Wednesday, November 6, 2013

This World Of Lies

"A fool to believe this delusion I feel,the confusion,the illusion,the fusion with the wheel".Lyrics from Fevered Dream, by Mike Selley.

I wrote earlier that we live in a World of lies.You can see this with your own eyes.

The World looks flat to your eyes.Everywhere you look looks flat,not round.It is our eyes that deceive us.

Look at the Sky on a cloudless night,and if you are away from a City, you will see tiny little lights,twinkling,and filling up the Sky.
The Stars look just like little pinpricks of light,but they are massive Worlds and Suns ,and some   are enormous.Your eyes  though,tell you that they all look very small.

The Sun that gives us light,warmth and life is looked upon as friendly; it is really a massive,pulsating,exploding,imploding mass of red hot energy.
If you were to get closer to it  somehow, without being roasted to ash,it would, no doubt, be truly terrifying to behold.

The Moon,so beloved by Poets and writers,who talk about it in a romantic way,is really a cold,lifeless(though this is debatable) pot marked mass of rock(and that is debatable too)

What's more, Scientists tell us that when we see the World,we see it(the energy that we decode so it looks the way it does) upside down,and that our brain turns it the right way up for us.

Also, the World is spinning round at an amazingly fast rate,and yet, we have no sensation of this at all.

The Sun looks like it comes up in the morning, and goes down at night.
But it doesn't go up or down at all.It is our World spinning(or spiraling) round it that gives us this illusion.

I wonder how far this goes.
Take Death.We view it as a sad,upsetting,event,and can get very distraught when loved ones die.On the other hand, we look at Birth as a joyful event.
Maybe being born in this World of illusion  and suffering is a sad event,and Death is a marvelous one.
Then again,why not have them both as joyful events,as being born on the Earth,is a real opportunity for us to learn how to return to our true home!

And why the repetition?
The repetition you encounter in your everyday life.
If you had a dream in your eyes shut state, that you were doing the same things over and over again,when you woke up,you would consider it very strange,and ask yourself why you had to repeat the same actions over and over again.

This appears to be how life is lived.Everyday we do the same things we did yesterday and all the days before,and tomorrow, we will do the same again.
We get up, we drink,we eat, we go to the toilet,and say, more or less, the same things everyday,and go to the same place, see the same rooms, same roads, same faces,day in, day out.We sit on the same chair,sit at the same table,sleep in the same bed,and only have  minor variations to the theme.The word Robot seems to be humming in my head.
What is this?
A World of circles where everything goes round and round in circles?
It appears to be so.
Does it not strike you as odd?
If it does,doesn't it hint that the state we are in, is a distorted offshoot of another more harmonic illusion.

It is like you are caught on a wheel that you cannot get off,because it keeps going round all the time.
Well, you are.The trouble is , the wheel never stops going round;it never slows down or stops, to let you get off.
As you go round and round you keep dreaming your fevered dream.

We have to wake up from our fevered dream

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