Friday, November 8, 2013

Go Back To Where You' Been

Go Back To Where You' Been.

Skull With Horns And PentagramThe gateways had started being opened about 6o years ago.Since then more gateways have been found and opened.The Elite are now expert at opening them.

In the early days they had great difficulty in finding the gates, and opening them had been near impossible, but still quite a few extra powerful demons managed to break on through from the lower dimension, by the sheer intensity of  their desire to satisfy their unquenchable lusts of every hue.They knew that the only place where they could gratify their burning desire was on the Earth frequency.Some of the World's so called greatest leaders , who have killed millions of people are, of course, demons that have taken on human form.

In fact, you can more or less tell who were demons, by looking at the statues in our cities.It seems the more carnage ,suffering and death these demonic energies could create, the more they are admired by the masses.As this is the Devil's World this, of course, makes perfect sense.The Devil is glorifying his followers. In the same way,some holders of the Peace Prize have got it for furthering Satan's work It is , in those cases, really a war prize .

The original Elite came from this lower dimension, which in Christain terms would be called Hell .This place is on a lower, denser vibrational frequency.

When the Elite's Arch-Enemy realised how Satan's demons had arrived on this frequency, He shut and sealed all the gareways to Hell.The Elite , however, through Black Magic rituals,  had another way of bringing up the certain demons they wanted from Hell. That is how the Elite have flourished throughout history.

For their final act of completing the circle though, they needed more players.More than 60 years ago they were getting desperate as they had a deadline when their mission was to be completed

Skull With Black WingsThe advent of  Einstein messing around with ideas had led him to a mathamatical formula that

the Elite used to open the gates. By using this equation the Elite found out how to open these gates with ease.The Demons started arriving and taking up their respective positions in the World, as they had been instructed to do by Lucifer.

They started changing the weather to make a climate more to their liking. Extreme weather is adored by the Demons because it causes so much chaos.A host of different demonic insects ,and demonic viruses also arrived. These could not hurt the Elite, but, could, of course, hurt humans.,and even kill them

Their orders were to eliminate the majority of humanity, so they quickly established themselves in all the major pharmacautical companies.They could now put all types of germs and bacteria in medicines and in vaccines.The food companies were also targetted, so the food could contain slow acting poisons.All key government posts were taken over, as well as all the banks Any high profile institution such as The World Health Organization was also targetted.The media was totally controlled by them also.

The water supplies were all given slow acting poison and by the use of chemtrails a host of new illnesses could be dropped on the masses.Weather control was very useful to them , for causing floods, droughts and earthquakes.

The circle completes yet another year Heaven was the spring on Earth, summer started slowly moving away from  Heaven, and by the Autumn the Demons started arriving.Winter is the planned season for Lucifer to sit on his throne and rule the World and rule over God's beloved creation.

It had been Satan's plan from the moment  he really felt wretched and bitter, after having been banished from Heaven..He vowed to himself that he would achieve complete domination over God's precious creation.

We are now at the end of autumn, and are approaching Winter in this , too us, long cosmic cycle of seasons.

The Spirits Of Light, though, will not let this happen.They are travelling from country to country, across sea and sky  and are taking the heavy fog of sleep away from the masses deluded eyes.The people are waking up to the revelation that an evil design of such magnitude has been thrust upon them for centuries.

We will, in time, say to them,"Go back to where you' been.", which is their rightful place in the order of life, and some call this place Hell.

The people on the Earth will slowly begin to understand that it is useless to fight these demonic entities in this dense vibrational plane called the physical World. They are masters of the physical World and will always beat us.

The war is a spiritual one and must be fought on that plane.We can do this by  the thoughts, attitudes and emotions we have.

When enough people are having positive, loving thoughts and no longer living in a constant state of fear and anxiety, the Elite will lose a vital source of their energy that keeps them on our vibrational plane.

Their power will weaken, and it is then we can say," Go back to where you' been".

Mike Selley.

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