Thursday, November 7, 2013

Education Equals Right Brain Castration.

Education is only there to make sure that the system that obviously doesn't work in our favour,remains in place.It must continue, to ensure that the rich Elite who run and ruin our lives can continue living they way they always have done.

From the tender age of five you are taken away from your natural habitat and forced to sit for about six or more hours a day, so you can be fed the lies of history, the lies of religion, and the biggest lie of all, who you really are, and what your true origin was, and what your real poential is.It's not so much what they teach you, as what they don't teach you;what is kept hidden from you.

Your mind will be moulded, any sanity eroded from your innocent eyes, from your human heart, as you are taught the ways of evil.Strong words ? Just look at the World.

Competition is shoved down our throats.

I remember at my primary school, being told that I belonged to Nelson's House, and all the children in this group were told by our brainwashed teachers, to get higher marks, so we could do better than the students in the other House, the name of which now escapes me.Hitler's House, maybe ? No. I don't think so.

You are taught to compete against your friends.

Every few months you have to sit an exam or test( causing most people a lot of stress) to see if you have remembered the propoganda, the lies. the incorrect information, that you have absorbed in your young under-developed brain.

Why aren't we taught about relationships with each other ?
Why aren't we taught to use our imagination ?
Why aren't we taught how to love our lives, to sit and look at the sky, to realize that we are all in this together and taught to help each other, not to compete with each other ?

This wouldn't suit the Elite, that's why.

Any individuality will be stamped out.The system only wants those who don't question, those who blindly obey.

Football used to be promoted at schools. I don't know whether it still is.

Once again, competition.

Two sides fighting each other. Two tribes.
Divide, and never give the clue that we really all love each other deep down; we all really know deep down that we are very special; that life is the greatest magic this World will ever know.Aladins Lamp has nothing on this.

Education will never let you see this truly magical realm, where we make up our little life dramas,create our own Heavens or Hells.No. we are never taught that we create our reality. The Elite would then have no power.

After about 10 years to 30 years+ you emerge a suitable robot to serve the system

Ah, this one a clerk, this one a scientist, this one a civil servant and this one a Prime Minister.

Education and T.V. are the most powerful weapons the Elite have.

I could go on, but I think I say it better in the lyrics of a song I wrote recently.

Here are the lyrics.


.E D U C A T I O N.
Education, for childhoods duration

It is the foundation

The great preparation

For a whole population

To believe in seperation

To believe in the creation

Of Darwin's abomination.

Education, is the great orchestration

Of your mind's desecration

To destroy expectation

To give false information

To condemn innovation

To mock inspiration.

Taken at five, put in a room

Stealing your life from you so soon

Individuality, not permitted

 Gotta be a drone, well and truly fiitted.

Education, right brain castration

Creative amputation

To keep your concentration

On those useless calculations

All those silly examinations

So those awful corporations

Can use your malformations

Sit in a chair, don't you move

Don't go anywhere not approved

Don't you question why you're here

 Accept it all, learn to love your fear

Education, hypnotic communication

Character strangulation

Personality termination

Must be no revelation

No realization

That this situation

Leads to such tribulation

Education is just the

Dumbing down of the next generation.

Mike selley. Copyright

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