aged 12 as a result of the attack on Hiroshima wrote these beautiful lines;
"I shall write peace upon your wings, and you shall fly around the World so that children will no longer have to die this way."
This has been the most harrowing article I have ever written and has effected me deeply.
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