Sunday, November 10, 2013

How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream. Chapter Two.

"What a Strange Dream to be dreaming, what a Strange Dream it seems, when the truth is so different, so different from my dreams". Lyrics from Strange Dream by Mike Selley.

The dreams you dream at night,who creates them?
You do,as you create the other dream,your everyday consciousness.
One set of dreams when you sleep and create dream worlds.
Another set of dreams when you 'wake up' and create more dreams-this time with your eyes wide open.When your eyes open after sleeping you are not really waking up, but moving from one type of dreams to another type; you think, because you have opened your eyes that you have woken up, but you haven't.You are merely continuing dreaming, but you are totally unaware of this,as you are totally unaware,when you are  dreaming that you are dreaming at night.
We are all sharing a collective dream when we are in our everyday awareness state(or should I say asleepness -made up word- state.)
It is all illusion.
Why don't you dream happy dreams at night.every night?
After all, you are making the dreams up.
Did you know that people from all over the World,dream mostly of the same things.
The most common emotions experienced in dreams are:
anxiety and negative emotions.
Common themes are:
situations relating to school,
being chased,
running slowly in one place,
sexual experience, falling,
arriving too late.
seeing a person, now alive, being dead,
teeth falling out,
embarrassing moments,
failing an exam,
not being able to move,
not being able to focus,
car accidents,and 12% of people dream only in black and white:
8% of men and women have dreams with sexual content.
Calvin S. Hall collected more than 50,000 dream reports from all over the world from 1940 to 1985 to discover all the above about dreams.
Freud and Jung both claimed that dreams are an interaction between the conscious and the unconscious, and that the unconscious is the dominant force of the dream.
Historically dreams were used for healing,as well as for guidance and divine inspiration.

Jung claimed that dreams are seen as projections of parts of the self that have been ignored,rejected or suppressed.He thought every person in the dream represented an aspect of the dreamer.
Fritz Perls went further to say that even inanimate objects in the dreams my represent aspects of the dreamer.
The dreamer may be asked to imagine being an object in the dream,then describe it, in order to bring into awareness the characteristics of the object that correspond with the dreams personality.
Strangely enough, MR1 scans of sleeping volunteers brain scans shows that  most of the dream activity takes place in the region of the brain which was most active during the day.
There is an interesting exercise called Dream Pre-Programming which is the hypnotic practice to make a person control his dreams.
One way it is done is to tell the person that when they fall asleep they will see a button,and if they want to enter 'Dreamscape' they should press that button.Then they will enter a world just like the Earth,but have total control,and control what is going on with their mind.
Dream Pre -Programming can also help someone before a test, or a big event in life.
The hypnotist would make the subject dream that everything is going just great.
Perhaps dreams are like the cleaning up operation of computers when they are off line,removing parasitic nodes from the mind during sleep.
But the trouble is, it is hard to understand dreams when viewing them from another dream!I mean our eyes wide open dream.
We are all making up( other peoples creations get tangled in too) what is happening in our lives.

To quote Shakespeare ;
"We are such stuff as dreams are made on,and our little life is rounded with a sleep".
So why don't we make up a really happy life?
Because another controller is deciding what experiences you encounter.
This controller is usually called the subconscious.
Yes, your subconscious controls, not only your sleeping dreams,but also your 'awake'dreams.And it can make you very unhappy.

Jung said:"Until you make the unconscious conscious ,it will direct your life and you will call it fate".
Why is this state of affairs?
Put simply, we are looking at life through the incorrect aperture,and perceiving it through a tiny hole.
We are not getting the 'real'picture,but getting a fuzzy, distorted version.
In fact,having a fevered dream.
Or as Blake put it so well:
"If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite."
How did this come about?
To find that out means to go down a long rabbit hole.
But why ask yourself why you are in prison?
As Rousseau said:
"Man was born free and everywhere he is in chains".
Wouldn't it be more sensible to try and get out of the prison,and then you can find out how you got there in the first place?
Yes, something is seriously wrong with our doors of perception.
"A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees" That's from William Blake.
How can we put it right?
It is not a question of learning.To quote Suzuki again:
"Ignorance is the beginning of knowledge,and the truth of things is not to be obtained by piling knowledge upon knowledge,which means no more,no less than intensifying ignorance".
No, the only way to end this sad situation,is to unlearn certain things you believed to be true.
How do you do this?
In the next chapter we will take a closer look at the human condition.Next chapter to follow shortly.

Mike Selley.

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