Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Weather Weapon.

Well, well, well. Full of water ; up to the brim; overflowing. I have been almost flooded tonight by the most savage attacks of rain I have ever experienced in Greece.

I have spent the last hour clearing rain out of my kitchen and bedroom. Living on the ground floor does have a few drawbacks, such as close proximity to rats, of which there are a hell of a lot where I live. My nine cats love to present me with a trophy about once every two months. It is usually a huge ( and I mean huge ) brown fat rat outside my kitchen door.

Sometimes it is dead, whereas other times it will be half -alive, whimpering, and staring at me with pleading eyes.

I have a fear of these creatures , which I can only imagine is because I lived in the time of the Black Death..
My father  who served in the 2nd World War was scared of spiders, and my English Teacher at school who had also been on the front line in the 2nd World War had a terror of the dentist, so I don't feel that bad about being such a wimp over rats.

Why the hell have I got nine cats ? Well, to put it simply, I started with one and she was a female.7 came from her  and two strays were , because they were so adorable,  adopted by me.

They are highly intelligent and can open doors by jumping and using their paws on the handles.No English cat I had could ever do that.

They seem to adore me, as when I have my rest on my bed in the afternoons they will all try to lie on me. Sometimes all nine of them are covering my body. I really must  get someone to take a photo.

Anyway, I am rambling, as this post is meant to be about weather control

Today was the day when everybody said, " Enough is enough" and there was a National Strike.

Marches to Parliament were planned and mass demonstrations all over Greece were also planned.

Guess what happens ?

Rain, rain , rain  all day long.

Rain, rain and more rain.

Hard, driving , vicious rain.

Now, don't you think that is strange ?

We have had months of non-stop sunshine, and yet, on the very day that a National Strike is to take place, the Heavens go into overdrive with water, water, water.

This was, I believe, arranged by the Greek Government, who are really running scared, as they , at long last, realize that the Greek people are no longer prepared to put up with the worst austerity inflicted on any nation in peace time ever.

God knows how much it costs them to pay for this weather weapon, but , who cares as the money is got from the people.

I amazes me that people do not believe that governments have the technology to control the weather. Then again seeing what is aired on the T.V. I shouldn't be amazed.

I wrote the following some time ago, and was mocked for doing so

Weather Control And Strikes

Weather control? You must be daft. Just another conspiracy nutter.

Yet another conspiracy theory has proved to be true. In fact weather control was known about in the nineteen fifties. More on that later. *

When Gordon Brown became Prime Minister of the U K. on 27th June 2007,   after the stained and tainted teller of whopping porky pies resigned, I suspected, because Brown had such a lack lustre image, that something would happen to try and change our perception of him.

Britain had been experiencing heavy rains before Brown took up his post , but then the weather got worse.
The U.K. was engulfed in really heavy flooding . Suddenly this dull boring looking man is transformed from a Clark Kent to a Superbrown . The T.V. and newspapers really went for this one. He  would be seen looking oh so concerned as he talked to the flood victims, with almost non-stop coverage of Brown in his suit dashing from one ravaged town or village to another.
The message was; look at this man, he is so good in a crisis , and he really cares about people.

At the time I had, and still have, a sneaky suspicion that the rain was provided, courtesy of technology.
In typical fashion, the superior powers that be who arranged this, did not give a damn about the people who would go through so much trouble. All that mattered to them that because of the rain , the sun would shine out of.......;I think you get the picture.

It didn't work ( in their panic the Elite seem to be making a lot of mistakes) , or rather it worked for the days that it was going on, but super brown was soon forgotten when he  showed his natural colours ; a rather dull grey,
with a risk of thunder on the way.

People are not as stupid as Politicians would like to believe. Well, some aren't.

The next time the weather started acting out of character was when the students in the U.K went to the streets complaining about the ludicrous tuition fee hike. I wonder what was said behind strictly closed doors. Was it something like this?" Ιf we use water cannon, there will be an outcry,  so that's out of the question. What can we do?"
This to another grey hollow suit. Hollow suit's response; "Simple, we throw snow over them , and make it so bleeding cold, they won't want to go out on the streets again. It's called weather control, and all it takes is a phone call to a certain under cover organization. Yes I think we'll go for that; it just needs the P.M's O.K.which he is bound to give".

When I say that the weather was acting out of character I wasn't being flippant. It hadn't acted this way for over a hundred years. Temperatures were 5 degrees below average, and it was the coldest December in over one hundred years. Snow was almost non-stop through December , right up to and through Christmas.

Nothing like putting people off going to the streets when its freezing and snow is falling all the time.

What got me onto the weather control theory, the notion that Governments arrange for certain types of weather when the natives or slaves are getting restless , was after noticing the weather in Greece almost every time a strike took place.

It was peculiar. A strike would start, and that good old sunny Greek sky would suddenly transform into a black filled monster spewing out really heavy rain, or sometimes massive hail storms. This freak weather would, of course, last until the strike or demonstration had ended.;  when the natives had stopped beating their drums and wet and exhausted had returned home, if they were lucky enough to have a home in austerity riddled Greece.

The times this has happened are, believe me, more than is statistically possible. In Northern countries possibly, but not in Greece.

I used to say to people when the skies got dark:"Must be a strike on today in Athens". Most people dismissed the thought of any Government  having, as they put it:"the power of God".

A lot of people deny that weather modification is possible.The simple truth is that it is a fact that we can control the weather.

Since 1950 cloud seeding has been done in the U.S.A. It has also been done in Russia, India and China. This is what Governments have admitted .Probably the tip of the iceberg,
Check out wikipedia's weather modification page for more details.

 Or better still see this excellent Mike Adam's article:

According to the Natural News site: "In Abu Dhabi  science has successfully manipulated entire weather systems, causing up to fifty downpours of rain across the Al Ain region".In July and August there were huge storms over this area.

The question is: would Governments use weather modification as a weapon against its own population, if it would be to their advantage?

I predict, after reading the Greek newspapers that later this month  ( September* ) there are going to be strikes. Let's see if the weather suddenly gets worse when these take place.

This article is from the archives .

*For more details on weather control read the following:

If you want to get really heavily into this see:

This is a  post from the archives updated, As I am posting it, strikes and demonstrations are going on in
Athens, and , surprise, surprise, after months of non-stop sunshine it's raining

**** It seems my prediction was correct as today 6th November is the day of the Greek National Strike. Guess what ? After months of glorious sunshine the Heavens are tossing down bucket after bucket of almost non-stop rain.
Water-cannon tends to make people think of Dictatorships, where rain is simply blamed on nature, or, in a extremely religious country, even on God..

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