Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Power And The Glory.

I can understand, to some degree, why old pop stars of yesteryear keep going on tour. For a start, the money is pretty good, and, no doubt, that feeling of standing in front of hundreds of fans must be a hell of an ego booster.

And why not ?

If they can still perform as they once did, in their heyday,or in some cases even better, as the great Roy Orbison did, why not earn a few grand to help them through their Autumn years?

Mind you, it makes me wonder what sort of mindset some of these people have, when they charge such exorbitant prices for the tickets.

I read the Rolling Bones or Stones as they are known and that Elite favourite, Madonna demanded  very high prices to see them.

A concert the Stones did in London recently had some tickets for sale at 900 pounds each! I'm sure they don't need the money.!

Madonna charged 250 Euros for some seats when she did a concert in Greece a while ago.I very much doubt that she could demand that amount now.

It's the Politicians I don't understand. People like David Cameron or Samaras  or George Osborne who come from very rich families who are rolling in cash; why the hell do they seek the limelight ?

Think about it. They're privileged by being born with a golden spoon in their mouth. They have all the money anyone would ever need. They could live a life of absolute luxury. What do they do ?

They go into politics.

It would be understandable if one had a burning desire to try and improve the lifestyle of your fellow- countrymen, but how many politicians have that sort of  calling ?

None. I can't think of one.

So, why do they do it ?.

It must be hell for someone like Samaras who has introduced ( and got away with  it , thanks to the pathetic main stream media ) unbelievably unpopular measures. He is, no doubt, at all times  ( at taxpayers expense )
surrounded by not only private security guards ( backwater ?) and special forces from the Greek police or , and army.

He, if he has any normal human feelings - which lately looks more and more unlikely-surely lives in fear of his own safety, and those of his family.

Imagine waking up each day in fear of your life and of your loved ones .

Surely the price is too high ?

The wise ones run. Karamelis and Papandreou  saw the blood soaked writing on the wall and said bye bye.

I read somewhere the other day that these two proud members of the Greek Elite had a wonderful summer touring all the exotic holiday places on this planet. Nice work, or play, if you can get it.

No newspaper or T.V ever mentions this.I wonder why.

Kissinger, that war criminal, once said that power is the most wonderful thing in the world.

George Orwell in his classic, 1984, wrote that men want power for the sake of having power and nothing else.

With power, of course, comes many advantages. For a start you are totally outside the law. The petty laws that you and I have to obey these superior beings totally ignore.

If they want  sex, of any nature,

 the best dope or drugs in the world they can, of course, get it.

As for food and drink, well that goes without saying it will be of the finest quality.

If they want more money, they can get it straight away as they know exactly what the latest trends are, and what companies to invest in. They know this, because they know all the people in the know

It's like a rich man's club.

Is it also the desire to be remembered, to live on, after they are dead ?

Simply put ; to be a very important person who everybody remembers and will remember long after they are gone.

If that is the case, it must be that what drives these people ( if they are people )  is their amazing , overblown, inflated egos

Ego is the cause of all our suffering..

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