Sunday, November 10, 2013

Who Killed Cocky Robin Cook ?

Who Killed Cocky Robin Cook ? Part one.

Maybe I'm just a suspicious person, or I have a fetish about conspiracy theories; perhaps I've spent too long roaming about conspiracy sites.The point is that when I heard about Robin Cook's sudden death in some remote beauty spot in Scotland, on 6.8. 2005. my first thought was, that all was not as it appeared to be.

The whole story just didn't ring true, a bit like how a lot of people felt when they heard about Lady Diana's death: who had ever heard of Royalty dying in a car crash? It just didn't happen. I thought the internet would be full of  cries of ' foul play ', but ,surprisingly it wasn't.

True, one or two people did shyly raise their fingers of suspicion, but, on the whole, it was not a major topic

It was a while later,  I decided to do a bit of sleuthing myself.The more I dug, the stronger I felt that something was not at all as we had been told.In fact my suspicions got stronger and stronger with each piece of the jigsaw I found.

What follows is what I discovered, and you, of course, when presented with the facts, are free to make your own mind up.

Robin Cook was the Foreign Secretary under New Labour from 1997 to 2001. The only thing going against him ( apart from his gnome like looks) was that he came across as aloof and cocky.

He was one of those rare politicians who wasn't afraid to tell the truth  when he wanted too, and would not always slavishly stick to the governments 'newspeak'.

This was made clear when in March 1998 Cook visited Israel.Whilst on this visit, he dared do what most British ( and no American ) member of  parliament would ever do.He actually dared to criticize Israel, by voicing his opposition to the expansion of Israel settlements, or their let's steal as much land as we can, because we are the chosen ones policy.

Benjamin Netanyaho angrily cancelled a dinner with Cook to show his displeasure.

Cook had stepped out of line.

How strange that after the 2001 General Election, he was suddenly removed, against his wishes from the Foreign Office, to become the leader of the House Of Commons.This was seen as a backward step, a real demotion by most observers.Considering that Cook had been one of Labours leading lights, it seemed an exrtraordinary thing for Blair to have done to him.

Cook's replacement at the Foreign Office was Jack Straw. This sounds like a good sturdy English name, but Straw is a Jew whose real name is rather hard to pronounce.

Cook wrote about his time as leader of the House Of Commons, in his book,'The Point Of Departure'.He said that he had kept trying to to persuade ministeral colleagues, including Tony Blair to snap the umbilical cord that tied them to Bush and his absurd foreign Policy.

No one, of course, took any notice of him.

On 17.3.2003 he boldly stated;"I can't accept collective responsibility for the decision to commit Britain to military action in Iraq without International agreement or domestic support.". He resigned.

His reference to 'domestic support' is interesting as he seems to be the only one who had noticed that the majority of the British public were dead against the war

In his resignation speech he also said the following; "The reality is that Britain is being asked to embark on a war without agreement in any of the International bodies of which we are a leading partner, not, Nato, not the European Union and now not the Security Council".

He added that the U.S. could afford to fight the wars alone.

But  the bomb had yet to be dropped.

He went on to say what should never be uttered, not even whispered.

What he said I will reveal in part two which will follow shortly

Mike Selley.

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