Thursday, November 7, 2013

A Dark Place, Far From Home.

 The belief in an 'I' is an optical illusion of consciousness".

Buddha ? Krishnamurti ? Suzuki ? Watts ? Tolle ?

No, the above was said by Einstein.. It could have been said by by an Eastern Master and has been by many, but they used different words that meant the same thing.

It is a very stubborn belief and has inflicted the whole of humanity throughout history . It was useful for a while, but now, in the age we are now in, this belief has led us to the edge of complete insanity, to the edge of the cliff, to a dark place,  far from home.

If we all continue believing in this falsehood we will fall of the mountain.We will go deeper into that thick, dense forest, feeling lost and confused..

We are at this moment now.

The ego structures of the banks and the global companies have  shown us how the out of control ego can cause world-wide suffering.Banks and global companies through their unbridled greed, will cause,if allowed to continue, us all to feel cut off from the true source of life and light..

They are excellent examples of the ego's incessant wanting for more and more.If millions, nay, billions suffer or die because of their policies this means nothing to the people who run these sick institutions.

So what can we do ?

Look around the World at all the riots, demonstrations and movements that are all saying, though they don't realize it, we want a different World; a just and fair World.

This is a sign of the changing consciousness that is taking place all over the World; a physical manifestation of what is happening in the formless World.

This is just the beginning of the end, of the start of a new beginning.

No, it won't be the New World Order; that is the collective ego's need at the moment. It knows it is dying, so it is desperately trying to erect structures to keep it in place.

On the internet there are now thousands of sites going on about' The Awakening'; the changing consciousness. A few short years ago there were none.

So what can we do ?

We can only do what we are capable of doing.We should try and wake ourselves up more than we are now, and at the same time, try and wake up as many people as possible. The more people stop their fixation with the ego, the sooner the transformation will take place.

Everything starts in the formless before becoming form.

If you want to find out suggestions on how to rid yourself of the 'I' I suggest you read the chapters of my book " How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream" free on this blog.

For Chapter One see:

If we don't wake up now :well, let's not think about that, but let's just open our real egoless eyes and create the World we all know it really should be.

Changing the World starts  in our hearts.

Let's get out of this dark place, far from home., and return to the light and the love that is our birthright.

Mike Selley.

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