Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Greek Deluded Spinners..

There is a truly excellent article on the truly excellent blog : The Slog.

What caught my eye was the following:

 "Greek Prime Minister is now deluded on the subject of Greek recovery. "

So I read on. This is what was written.

 "Good News. The recovery will begin in 2014, and by 2016 unemployment will be only 21%.

Good News. Inflation has been conquered and deflation has arrived.

Good News.In the same month taxes fell by a shortfall in government income of 25%.

Good News. Samaras is selling the family silver to China."

The article continued:

" A combination of surreal spin, lazy analysts and market hyper- optimism is conspiring to make it look as if the Hellenic Republic is back from the brink."

 Well, I'm sorry, the country's figures may be back up to the cliff edge, but a large truck is about to drive right over them."

The following sobering truths, though, are the harsh reality, that the politicians and the main- stream media, want to ignore.Before reading the following, remember there are only 11 million people living in Greece, or should I say, just about surviving.

This is what The Slog wrote.

.1.3 million Greeks are out of work.

400.000 families have no income.

300,000 workers haven't been paid for months.

Hundreds of thousands have work, but can't make ends meet on the salaries they are getting.

Read the whole article here http://hat4uk.wordpress.com/

It is really like the government and the right wing newspapers are living in a total different reality to the rest of Greece. Does anyone really believe in the spin that is being spun every day ?

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