Friday, November 8, 2013

The Obedient Who Kill Without Thought.

The Obedient Who Kill Without Thought.

The warships had been sitting  out at sea. The weapons were trained on the little harbour. The Highest, Grandest, Most Excellent, Extreme Commander in charge of operations had orders to obliterate as many buildings as possible, as they were poorly built, and his country would build the country anew., after bombing it to bits.

In the harbour , Aatif  was drinking mint tea with his wife, Mussaret.They were laughing, as they had just put their two young children to bed, and were happy to be alone together.They had read about a possible invasion, but they did not really believe it. Surely , the most powerful country in the World would not do such a terrible act as to attack their poor liitle country.  Anyway, they had seen so many movies showing how compassionate and caring those people were. No, it would not happen, Aatif assured his wife.She smiled at him and believed him, but still worried a little bit.He was secretly very worried,but  dared not tell his wife this.

The order came from up high to the Highest, Grandest, Most Excellent, Extreme Commander Now nothing else mattered- the rest of the World did not exist.There was only one thing of any value and that was the targetted country, containing so much oil and gold which his country would now fully control. He knew that this was the real reason they were invading this poor country, but he told his men that they were on a humanitarian mission, to save the people from an evil dictator. It sometimes worried him , how easily that they believed this, but it made his life easier.

.In the harbour, Lateef lay in bed and thought of his friend Taanish. He was sorry that he had called him 'stupid and thick' after they had done their maths homework together. It wasn't Taanish's fault  that he was no good at maths, and he didn't know why he had got so annoyed with him. He decided that he would apologise to him first thing in the morning.After all, Taanish was his very best friend.

The Highest, Grandest, Most Excellent, Extreme Commander  thought , for a second, of a large whisky later; he worried that lately he had been drinking more than he used to. Heck, he said to himself, what do you expect in this sort of job?. I have to unwind sometimes, he reflected.

Then he thought of his wife and children back  home. He suddenly missed them .
He quickly dismissed such thoughts. He had a job to do.

In the harbour,Mussaret lay on her bed looking at the full moon through her window.She couldn't stop thinking about Qais. He was so handsome and proud. He was like a lion, she thought.She felt sure that he liked her a lot. Maybe she was  not really sure, but she liked to believe that he did. The trouble was , all the other girls liked him, and he knew it. She sighed and closed her eyes.

The Highest, Grandest, Most Excellent, Extreme Commander carried out the duties he had been programmed to do.He calmly spoke the orders to his brainwashed crew..

Orders that produced death, deformity, pain,suffering, misery and agony, and hatred that would last for generations.

Aatif and Mussaret never saw each other again and never kissed their children goodnight again.

Lateef was never given the chance to say sorry to his best friend; the last thing he remembered was a blinding flash and a terrible, terrible pain throughout his body.Taanish had half his face blown off.

Mussaret never set eyes on Qais ever again, because she was blinded for life.

Qais lost both his legs

Later that  night,the Commander and his crew were congratulating themselves on a job well done.

The Highest, Grandest, Most Excellent, Extreme Commander smiled to himself as he sipped his very large whisky.

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