Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Economical With The Truth.

" May tourism receipts. are much, much better than expected" . Yes, of course they are.

Just take a look at what used to be a popular beach in Aegina in June this year.

.Yes, it sure is crowded.

" If we continue like this in the months to come then ( note this strong word ) definitely recession this year will be around 4% ( tell us another one, just like the other one  do ). .

" And then next year we will have a positive sign in front of the growth rate. " These honeyed words were said by Yannis Stournaras, the Greek Finance Minister recently.

Yes, of  course.

I can assure you, though I am no economist with a list of degrees after my name that, with , all due respect, as I can see what is going on in Greece, because I am not living in a rich bubble, and I observe the day to day struggle that everyone who does not belong to the 1% is going through, that this esteemed Finance Minister is, I am sorry to inform him, in my humble opinion, way off target.

 I mean no offence, but I can assure you that every single word above said by this guy is.complete and utter ........

Well, let's wait and see if I am right.

Who is this dude anyway ?

 There is not much information on him on the internet. I wonder why ?. However , I did find out that he is on the board of Governors of The International Monetary Fund.

Wow, surprise, surprise .

 I tried to find out how much he earns , but no, this was impossible, for some unknown reason.

Wait a minute though, if he works for the I.M F, didn't I read the other day that any one who works for this wonderful organization and lives in Greece doesn't have to pay tax ? I tried to find the link for this, but strangely enough, the site kept crashing.

Anyway, he is certainly one of the chosen ; one of the Elite. Look at his credentials.

He is a graduate of the Finance Faculty of the University of Athens. I wonder what his thesis was ?

" How  To Destroy Democracy, By Using Austerity ", maybe.. or

" The post Democracy Society ", or

" Finance And Sheep ".

But get this, he has a MSc and PhD in Economic Theory And Practice from  ( wait for it )

- the Elite's favourite brainwashing unit- Oxford University.

Does he ever wonder how he will be remembered in history ?

I seriously wonder  how this guy sleeps at night.

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