Friday, November 8, 2013

The Death Of Democracy.

The Death Of Democracy.

Are the Prime Ministers given a choice? Is it, hey,  you do exactly what we say and be rich for life,or if not you or members of your family will die? Or your country will be devastated by 'natural disasters';just look at Iceland that suddenly had a volcano erupt, after being dormant for about a hundred years. once they said they were not playing the bankers game any more.Or look at Japan,after telling the American troops it had on its soil to get out, and daring to criticize Israel.It was hit by an earthquake, that caused a massive radiation leak.

What else could explain how all the modern countries are reading the same script ?

The writing was well and truly on the wall before the Iraq war.Demonstrations took place all over the World,millions of people took to the streets telling their governments that, we, the people, the ones who elected you,do not want this war.

What was the response?
The majority of governments took no notice at all.They completely ignored the wishes of their own  people.

The irony at that time was that people like Bush and his poodle, Blair, kept rabbiting on about how they wanted to bring democracy to Iraq, while back home they were being completely undemocratic to their own people, by ignoring what the majority in their countries wanted.

Not one journalist,as far as I know, in the mainstream media,made any mention of this stark hypocrisy.

Fast forward to the great depression,or the biggest bank robbery done by the banks in history.

Everywhere the people are saying loudly and violently, that they do not want these cruel austerity measures;they do not want the I.M.F to be the ones in charge of their lives.Nobody wants to be slaves to a crowd of rich bankers.Look at Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, France, the U.S.A, the U.K..And the list goes on.

The number of strikes, marches and demonstrations in the last few years, in the above mentioned countries must have broken all records.
The people of the World are banging their heads against a very stubborn brick wall.
The governments will not back down.That now is painfully obvious. Do the elite want massive social unrest, so that martial law can be introduced all over Europe and in the U.S.A.?

If so, time is running out for us.and somehow this evil has got to be stopped.before the snake entwines us all.

Sometimes I see a glimmer of hope, shining dimly in the darkness.That which has been hidden  from us is now seen.The more we realize how awful and sick the whole system is, in the way it only benefits the few,the more people will wake up and refuse to be part of it.

Hopefully, slowly but surely the vile structure of the beast will collapse, and we ,the people, will take back our birthright, take back our planet and sanity will be restored.

Ekhart Tolle, the author of, The Power Of Now, claims that the banking system  and all the other systems we  are enslaved in  are now collapsing, as they are ego structures.We are at the stage in history where  the ego, which was once useful for our survival, is no longer needed, and  mankind to now advance has to rid himself of the ego. Tolle also claims that people all over the World are waking up and even getting enlightened,and that this movement should spread.If it doesn't though, he warns us, in about a hundred years we will destroy ourselves, or nature will simply wipe us out.

So, it really is  up to each and everyone of us. How each individual thinks and feels has an enormous impact on the World.

We are powerful; don't be fooled that we are notThe time has come to live the lives we want  on our terms, not bowing down to the  insane wishes of the sick few who have taken our planet over.

Let's return to who we really are and shake off the shackles,throw  off the chains that bind us, and live as we are meant to live.

Have courage in these dangerous times.

Mike Selley.

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