Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What Is Beyond Thought ?

What Is Beyond Thought ?

The worst addiction in the World is not what most people think it is. Surprisingly enough, it is not Heroin. It is something you can't see, hear, taste, smell or touch. Unfortunately, we are all addicted to this elusive, invisible drug.

Everyday from the moment we open our eyes in the morning, to the time we lay our head on our pillow at night we consume this narcotic. Even then we continue, sometimes for ages letting the drug dominate us, overwhelm us, and like all addicts, we are its slave.

It is thinking. Thought, follows thought, follows thought, day in, day out, every morning, every afternoon, evening and night of our lives.
We worship this fake God. We think that without thinking we would be idiots, empty shells and no better than dumb brutes.

How do we know this  ? Well, we don't, because we have never stopped thinking. If you had never drunk water, you would not know what it tastes like. It is our misguided belief that by thinking about a problem we can solve it. In fact, most thinking involves imaginary situations that you fear might take place in the future , or thoughts about some past event. Even if does address the problem head on, all it really does is put a not very efficient plaster on it, and think that the real problem is solved, but it's not.

The problem will only arise under a different name. I bet you have noticed this. It seems that the root cause of the problem is not dug up by thinking, but a few  branches may be cut off the tree, leaving the root still stuck in the ground.

So what would happen if  we stopped thinking ? Would we be like a lost child in a thick, dark overgrown forest with frightening shadows and wild animal noises that terrify us ?

No .We would be in a place of peace, harmony and understanding and real love, not the sort of love we think we experience in our normal lives. A place where answers to problems come without any problem, because we then know there aren't any problems.

So, what is really beyond thought ?

It is that which makes you be.

It is that which makes the whole wonderful universe up.

It is true awareness.

It is, if you like, God.

It is, if you  like, the Buddha.

It is, is.

It is the real you.

That is why the great spiritual ( for want of a better word ) teachers of mankind spoke with such authority and gave us great truths. They were speaking from the ground of being, not from their ego thoughts.

You too can return to where you have always been, always are, and always will be. You have access  to this place ( though , of course, it is not a place ) by letting go of that heavy weight on your shoulders- your thoughts. It is the only route you can take.

Thoughts are like the dark clouds that are blocking out the sun. It is so blocked out, you find it hard to believe the sun is still shining behind them.It is though, and it is shining all the time.

In the dark of the night the sun is still up there with all its brilliance. This could be compared to those times when you have dark, depressing, ego- centered thoughts that are so heavy you feel far, far away from your true state. Your life is dark and frightening: you feel far from your home.

The Greek word for Devil, in its original meaning, meant to divide or separate. That is how we feel if we only live in our world of thoughts.We are separated from our true nature.

Our formless thoughts have created formed monstrosities in this world, and formed systems that are leading us to destruction. It is time to stop thinking: to have a wider more open compassionate awareness that comes from beyond thought.

If only for a few moments every day we  practice  being in the now, being simply ( without discrimination ) aware, we will be on that road  that too few ever dare to walk upon.

It's our road to our home, where we already are, but are unaware of this.

Everyday try and jump off the wheel of life that is going so fast. Take time out and meditate with the aim of stopping thinking

It's a lot more beneficial than watching that dreadful T.V. !.

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