Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Imagination Is Really ' Reality '.

Imagination Is Really' Reality.'

Our breathing, heartbeat, blood flow and all the major and minor functions our body does are controlled automatically by a part of us that runs on automatic pilot.

We have no say as to how this is done, and normally this function needs no help from us, or any other source.We take it for granted that our body is looking after itself. It is the part of you that works under cover as it were, pulling all the 'strings', pressing the 'buttons', working the 'machines', behind the scenes to keep your show on the road.

There is another job that a part of you does that you have no conscious control over. This creates the outside World. It also creates the illusion that we call our body.

When I say that it creates the outside World,  perhaps the word 'creates' should be replaced with 'imagines'. Your imagination is imagining everything you see, hear , feel, touch and smell. It does this automatically without conscious thought on your part, in the same way that a part of you is making sure that your body is working properly.

You imagine the entire cosmos. I am sitting writing this in my garden, and in front of me are bushes that boast of bright pink flowers; about five cats are sitting in various stages of relaxation around my chair, and a few humming bees seem to be enjoying themselves on those pink beauties in the bushes.

It is a staggering thought to realize that I am imagining all this .If though, you delve deep enough into ancient beliefs and scriptures, you will find that this is what they all say.

Such writings come from all different cultures  but, when you break down the different mindsets, you understand that this is the great secret that was discovered. This secret has been kept hidden from the masses.

Such a doctrine is not, of course, taught in so called organized religions.Heaven forbid for the churches, if we found out that we are the creators. If you believe in one God, you might be offended.

Don't be. In the Bible it says, Psalm 82.6. " Ye are Gods, and all of you are children of the most high"

"Is it not written in your law I have said 'you are Gods '".John 10. 34.

" The Kingdom is inside of you, and the Kingdom is outside of you. When you come to know yourself you will know that you are the sons of the living Father " The Gospel Of St. Thomas verse 3.That's not in the Bible,but is a Dead Sea Scroll.

Looking at Eastern philosophy you will find that the same belief is true.

According to Dzogchen," what appears as a World of apparently external phenomena is the energ,y of the individual him or herself. There is nothing external or separate from the individual."

All is a dream, a fevered dream.

So we create our reality. The point is we can decide how to create how we want our lives to be. At the moment most peoples realities are being created by their past, and, as a result, some of it is not pleasant. Our reality is also created  by the messages, images we are bombarded with from the greatest hypnotist in the World, the T.V
, films and mainstream lying media.

Knowing that this is all a dream makes it a lot easier for you to believe that you can actually change your dream. When you dream at night you don't know that you are dreaming, so you let the dream act out the way it does, and don't take control of what you want to happen.

When you suddenly are amazed to realize that it is only a dream, you can change the dream content to be anything you want. This is called 'Lucid Dreaming.' I have done this and it is truly one of the most wonderful experiences I have had in my life. It is a life-changer.

As we are in a dream in our everyday life, we should try' Lucid Dreaming' in this dream.

" Imagination is everything.It is the preview of life's attractions."

"Imagination rules the World."
Napoleon Bonaparte.

"All the breaks you need in life wait within your imagination. Imagination is the workshop of your mind, capable of turning mind energy into accomplishments and wealth."
Napoleon Hill..

To learn more Click Here

Mike Selley.

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