Friday, November 8, 2013

The Beings From Below.

So it was that the beings from below came into our world.Before they came here it was the Golden Age.There was peace.War,sickness and disease were not words in our language, simply because these things did not exist.

It was only after  the lower dimensional entities entered into our dimension that everything started to go wrong.And have been going wrong ever since.War was used over the centuries to stir up enough fear and hatred to give the evil beings more energy.Having more energy enables them to stay in human shape and form in our dimension for longer periods.Without enough energy that is drained, like vampires from the people, these beings have to revert back to where they came from.This energy take the form of strong negative emotions,such as fear, anxiety, terror,loathing.panic,dread, horror and all those dark areas that to them is their sunlight.

The young, in particular have been used as sacrifices.In the law of the orders, this means that for every one sacrificed on earth, one  demon is permitted to enter from the lower state.

In the later 1800's and early 1900's it became clear to Semjaza(Enoch I.)  that the seasons of the times were entering into a new age: a new season where it would be  harder for the demons to stay for long periods on the earth, so it was decided that a lot of sacrifices would have to be made, to enable, not only the ones on the earth to stay here longer, but also to enable more demons to enter our dimension.That is why two World Wars, and countless others, were fought in the last century.Some put the number of deaths as over 203 million.For every one that was sacrificed, a demon was allowed to come to this earth,so that means a lot of demons.A hell of a lot.

Owing to the vast number of deaths caused by wars up to 2001, massive amounts  of lower entities have entered our realm.That is why the World has got sicker in every way in the last 100 years.

                                                                                                                       The vibrational changes of the new season got stronger at the turn of this century, and this threatened the survival of the demons on this plane.More sacrifices were needed. 9.11. was the start of a new wave of extreme violence, fear and dread.
More Wars, and more sacrifices were the order of the day.The demons are now desperate.What do they have in store?

It depends on who you read.Talk about going out with a bang.Hollywood directors would never dare put this lot in one grand ending.Here are, according to various sites, a few tasters.

Economic ruin, plague, radiation poisoning,alien invasion,whole segments of the population turning into zombies,world war three,strange sights in the sky, weather going crazy and the best of all Jesus, Buddha  and Muhammad all appearing in the sky and talking to us!

Throwing everything and the kitchen sink at us.Who knows, things have been so weird over the last few years, it is, I suppose possible that some of these things could happen, and even, that all these bizarre events might actually take place.What a thought; we certainly live in interesting times.

I think most thinking that is not true, I think most people who can feel, have this feeling that something is going to happen.What it is is difficult to say.Plans though are certainly afoot for something shocking and sobering and terrifying to happen and to happen soon, so the extreme negative emotions will be  our normal state.

All we can do is disrobe from the ego, be our true all aware consciousness, and stay firmly in the now, not surrendering at all to thoughts of despair.Whatever is thrown at us, will have no effect,because without an ego, there is no suffering-who is there to suffer?

These lower beings know that their time is running out.It's all in a contract made in blood, but that's another story.

Mike Selley.

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