Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Press Wake- Up Call.

The Press-Wake -Up Call..

The British Press has always been a coward. It has blindly accepted censorship, in all its many  disguises .
If the Royal Family, for example, don't want  much coverage of Kate's most likely fake pregnancy, the main stream papers will blindly obey.


If news of Edward Heath's taste for boys  came to the notice of reporters, this was never reported, because someone had a word in the Editor's ear .Edward Heath was the Prime Minister of Britain from 1970 to 1974,


If news of pedophile rings involving the Royal Family and high up politicians, was suddenly coming to light, this was never reported, because the government told the press to keep this under wraps.


If, a reporter discovered that The Ministry Of Defense had caused the deaths of  36 people in floods in  Lynmouth, Devon  ,    this was not reported.


And the press played ball every time.

The press includes the Guardian.

And now the Guardian is up in arms because they amazingly enough, decided to print what Snowden, the whislteblower, had found out.

The British Government goes into overdrive. They not only detain the Guardian reporters partner at an airport for 9 hours, but then destroy all copies of Snowden's revelations in the Guardian office.
A completely useless act, as more copies exist in different locations.



The Guardian is furious ; really, really angry at this East Germany style of life.

And quite rightly too.

But, are they waking up to the fact that all those times they kept mum about awful crimes done by Ministers, Prime Ministers, high ups in all walks of life  was in fact journalistic suicide.

Do they now realize that they should have said," The public needs to know ".

Did they , these hard nosed journalists, really believe that the government was on their side ?

Are they now, at long last realizing  that they are dealing with  the worst Mafia that has ever existed.?

A ruthless, heartless gang of thugs, who masquerade under names like Home Secretary, Prime Minister,
Foreign Secretary. and so on.

The actions of the British government over the last few days show this to be true.

Now we see them in their true light. So stop playing ball with these psychopaths, because that is what they are.

Hopefully this disgraceful incident will wake the Editors up to what they are dealing with, and they will no longer censor the news, but let us, the public know, how truly terrible the overpaid, retarded, power- hungry
never done an honest day's work in their lives, thieves are.

If they don't get it now , they never will.

Mike Selley.

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