Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Strange Tale Of The Serpent.

Skull With Horns And PentagramHere is the story of the serpent on planet earth

The serpent, that most cunning of all the creatures,  achieved  its first objective long ago, when it mixed its seed with the pure human seed.
The serpent's firstborn couldn't wait to murder, to spill human blood. After doing so he went off to build the first city.This city was essential for the serpent race, as in cities evil can be produced.

Satan's cities have what appears to be order, but underneath the facade there is a  a writhing confused chaos, so beloved by this species.Here in the city , the base urges of nature can be perverted in as many ways as possible. This is possible because man is  not in his natural habitat which is in the country with nature.The further he is away from his natural state the more weird he becomes, having all manner of strange thoughts and unnatural lusts.

The deceptive mind of this species made it easy to rule over the innocent humans.Religion was needed , so it was created. It was based on eternal truths that the serpents knew to be true, but being serpents, they twisted and distorted the truth, to make sure that humans lived in fear.Fear of an angry God and a fear of a place of torment ;Hell.

Black Death's Head With Horns...Fear is the emotion the serpents love. Human fear is to them like champagne is to us.They delight in it, as it gives them strength and energy.

Their objective is to eventually destroy God's creation, as they are angry with God for creating human and animal life.They wanted to be as God, and that is why they were cast down to this sphere.They still believe though, that they should be Gods.

The earth, in their eyes, is too good a place for mere humans to live on.
Humans have been their slaves for most of the history of humanity. They have done all the work for them, and are still doing so.They have built the cities,supplied the transport, invented such amazing technology, and best of all, helped them make the most horrendous weapons of war. With these weapons humans kill their own kind.How utterly absurd !

Skull With Black WingsThe serpents greatest sport is war, as long as they are only spectators.They adore it nowadays, with the vile weapons that don't just kill people, but cause them intense suffering before they die.This gives them a real 'high'.

They intend to kill off most of the human race, leaving only a few million to do their bidding.A race of slaves whose sole purpose is to serve them.Soon the millions will no longer be needed, so they will be killed off.Robots ( invented by the humans ) will do any tasks the humans could, and a lot of tasks they are incapable of doing.

This though is their big mistake.Their arrogance has blinded them to basic truths.They only got their energy from the humans, and without humans they lose their power and strength.They fed off the fear of humans, but the serpents are slowly going mad. They have been so extremely anti- life that any species that is so, eventually destroys itself. It is a law of nature.

A Hell on Earth full of demons, cast out from any true source of life, cast out into the darkness of everlasting night.

Forever doomed.

And that is the end of the serpents story.

Skull With Horns And Pentagram 

Mike Selley.

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