Thursday, November 7, 2013

How Dare Troika Demand This ?

Troika, can see, if they have normal human eyes, the suffering that is happening in Greece. They can see, if they even bother to look, the old man who has worked all his life, putting his hands in dustbins looking for food; the dying who cannot afford their medicines; the children with mental health issues because of what they see happening in their families. The young, who have no hope of any future. Are they blind ?

 Do they only see how much they earn ? I find it amazing that these sleeze-bags, apologies for humanity, vultures feeding of the poor, lowest of the low,  ignorant, arrogant slime, robbers of life, murderers of the innocent,  stealers of the hope of generations, thieves of the sick, disabled and old, have the nerve to tell the Greek Government to demand that the Greek people work a six day week.
It is amazing that they dare to demand that wages are cut and that pensions and disability benefits are cut .  What a ---- nerve. Can you believe that knowing how much Greeks are already suffering solely because of their lunatic, anti- life policies of insane austerity, they tell the Greek Government that they want everyone to work a six day week. Is this some kind of sick joke ?
Are they trying to punish the Greeks for the sins of their leaders ?

 How do these extraordinary people talk among themselves.Is it like this ? " Hey let's really screw these lazy Greeks; lets take them to hell and back. What fun that will be." Roars of laughter. Then: "The two wise men will do anything we say, we have proved that. They are so in awe of us, aren't they so pathetic. They are so impressed by the grand buildings where we meet, the luncheons, the high life, they will be kissing our feet next."

 "Hey Hans, let's demand another 60% cut in pensions.That's a good one ". Another round of drinks, and more guffaws of laughter.

 What a complete pathetic farce. And the Greek media act as if,this is the right thing to do.
 What the hell do they put in those chemtrails ?

 When are the people going to say- enough, enough of this complete lunacy.

. A rumour has been circulating that early next week one of the two wise men is actually going to tell the people what the new austerity measures are. No, that can't be true, as over the last few weeks laurel and Hardy have  promised over and over again that there would be no more austerity measures. Do you remember that? You should as they said it over and over again. Yes, over and over. Tell a lie enough times and people will believe it.Do you think anyone believed them ? I'm afraid some poor fools did.

 Too much T.V and chemtrails I guess

. So next week should be a very interesting week. Let's see if the true Greek spirit rises up against the greatest enemy they have ever had to face; the enemy that  is right in their face.

. Will David take on Goliath and do what he did before ? Will more austerity really be the last back- breaking straw ?

. The Greek people don't give a damn about bond swaps, derivatives, and the other gobbley gook they spout on the T.V. They care about their lives; they care about their children and Greece. They care about the land they love, unlike the politicians who  can't comprehend such things, who only live their lives in pursuit of wealth and power.

. I think that tweedle dum and tweedle dee  are in for the shock of their lives, and the Troika will realize that they are not dealing with , their usual customers, ignorant people from the third World, but with a very intelligent, educated people who refuse to be treated like fools. The trouble is, they have simply gone too far, way too far, too low under the belt, and , hey, they will pay the price. Let's see what happens next.

Mike Selley.

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