Wednesday, November 6, 2013

3 Clicks To Riches ! ! ! Re- Published 15.10.2018 by popular demand.

 I get these sort of e mails in my mail everyday.

Three Clicks To Riches.

Just three clicks to get rich ! Really, really rich !

Super-duper rich !
And it's free. Yes, at no cost to you !

Earn 700 dollars a day, just by clicking your mouse three times !

Turn off your mobile,ignore Facebook and YouTube .

This is the day that can change your life !

So easy, a monkey could do it !
In fact my blind, senile grandfather does it.

My aunt who suffers from arthritis of the hands can do it !

I even saw my dog doing it, when he thought I wasn't looking.His paw moved the mouse and he managed to make 200 dollars. He was SO embarrassed when he saw me, but I spent that 200 dollars on dog food for him, the clever blighter.Now the dog will not let the cat anywhere near the computer.

Are you mentally challenged? Heck, I hate being P.C, so I'll say what I mean . Are you as thick as a lump of wood ? If so, don't worry, you can work this software.

Even if moving the mouse is a major obstacle in your life, you can still do it.

And I'm giving it to you FREE. Yes, FREE !

Dear loser, Sucker, Desperate Dan,

Broke ? Credit cards empty ? Bills you can't pay ? Threatened with foreclosure ? Landlord turning nasty ?  Yer, I know, been there , done it. I feel your pain.You see , that was me 5 years ago. I was a bum on the streets, having lost my job, my house, my family, my everything. If I had walked into my bank I would have been arrested. What a dreadful time it was.I was a complete and utter failure.

Then one magic day I wandered into a small bar, and ordered a glass of water from the tap. I wanted a beer, well, I really wanted about six beers, but there was no way I could afford this.

In the corner of this little bar were three guys wearing really expensive clothes. They were just dripping money;.Rolex watches, and I bet they were wearing David Beckham underwear.

One of them had a laptop and he was smiling as he typed.

"How much d'you earn today Ross ?" One of the guys asked him, his Rolex flashing in the lights of the bar.

"Oh, not so much, I made 7000 dollars so far; probably 10,000 at the end of the day."His Rayburn glasses seemed to gleam in the bar.

The other guy smiled." I made 30,000 yesterday with twenty minutes work." He smiled at his Air Jordan Silver shoes.

My ears were pricking up. Hey, these guys were earning rock star money working ten minutes a day.I longed to talk to them to find out their secret, but I just couldn't walk over and ask them. I sat there nursing my glass of water thinking what I could do . Luck though was on my side.

One of the guys in the group got up to go to the toilet, and he had to pass me to do this.I know it was sneaky of me, but I was in dire straits. As he got to my table, I quickly put my foot out, and sure enough, he tripped over it.

" What the hell you do that for you M.......F........"
I hadn't expected that reaction !

I quickly tried to calm him down as I helped him to his feet.: "Hey man calm down, I didn't see you coming, I was just stretching my leg ". I spluttered..

Thank God the guy was the reasonable kind.He brushed himself down, brushing a hell of a lot of dust and God knows what of his R. Jewels Diamond Edition suit.He then took a deep breath, and I thought for a minute that he must be a Zen Master, as he now looked so calm.

"O.k O.K. O.K. ..forget it "He finally said.
He looked at my glass of tap water, my shabby clothes, and my haunted, worried look.
He mellowed."Hey, I'm sorry I exploded, but I was in a bad mood because I only made 25,000 dollars yesterday. " He suddenly looked embarrassed as if he had blurted this out without thinking." Hey, let me buy you a drink. He looked at the tap water and grinned. " I don't think it will be the same again, will it? Champagne for my friend here," He called out to the bartender.

So I was given a flute ( is that the right word ? ) of Champagne I really wanted beer, but as I wanted six I thought it better not to ask for so many..  One does absolutely nothing for me." Wow, thanks so much, "I said.Then , amazingly I just came out with it." I couldn't help over-hearing you  three talk.Do you make your money from the internet? I'd love to do that."

He smiled at me. To cut a tall story short, after a while he told me that he had met a secret agent from the C.I.A in a strip club in Mezhdurechensk, some place in Russia, who was a genius with the computer.He is such a genius that he has converted all the C.I.A computers, so know one will ever know what they look at online.This has pleased the guys no end.This secret agent has created a software so amazing that with only three clicks you can make a fortune.And you can do this as many times as you want in the day !

You can make an absolute fortune !!!

The C.IA use it for all their payments to the really heavy porn sites.

I asked him if his name was James Bond ..

"Don't be silly, "He said," He works for the British,"

He gave me the code for the software. The trouble was, how could I use it without a computer ?

