Thursday, November 7, 2013

Controlling The Group Mind .

We are all controlled by fear.

Edward Bernay, the father of modern propaganda is the'guru'of the Elite. They have followed and used his methods to keep us'sheep' so obedient to the shepherd and his taser-happy sheepdogs

.This is a quote from him

" If we understand the mechanisms and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control the masses according to our will, without their knowing it.

We are governed, our minds are moulded, our tastes formed , our ideas suggested by ways we have never heard of.

In almost every act in our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or in our ethical thinking, we are dominated by a relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses

It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.".

But not for much longer, as the days of the Elite are drawing to a close, and their silly, childish, petty ways will soon be laughed at by all of mankind.

The Elite are dinosaurs who have no place in the World today.

It is ludicrous, in the 21st century for people to declare themselves 'Royalty'. Come to think of it, it's ludicrous for anyone  to claim that they have the right to rob the people, and live like kings and Queens in any century.

And it is terribly sad that wars are still going on in our time.When man was young and foolish and immature such folly took place. But now ?

The only ones who make sure that wars continue are the evil Elite.These beings are still acting like they have for thousands of years. They suffer from arrested development.

They are monsters of old, dinosaurs from a different age.

It won't be a material rock that destroys them It will be the invisible rock of love in our hearts that is now waking up.

The love that rocks the cradle will soon rock the world, and roll the evil Elite off it.
They will then return to the lower dimension where they belong.Christians call it 'hell'.

They do not belong here, but we do.

The awakening is starting. Make sure that you hear the alarm bell ringing all over the World.

I recently wrote the followings lyrics for a new song;

Hear the tom toms
Beat across the land
Hear the tom toms
Beating from our Mother's heart
Across the Earth, now it's getting so dark
And everybody's tied up in chains
While the Devil takes the reins
Disciples fan the wars with flames
Everybody cries: stop this system, it's insane.

It is high time we wake up and stop this . Let's create the sort of World WE want, not what the sickos want.

Let's banish fear forever.

Mike Selley.

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