Friday, November 8, 2013

Making It Rain On Us.

NOAA Photo Library Image - nssl0003Photo from the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration/ Department Of Commerce.

Not content with taking our life- savings, our jobs, our homes and our pensions away, other dark deeds, which are hidden from our eyes, are going on around us  all the time.

Robbing us of our human dignity, our childrens future, and of any hope  was just not enough.Causing World-wide anxiety, stress, depression and a massive hike in suicides, did not go far enough for the puppet-masters;the ones who control every aspect of our lives.

Behind the smoke and mirrors, in grand, rich looking rooms, the hollow men in dark suits plot and plan their next move on the World chess board,or should that be Monopoly board

They are following a Master-PlanTheir job is to implement it.This is what they do.Their rewards are impressive.Vast amounts of money,large mansions,country cottages, expensive cars are the tip of the iceberg
They know of the most beautiful locations on this Earth, that would take our breath away and these places are strictly reserved for them; no mere mortal is ever allowed access to these .They know all the stocks, shares etc. that will do well in the future, and never make mistakes with their investments,simply, because they have decided what is going to happen.They have other perks which we can't even imagine.

Money is never a problem.They cannot imagine what life would be like  having to worry about paying a bill.

If the hollow men really run an exra mile for their Masters, they are rewarded even more.Look at Tony Blair who seemed to relish doing dirty deeds- the dirtier the better it seems-as he now appears to be wallowing in a fortune.The best  jobs that are the most highly paid all go to these types.Knighthoods are also given for services rendered to the dark forces,as well as Peace Prizes.You might even get a statue of you if you have been very obedient. 

Part of the plan is to squash us, to bring us down,make us feel low,lost and confused.The economic collapse has achieved this to a great degree,but how about a few major upheavals like extreme weather  to really wreck our homes and lives ?

I don't know if that is the sole reason for our extreme weather.Some of it must be natural, or caused by disturbances in the sun.The rest of it though ? Are some of the floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes  manufactured ?

Were the floods last month in the UK a natural event ?

 Of course they were, many would say, as were all the other floods earlier in the year., and the   droughts across the globe.

No one but a fool would surely suspect that such disasters were inflicted on us on purpose. What a sick thought.

In 1952, after a massive flood in the U.K. I bet that they said the same, if it had even crossed anyone's mind that a government would do such an outrageous act.

On 30. 08.2001 the B.B.C. had an article , with the headline,' Rain-Making Linked To Killer Floods'.

Nineteen million tonnes of water swept down the narrow valley into Lynmouth, destroying whole buildings and killing 35 people.

A B.B.C. investigation has confirmed that secret experiments were causing heavy rainfall.

Classified documents on the trials were gone missing, but people involved told their stories for a B.B.C.4 documentary..The article goes on to say that North Devon experienced 250 times the normal August rainfall in 1952.Survivors tell how the air smelled of Sulphur on the afternoon of the floods and that the rain fell so hard it hurt peopl's faces.

Ships, hotels and homes were destroyed.

Survivors said planes had been seen circling the area before the deluge.The Ministry Of Defence denied any knowledge of this, but all papers were missing for the significant period.

But the B.B.C. dug deeper and discovered that it was true, and that the M.O.D. had done what they said they had not done

Is this what is going on now, not only in the U.K., but Worldwide ? Droughts have also increased, as well as every other form of extremely erratic weather.

As written earlier, it is highly probable that not all these extreme weather events are man- made, but ,I suspect some are

 If so, is there a more sinister reason for this, rather than to help us to really stress out ?

Could this be part of the plan to change the weather on this planet to suit a race not from this Earth ?
Or- practice runs for a Worldwide extreme weather event ?
Or- simply an experiment to see what humans do in these situations ?
OR- a weather war between ruling factions ?

One day we will know, because slowly all is now revealed; the tightly drawn curtains are parting
.Photo from The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration/ Department Of Commerce.

Mike Selley.

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