Friday, November 8, 2013

Are Demons All Around Us ?

I often wonder what beings,creatures,entities of any and every hue are surrounding us,and yet we can't see them.

We only perceive about 4 to 5% of what is really there in our universe,so that leaves a whopping percentage we are totally unaware of.  Maybe though we are not totally unaware, as people often can feel a presence at certain times in their lives.

The reason we can't see them is that they operate on a different frequency.I am  presuming that there is activity and movement going on all around us,but we have no knowledge of this.

In the old days many cultures believed in possession; that is people being possessed by demons.But,in the last hundred years or more, that idea has not been in fashion.Mental illness is the term now used,if someone is acting weirdly.

The New  Testament is full of stories of Jesus casting out demons.

Is it possible such entities exist?Why would they want to enter people?

The original demons, it is believed came from a lower dimension,and according to the Talmud they are everywhere.
There are also hungry ghosts.Hungry ghosts are people who had such strong desires when they were on this earth that  these desires have kept them trapped in the earth field.They are unable to escape, until they stop having these overwhelming lusts and wants.When they die, unlike most people who go on to have future lives, their spirit remains hovering over the earth.They spend their time searching,all the time, to satisfy their desires.Anyone who has similar tastes to these entities will be targeted,and possession will be attempted.This could explain the serial killers and sex murderers that are far too common.Could it also explain the  killings, usually with knives, that seem to be almost a weekend fixture in British society?

The Chinese believe strongly in these entities.Some Chinese believe that their ancestors return to their houses at certain times of the year,hungry and ready to eat.They even have a festival called:'The Hungry Ghost Festival'. where they honour the ghost guests with food and drink.

In Japanese Buddhism it is believed that Gaki and Jikininki are the spirits of jealousy and greed,who are being punished for their way of life.They are ,therefore, cursed with an unstoppable longing and yearning for any subject that became their obsession in the earthly existence.These two spirits are said to like human corpses!

According to the book of Enoch,demons are the result of the offspring of the fallen angels who mated with women.They are endlessly hungry and forever thirsty,but they have no mouths,so they try and enter people to take over their bodies to feel the sensations through the senses that they crave.

I think it possible that we attract these energy fields when we are in a low negative state, and filled with fear or anger or jealousy.So it it wise to avoid dwelling in these dark areas.of your mind, but always try and have a cheerful, positive take on life.Not easy, I know, but well worth doing.

The word demon is derived from the Greek word 'daimon',which had a different meaning to what it has now.It seems the church changed its meaning.It meant :'divine power,fate or God.'So daimons were more like guardian spirits:some,it seems, were good and some were bad..

Plato said that daimons were middle ranking creatures of the air. Socrates claimed that these were guardian spirits that everyone has.The Greeks believed that these beings could haunt locations,guard property,and cause human sickness.At the same time, though, you could ask them for help.

Demons then were not always considered as only evil.

It is likely that certain angry  words attract them;swearing probably does.It is interesting to note that it is alleged, by those who worked with him that Tony Blair swore all the time.
It might be wise to avoid angry words and swear words.Hungry ghosts would also be attracted to gluttons and heavy drinkers or drug users.,or anyone with overwhelming cravings  or desires.

Are they really for real? It's all illusion,so at the .end of the day they are not, like we are also illusion..
It is best not to give them too much thought,but to be on the safe side,avoid bad words and negative fearful thoughts,as well as any incessant over-indulgences.

Look at what is going on in the World right now;clusters of negative moods are to be found in nearly every country because of the extreme austerity measures inflicted on entire populations.Add in the mix of fear and you have perfect conditions for demons to thrive in.

How many people who control our lives are in fact possessed? This would explain why the policies that they are implementing  are so damaging to each one of us, unless you are the 1%.The mass suicides, the mental illnesses, the confusion, the chaos;these are what demons love.

But there  is good news.If such entities exist in our illusion,it would make sense that good beings exist also.They must be all around us too.
These are the ones we want to attract!

Mike Selley .

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