Friday, November 8, 2013

Bankers Get Euros - We Get Zeros

Opinion polls in Greece are awash with results showing that the majority of Greeks want to stay in the Euro club.At the same time they don't want the austerity that is tied to the Euro.

Well,like that old Sinatra song, Love And Marriage,you can't have one without the other-so we have been led to believe.
The real question the opinion polls should have asked is the following:

"Do you still want the Euro,although it means ten more years of austerity and almost third world wages?" The reason the question should have been framed like this is because this is how the situation really is.

I think the answer to that,would not have been yes, but a resounding No with its capital letter. It is for this reason that the question was not framed in this way.The Government,the Media,the Establishment,wants to make sure that we all sing to the bankers song which goes like this: "Bankers get Euros- We get Zeros".

Top officials from the I.M.F.and Goldman Sachs(the ones who helped us get into this mess),and many supporting actors,keep bleating like sheep that Greece must stay in the E.U.

Let's face it,we all know how our Establishment figures are, to put it politely,strangers to truth.So, why on earth do some misguided souls still believe what they say?

How many times have the people been lied to,and yet they still believe the lies?
Is the T.V. really a brilliant hypnotist?

How many times have Governments broken promises-remember- no more taxes, no more job cuts, no more pension cuts-and, hey, suddenly ,it's more taxes, more job cuts and more pension cuts.

So, why believe the I.M.F. when they say it would be madness to exit the Euro?From the track record of such people, it is usually the opposite of what they say.
This question-Euro or Drachma- has, to my knowledge, never been discussed in an intelligent manner ,in the mainstream media.This is because it is not a question the Establishment wants the average citizen to even consider.It's not on the agenda.

To exit the Euro and go back to the Drachma would appear to be the sanest act Greece could do in the present dire situation.
Who wants to be broke for ten years?

O.K.the initial switch to the old currency may well produce a short period of chaos.However, I am pretty sure that Greeks would rather have a quick dose of mayhem,rather than a whole decade of third world wages,no horizon of hope in sight,increased crime,and possibly a complete breakdown of society.

If you don't believe me,just look at the countries the I.M F. have loaned money to.Every single country,without exception, has gone through absolute hell and inflicted untold suffering on the populace .
Exactly what Greece is going through now.Do you want another ten years like this?

Mike Selley.

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