Wednesday, November 6, 2013

What About The People ?

 Next year we will see the first signs of recovery."

Who said that ?

Samaras, the Greek Prime Minister.

So let's translate this:

"Next year we will see the last signs of Greek's collapse ".

How sick and tired we are of establishment figures saying one thing when the exact opposite of what they said turns out to be the case.

How sick and tired we all are of this talk about the bailout, the troika, the debt, the banks and that fascist dictatorship, the E.U, yet that's all the papers write about.

What about the people, for God's sake ?

What about the number of suicides for God's sake ?

What about the number of children suffering mental health problems because of this evil., evil game called austerity ?

How many families are screaming at each other, shouting from morning to night all because their nerves are shattered by the constant worries about money ?

I read the other day that this year half a million young Greeks have jumped off the Titanic and have gone to the other side and have gone to live in Germany.If you can't beat them join them, I suppose is their philosophy.Think of the heartache that the families who have been split now suffer.

What about the millions who are losing their jobs everyday ?

Who cares about the pensioners who are struggling to survive because their pensions have been slashed and slashed and slashed ?

The young families who can hardly afford to feed their children are  hardly ever mentioned in the newspapers, nor are the school leavers who have no glimmer of any hope on the horizon: the students at colleges and universities who know that they will not find jobs when they complete their studies - these people are a forgotten generation.

The crime rates are soaring off the charts, and will get worse and worse.
How many ill people can't afford to buy medicines ?

The list is endless.It is insanity for any people to have this cruelty inflicted on them, and its not just in Greece but almost worldwide, in measures big and small.

What do we read in the papers though ?

Rubbish like the following:

"The structural and fiscal measures voted through parliament last week will soon pay off".

Here we are in Alice in Blunderland, because the statement above is a complete lie.

The structural and fiscal measures will ruin the country is the plain, sobering truth.Check out what any intelligent economist says, because this is what they all predict. It is impossible to demand 20 euros from someone who only has 5 euros.Asking people who are earning hardly anything, for a lot of money is the politics of the asylum.

I have read the troika letters to the Greek government and they are written on another planet.Believe it or not they keep on about how much they want the measures to be fair, and to not burden the poor with too much austerity. Perhaps its their idea of a joke that only they find amusing. I suppose though, if you are earning about half a million a year you don't really know what 'poor' means.These people are all from rich families who have no concept of what it is like to be poor.They don't know what compassion is either and have no empathy in their hearts; they do not give a dam about you or me.

What do we read in the newspapers ? Look at a revent headline piece in "Ekathimerini" Here are some extracts from it.

"Meanwhile Greek lenders appeared equally divided over how to fund Athens financing gap for the next four years."

"By 2020 we want to see Greece's debt at 120% of GDP."

"Merkel again ruled out an official sector debt haircut ".

"A partial write down of blah, blah, blah...."

Nobody is interested in this garbage; people are going hungry here and it's ignored .

The people are really suffering.

Why is hardly anyone writing about this, or trying to do something about it ?

What about us, the people ?

Mike Selley.

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