Friday, November 8, 2013

Are They Shape-Shifting Lizards ?

"The Greek people are anarchic and difficult to tame.For this reason we must strike deep into their cultural roots.Perhaps then we can force them to conform.I mean,of course, to strike at their language,their religion,their cultural and historical reserves,so that we can neutralize their ability to develop,to distinguish themselves to prevail,thereby removing themselves as an obstacle to our strategically vital plans in the Balkans, the Med and the Middle East"

Those arrogant words that sound as if they were said in some far  distant century,were said by none other than that Peace Prize winner,Henry Kissinger,who, by the way , cannot fly to many countries in the World,because he is wanted for War Crimes.He was talking to businessmen in Washington D.C. in 1974. This was reported in the popular Greek magazine Oikonomikos Tachydromos on 14.8.97.I found the speech  at the Godlike Productions site.

He seems to have achieved what he, and a host of others wanted,but it took a lot longer,I suspect,   to achieve this, than the powers that be  wanted .Perhaps G, Papandreou's father slowed the plans down by a few years Isn't it great to know that this insanity was all planned out a long time ago,by people who have absolutely nothing to do with Greece. A double suicide was reported yesterday when a 90 year old woman and her 50 year old son plunged to their death after jumping from a roof terrace, on a block of flats ,in Athens.I wonder how those who arranged for Greece's downfall feel, when they read about suicides like this that happen every day.I 'll tell you how I think they feel.They don't feel a thing.Water off a duck's back, or should that be a lizard's back?

Suicides are almost an epidemic in Greece, but we are not alone.In Italy suicides are soaring, as they are in Spain.In Ireland three people a day kill themselves.

These suicides are a direct result of the evil' let's take all their money' con that these countries have had stuffed down their throats, or should I say yanked out of our pockets..

It's a disgrace that a few very rich and powerful beings have the right to dictate the policies that are ruining lives, destroying businesses,creating trouble in families and causing sickness, injury and death; producing mayhem and chaos,those treasured fruits Satan lusts for.

I watched the Queen of England give her yearly speech to Parliament, and to her ,oh so loyal subjects,in December 2011.She said that:"We sometimes need saving from ourselves-from our recklessness and greed,"The obvious hint here is that we, the people have been greedy, and deserve the stiff austerity we are now enduring.
That's from a woman who probably, in truth is the second richest person in the World. The first must be Rothschild.A tiny portion of her wealth  could stop all the suffering in Europe overnight,and she would still be left with a fortune.In fact, some claim she has enough to feed the entire World, and still be left with trillions.

Then you have David Cameron,a direct descendant of King William1V by his mistress Dorothea Jordan: his maternal grandmother was a 2nd baronet and he went, of course, to Eton and then on to Oxford.He is extremely rich,and with his background he does ,of course, have the divine  right to tell other people what to do.I mean, he was raised for this role,to keep the people in their place, just like all his ancestors before him.

He recently gave a speech telling the Greeks not to vote for extremist parties, and to only vote for those parties that want Greek people to be broke and miserable.Nice man.

Then along comes David (please buy my underwear,then you'll be a success like me) Beckham arriving in Greece with, of all people, Princess Anne and Boris Johnson( Cameron's old mate).What a strange trio they looked; one all hair, one looking like she wanted to be at a horse show,and Mr. Role model for the masses, himself.

These three absolutely loaded super people came to austerity torn Greece to take the Olympic Flame, so that  the sun worship ritual can be done in London.Princess Anne sat next to the President of Greece and they both looked really interested in what was going on;these people are taught how to do this, as it takes up quite a portion of their lives.This is their work.Oh, the duties one has to endure;it must be very galling for them.Though I still  think that the Princess would rather have been at a horse show among similar creatures.

These people(no, not Beckham,he is just used by the Elite) and their ilk control our lives.They ruin our lives.

This is  part of the definition of evil according to Wikipedia:" ..discrimination designed to harm others...humiliation of people designed to diminish their psychological well being and dignity.........
destructiveness, motives of causing pain for selfish malicious intentions,and acts of unnecessary or indiscriminate violence."That last one makes me think of cops for some reason; I wonder why!

Don't you get it , these people, by their words and actions have caused tremendous degrees of suffering to large numbers of people.The austerity bomb that they have thrown on the World,and the extra nasty one thrown, on  purpose at Greece, has caused all the symptoms produced by evil.

These beings (can they be human?) are not just in it for the money and the power- although they love both-they have an agenda for the entire human race. It is not an agenda in favour of the human race.A lot of people don't want to believe that the plan is on right now to kill off as many of us as is possible, in any way possible,whether by vaccines, chemtrails, poisoned water, poisoned food,by H.A.A.R.P or starvation. Ask Bill Gates.

Until people realize what is really going on, nothing will change.

Maybe David Icke is right, and they are shape-shifting lizards after all as amazing as that sounds.

They certainly don't have any good human traits.  

Mike Selley.

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