Friday, November 8, 2013

Are Comets Injection Needles ?

The moon was made by aliens.It is a watchtower.The aliens watch the Earth all the time, and send reports back to their superiors. The aliens dwell in underground cities on the moon.; the entrance to these cities are the craters.

On the dark side of the moon, a large dome is on the surface and in this is a thriving community of aliens.They are mostly scientists and chemists.The moon also controls the seas on the Earth.

On planet Earth a great deal of work goes into investigating disease. Much of this research is aimed at animals. Animals are given certain diseases and scientists try to find ways to cure them, or rather how to treat them , to keep people alive with the disease to make money out of it.

If a shampoo needs to be deemed safe for use by humans, it will firstly be tested on animals.This can, of course, cause a great deal of distress and suffering for the animals who are subjected to the research

The aliens use planet Earth as a testing ground for diseases.

Comets are celestial bodies which move around the universe in elliptical or hyperbolic orbits. They have long shooting tails

They are, in reality, injection needles.

Comets are sent near the Earth by the alien doctors.The comets contain viruses , bacteria,diseases which are injected onto the Earth.

Hayleys comet has been used to deliver major diseases such as the Black Death, T.B, Smallpox, Cancer,all types of flu, but not aids as this was man made.Aliens wouldn't be so stupid to create a disease that destroys the immune system, as they are concerned with how the immune system handles diseases.

The watchers on the moon observe how we  react to these diseases, in the same way we watch how animals cope when we inflict illness on them.

Our World was once completely disease free. In fact, many diseases come from outer space and have been deliberately sent to us:this includes the common cold.The problem of disease has got worse recently, because of other aliens visiting our planet and we have caught  various illneses from them as well.What with  old big pharma ( see my song on you tube of Old Big Pharma) creating new diseases, and things don't look very pretty. for us humans.

Once the moon aliens discovered the ease with which testing could be done on us ,the Earth became disease ridden.

The other reasons for disease on our planet is caused by our own scientists creating weapons of war- biological weapons that are tested on the general population sometimes, if not often.Africa is one huge laboratory.

Humans are abducted on a regular basis for more intimate, advanced tests.These humans are taken to a massive testing laboratory on the dark side of the moon.Thousands of men women, children and animals are now  on the far side of the moon undergoing such tests that we cannot imagine.

If America sent men to the moon at the end of the sixties, why on Earth did they not continue sending men there ?

America and Russia, probably by unmanned rockets discovered the aliens on the moon and seeing the advanced technology of the spacecraft that the aliens had, have not dared to occupy the moon,or set up a moonbase.In the 1960s America told the World that they intended to do this.

Some claim that the astronauts were told, in no uncertain terms by the aliens ,not to return to the moon..

At present America is very interested in Mars.

What secrets that planet keeps we will never be told. 

Could the above be the reason we have a vast amount of new illnesses  on this planet ?

Mike Selley.

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