Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Hack Into Your Programme.

Quantum Physics are now seriously wondering whether we actually live in a hologram. Some suggest that we are simply in a computer programme .These are not idle speculations but are serious  beliefs by very well- respected scientists.

"Our brains mathematically construct hard reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space.The brain is a hologram interpreting a holographic universe."
Cyberneticist David Foster.

A team of physicists at the University of Washington recently said that there is a potential test to see if we live in a computer programme.If they find out that we do, I wonder if this will be hushed up.

If this is so, and it certainly looks that way, how can we escape the programme ?

Think of a character ( or an avatar ) in a game on a computer. You are controlling his every move as you play around in front of the screen.The character in the game would believe that he has ' free will ', as he would be oblivious to the fact his every gesture and movement are  controlled and decided by an outside force.

This could be drawn as a parallel to our situation.The question that springs to mind is who is controlling you ?

Without going into the complex world of quantum physics and the fact that this hologram comes from another dimension, let's keep it simple and  look at the individual. We can then imagine that the person who really controls you is really you, but the part of you that you are not conscious of. In other words it is your subconscious.Your subconscious is , let's say, sitting  in front of a computer commanding your conscious mind to act in a certain way.

Let's go back to computer games. How could a character ( avatar ) in one of the games escape his programming ? The first thought is, he couldn't .But if you think again you realize he could, but with a bit of help from outside his 'universe '.

If someone hacked into the game, the game would be taken over by the hacker, and the original controller would be left out of it. We therefore have to hack into our  ' game ' ourselves, and we do have the ability to do this.

The programme  has three vital components that co- exist and work together to make the illusion possible.These are-1. The ego.2. Time and 3. Space.Space and time, among other things, create the illusion of a past, a present and a future.The ego presents the illusion of division.The hacker which is part of you, therefore has to get rid of these three vital pillars of the game.

How ? By not playing the game laid out as it is, and to see the fake it really is.Funnily enough when one pillar is taken down, the other two pillars collapse as well.To do this it is absolutely essential that the ego no longer plays its part in the game.The ego though is very stubborn and does not want to be removed from its throne.

Once you start being in the Absolute Present the ego ( which is controlled by the subconscious ) no longer has control, as it can only live in the illusion of past, present and future.The two pillars then collapse. What about space ?Well, that goes too as it is tied up with time.

You might say, ' I can understand that by living in the present without the ego there can be no concept of time, but I can still see space '.Once you are in the Now though you realize that what you think of as space is also unreal and that division and distances are not ' realities '.

Absolute Present is not lodged between the past and the future, as it is completely outside the time- track game. It is, if you like, eternity.

It is only when you are living in the now when you are out of the game and you are really free.

.Ben Lipton Ph.D. is a cellular Biologist who taught cell Biology at the University of Wisconsin, School Of Medicine. He wrote the following in an article on the ' Waking Times ' Site
" Behaviour is automatically controlled by the subconscious mind's programme when the self-conscious mind is not focused on the present moment."

In other words it is essential to live in the now, otherwise your past is controlling your behaviour.

Article by Mike Selley

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