Thursday, November 7, 2013

Petty, Vindictive, Mafia Elite.

Petty, Vindictive, Mafia Elite.

Whoever planned and arranged for the World to be in the state it is in are obviously, seriously sick in the  mind.Mental enough to be locked up.What a very disturbing thought to think that we are ruled by mentally ill people. I'm not on about the politicians here, I'm talking about the ones  who make them do the things they do; the ones behind the scenes we are never allowed to see.

Rothschild is meant to be one of the key players in this hidden orchestra, but there are a lot more.The Queen of England is meant to be very near the top, but she is not the top. There are, it is said, a few above her who really decide the fate of planet Earth. Some claim that a Frenchman ( no-one knows his name ) is in charge, whereas others claim that Aliens are the real masters. Still others say that beings from other dimensions are the real puppet-masters. Perhaps David Icke  and his shape-shifting lizards is right.

Let's get back to the Elite.

There is something alarmingly like spoiled children in their behaviour. They are vindictive and take revenge at every chance, and they are very, very petty.

Take the stance of Bush a few years ago when the French refused to support the illegal Iraq War. I've forgotten the precise details, but wasn't it something about not  calling    French Fries, French   Fries anymore ? The sort of reaction you'd expect from a spoiled, stupid, pampered child.

Then that Israeli and American stooge, Sarkozy was put in charge in France. He, of course, supported anything and everything his masters, Israel and America did.

Robin Cook criticized Israel and America, and at the age of 57,  a few weeks later, falls of a mountain and dies.

I also thought it odd that Spain was singled out with a terrorist attack. They had the largest demonstration against the Iraq war before it started.

Could this have been Israel and America getting their petty revenge, not giving a damn how many people die, as usual.

Saddam Hussain hanged in public
Simply because the U.S.A and Israel wanted this to be seen as a warning to anyone else who did not play the game.

Pure mafia.

Iceland's volcano suddenly erupting after telling the I.M.F. where to go.

Pure mafia.

Allowing, I mean arranging for the killing of Gaddafi in front of the whole World, and Hilary Clinton gloating over this on T.V.

Pure mafia.

Japan's earthquake and subsequent radiation horror, after they gave support to Palestine and dared to criticize Israel.

Pure Mafia.

Ecuador granting asylum to Assange, and because of this, having a massive eruption from a volcano the next day.

Pure mafia.

Do you really believe that Iceland's volcano, Japan's earthquake and Ecuador's volcano were random acts of God or nature, even though these events all happened after each particular country had annoyed the major powers.?

How strange that they happened when they did.

It happens- some disaster- almost every time a country refuses to play ball.

The next time some brave country dares to stand up to these bullies, you just see what happens to it.

Greece with its history of earthquakes gets me worried sometimes. Will Greece be sent a massive earthquake if they stop playing the Troika game ?You think they don't have the technology or know-how to start earthquakes, volcanoes or storms or hurricanes.? As I write later I was naive once, but I'm not anymore. 

 Bradley Manning is another example of their vindictive nature. He is a U.S. Army soldier, who was arrested in May 2010 in Iraq, on suspicion of having passed classified material to the whistleblower website Wikileaks. He was kept in solitary confinement for almost a year, and had to sleep with the lights on in his cell.

Julian Assange is another example.

Petty, childish and nasty.

Worse than the mafia.In reality they are the biggest mafia that has ever been; until now they have almost managed to hide their dark side, but now with the internet, they can no longer do so.

I have a few times in my life met men and women at, if not at the top of the tree, near those mysterious high branches who give all the orders.  A few have been quite charming ( or absolutely brilliant actors) but the others had a hard, cold element, and they were very vindictive and small minded. I hadn't expected such qualities in these types. I suppose I was naive.

The trouble is these types seem to be getting bolder and more dangerous and the noose is being tightened round our neck.They will stop at nothing to get what they want. If millions have to die, so be it; if children suffer and die,so be it.

Ruthless, cruel, unfeeling and natural liars.

But the good news is that there days are fading.The big change is coming and in our World there is no place for mafia madmen.

As we start the countdown to the season when the people take their planet back from these impostors, the Elite will lash out even more violently and make grave mistakes in their panic to stop us all waking up, and then getting rid of this evil for good.

The house of the magicians cards with their brilliant illusions are soon going to collapse.

When it does, they are no more. 

Mike Selley.

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