Wednesday, November 6, 2013

In Praise Of David Icke.

In Praise Of David Icke.

David Icke is telling us to remember who we are-Remember Who You Are is his latest book.
I think the World will certainly remember Mr.Icke,and although he has been ridiculed and laughed at for his, so called, far out conspiracy theories,I do believe that the time will come when he will be praised:he will be accepted for what he is: a beacon of light shining through the dark mess we are all in.

He will,I believe,be remembered as someone who fearlessly gave the facts to the people,and he does this because of his love of humanity.

In short,he will be considered as a pioneer:one of the few who helped lift the sleep from our eyes.
One of those special people,who only comes  once in a blue moon.,to help us, in these times of great change.

To my mind, he is by far the best researcher on the net.
If he puts forward a case, he has very strong evidence,or, if not actual evidence,he explains in his own unique way,why such and such is believed by him.

A good example of this is his intuitive idea that the Moon is not what we think it is.
He believes that it is a hollowed out structure,or possibly a spacecraft.
He hasn't (yet) got actual evidence for this,but he explains how the Moon is, according to scientists,exceedingly strange,and,in fact,should not be the size it is, as it is far too big for this planet.Some scientists say it should not be there at all.He presents many more startling facts about  our peculiar satellite to support his theories.

As this age emerges from the dark night it has been in,while the ego structures,like the banking system,and big business  are in the throes of collapsing,and humanity is moving from its childhood to adulthood: as we reach the peak of the age of ego where selfishness and greed are,at present, at an all time high; when confusion, chaos and lies are the order of the day, David Icke's site is an oasis of truth in a World of lies.

Visit it here www.­davidicke.­com/­headline

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