I was desperate, so I tried all my relatives and friends and begged them to let me use their computer.. They all slammed the door in my face. I guess nobody wants to know a bum.I was losing all hope, when in a state of panic, I phoned a long, lost Uncle I hadn't seen since I was six, when my parents , for some unknown reason told me that we were never going to see him again.

I remembered that he used to sit me on his lap and make strange grunting sounds He used to get so excited I was scared that he would die.
.Anyway I hoped he still liked me now

The long , lost Uncle agreed. He was to my surprise a Priest and a scout master.

Within one week I had earned 50,000 dollars and 46 cents .

Now it's your turn !

Here are pictures of my ClickBank and Paypal accounts. Heck, I know you trust me, so I won't insult you with such vulgar stuff. I'll just tell you , I earn one hell of a lot.

I'm stinking rich and you can be too !!!

Forget P.P.C. Article Writing,S.E.O.FacebookYouTube and all that time wasting crap.

Just move your mouse and click !!

FREE  !!!!

The actual software took three years to reach perfection and cost 1,000,000dollars, so I should be selling it for a hefty sum. But I'm not. You see, I know how you feel, as I was there, and probably even lower than you.

I want to help you so I am giving it away for FREE  !!

I was helped once, and because I was helped, I want to help others.

I want to help the little guy. That's the sort of guy I am.

I won't charge you anything - it's Free !!

I'm giving it to you because you deserve it.


1. 20 videos ( one hour each ) explaining how to use this EASY software.

2.+ 20 E-books. as a bonus that also explain how to use this oh , so EASY software. 

3. A picture E book containing 200 pictures on how to use this dead SIMPLE software.

4. Blogging On The Bog( and getting piles of money )

5.Making it Easy On E- Bay

6.Be a Tarzan In The Amazon( and load your Elephant with cash)

7.Newbies For You Tubies

8.Green Light Traffic explosion . ( get a 10,000 visitors a minute )

9.Google Conqueror ( be number one on Google )

10From Sickbank to Clickbank Riches.

11.How To Pick Your Nose Like Kissinger ( complete with graphic diagrams as to the exact  method )

12.How To Lie Like A President, And Still Make People Believe You.

Both the above were written by an ex- White House Official, so he knows what he is writing about.

Wouldn't you like to pick your nose like Kissinger? I mean he looks so relaxed when he does it in public without absolutely no embarrassment at all . This E book tells you how to get that mindset.That winning streak !! That ,"Sod you, it's all about me " frame of mind. Then rise to the top.

10. From Βlue mood to YouTube Wealth.

11.How To Make Her Want Your Ice Cream.
Yes, a bit naughty,but hey guys, good stuff!

12.How To Cheat At Exams .
Yes another naughty one, but hey, in this World any sucker knows you have to cheat to succeed.

13.Get Fake University Degrees.
They look just like the real thing. Get a well-paid job after showing your boss your fake University degree.
How d'you think the 1% got there ? Their Daddy's paid for them, and that's why the World is in such a mess
If you can't beat them, join them !

14 How To Get Money From Your Parents- Without Them Realizing.
Priceless, and a must for all the unemployed.

15.The Art Of Juggling With Six Eggs
Just ten minutes a day and you can do this after a short period. Impress your friends when they come round.
Amaze them when you walk to the door, open it, and as they stand there , you juggle six eggs !Or imagine how popular you'd be in a pub if you suddenly juggled with six eggs. Not so popular if you dropped one, but you won't, not after reading this book.

16. Have Affair After Affair- How To Hide This From Your Partner.
After that new book claimed that having affairs is the secret to a happy marriage this book has been a number one best -seller. Yours for FREE

17.Secret Drinkers Ultimate Guide.
How to secretly drink as much as you want without anyone realizing that you are completely smashed.
Useful information as to places to hide booze. Golden tips for anyone who has run out of hiding places..
An absolute must for the confirmed, dedicated alcoholic

18 Yes, I know I said that there would be twenty,but I just can't help lying, and I'm sorry about that, but I just have to, I mean really have to, tell lies, and big ones too.

All I ask is a donation from you as a sort of thank you of 38 dollars, and then 20 dollars every month. I am sure you will want to show your appreciation of what I am doing for you. Anyway, you will be earning so much money, this will be nothing to you .

So click the button below and pay the 38 dollar donation + 20 dollars a month.

Go on dude, click it, you coward, you sheep, click it !!!

Then you will get , within minutes, the most useless piece of garbage you could ever imagine, and it won't ever make you one small cent.

And I just get richer and richer !!

Go on, click it, right now , you sucker, you scared little coward. Be a man not a mouse. Be a Lion and show everyone.

I'm afraid that the internet is full of such scams, and me taking the mickey above is almost identical to the sort of sales letters these guys compose.I'm not joking,it is very similar !.

I think the secret to remember is, if it seems too good to be true, run a mile !

By Mike selley.

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