Thursday, November 7, 2013

War On Your Thoughts.

The first weapons were probably sticks and stones.From these evolved carved out large sticks that were called clubs.Then more complex weapons were invented, such as spears and bows and arrows.

After this came guns, cannons, bayonets and all manner of weapons to cause more injury and death.Machine guns, the bomb, laser guns and loads more, so vile we probably don't know about , yet.

Where will this lead to?What next for weapons?

Drones are now being used. Modified insects are now being introduced, as well as  research into creating drones disguised as insects.

Robots are on the agenda to replace human soldiers in the future.

All the aforementioned weapons have had the body as the main target.The obvious next step is for weapons to attack our mind.

I'm afraid, I believe that we are already there, and that these weapons now exist.

Are these weapons being tested on segments of the population,without our knowledge or consent?

Would this explain such bizarre behaviour that a few individuals do, such as that lunatic in Norway who went on a rampage killing all those poor innocents.?

What about the number of individuals who suddenly go berserk and start shooting anyone at random?Or the latest  craze where people  attack other people and start eating them.Forget the bath salts hype; governments have to produce an explanation, so they simply make one up.

The U.S.A. started investigating mind control way back in the nineteen fifties, and although they claimed such activities were stopped in the nineteen seventies, who, but a fool, would believe them.They have probably advanced to the stage where they are close to having the ability to make us do exactly what they want.

It certainly looks like John Lennon's killer, Mark Chapman, was following a command that had been implanted in his mind.Have you seen the expression on his face, after he had done the killing? He  looks like he is in a trance.

The eating faces phenomenon is most likely the result of targeting  either certain figures at random, or possibly whole cities, as the powers that be know that only a few individuals will succumb to mind control.The reason for this is that only certain types of individuals are likely to take the bait.

In a disease-any disease- one third of the population(as in the Black Death, and the Flu' epidemic after the first World war) always survive.It is like Nature makes sure that the species is not completely killed off.

Maybe it is an ever greater proportion of the population who are immune to mind control at the present, because despite sixty years of experimenting, it has not reached perfection , yet.Or, does nature guard our minds more than our bodies?

It would, of course, be the perfect weapon..

Art Janov of Primal Scream fame, reported in the nineteen seventies that hundreds of people believed that their minds were being controlled by aliens.In almost every case, these individuals walked around with saucepans on their heads!!They thought that the saucepans would prevent the 'evil beams' entering their minds.

Is it possible, I wonder, that they were in actual fact really taking part in a Government controlled experiment, they knew nothing about, but had somehow tuned into the fact that someone was trying to take control of their minds.Did their minds know how to protect themselves, and that is why saucepans were used?

No, I'm not saying that we walk around with saucepans on our heads. This blog maybe odd, but it's not that odd!

The only possible way, I can think of to protect ourselves from these attacks is to do the following, though , the trouble is, no one really knows how these commands are delivered to our minds.Take your pick: H.A.R.P, chemtrails, mobile phones, ,computers or even any electrical device in our home

1.Cut down, or better still, cut  off contact with that hypnotist in your room- the T.V., or if you must watch, stay away from the major players, such as the B.B.C. Fox News, C.N.N. etc.
2.Don't listen to mainstream radio.
3.Keep your mind healthy, by always having a positive mindset.
4.Live in the now.
5.Don't be controlled by your ego.
And a very important one, as this is how the whole sick show is run,
6 Do not have a trace of fear in your life; not one trace.

Mike Selley.

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