Sunday, May 19, 2013

George Orwell. Part Nine.

George Orwell .Part Nine.

In this series I am trying to show how  what George Orwell wrote in his book,'Nineteen-Eighty Four'  was almost a blueprint of how our society is today.

Let's take a look at Jack Straw. one of Britain's leading lights in the, absurdly called Labour Party..

This is what he said to some really dumb reporter :This is just the kind of lie that would come from Orwell's book, as the government in his book always told the exact opposite of what was true.

"So far, the medical researchers have not been able to prove, indeed very few have tried, that there are real beneficial effects from  cannabis."

No one questioned him on this. It was just accepted as true. Well, let  me tell you, this is a complete  lie.He just stood there and came out with a downright lie, and not one person raised their voice.

It never ceases to stagger me how politicians can come out with bare-faced lies like this and so easily get away with it.

There is enough evidence to squash an elephant showing the numerous beneficial effects of the innocent weed.

Here are some reports proving my point. If you google,'Medical  Cannabis', you will find  in Wickipedia  the following: I have only included the first few lines, as there must be about over a thousand words or more written about the amazing number of beneficial effects.

' Cannabis has several well- documented beneficial side effects. Among these are : amelioration of nausea and vomiting, stimulation of hunger in A.I.D's and chemotherapy patients, lowered intraocular eye pressure( prevents  glaucoma, and helps glaucoma sufferers) as well as being a general pain reliever, and beneficial for multiple sclerosis and depression. It also reduces the harm cigarettes are alleged to do to you, if you smoke cannabis.' It goes on and on and on. It prevents and cures cancer of all types, and that is partly why it is banned in most countries.It is so good for you, that if I wrote all the beneficial effects it has, it would fill pages and pages.

Yet no one said to Jack Straw, "Hey, that is not true?" Why not?

 As Orwell said in his book lies are accepted as truths.

Let's continue looking at  this Jewish plant( planted by Blair) in the British government.

" Saddam's weapons pose  a grave threat to international peace

 and security." Another downright lie.

Notice the use of the word 'grave' which means , in this context, fraught with danger and harm.

Here is another extraordinary statement uttered by him.

"We do have, I think a right to say that we've got to be able to deal with Mr.A. or Mr.B. or Mr. C. We can't deal with Mr.Nobody.And that's the problem, O.K?"  He said this about Saddam Hussein- I think.
Er, well, it's not O.K , because we don't know what the hell you are talking about..

Maybe he smokes the stuff he knows so little about. His son did.Can you blame him?The B.B. C. run a story on this on 24 12 1997. A good day to tell the story as half of Britain was probably legless on this day.

And one( just to show how amazingly out of touch with reality these beings are) sound bite from John Reid, the then Defense Secretary, when British troops were first sent to Afghanistan:

" We would be perfectly happy to leave Afghanistan in three years time without firing a shot."

What planet was this guy on?.

Mind you, the police did find that dreadful, oh so wicked weed in his house, but all charges were dropped.
See the B.B.C. report of 29.4. 2006. .

The newspapers really played that one down. Something about must have been left there by the previous owners.

Well, what do you think.?

These are the people who control our lives, just like the people in Orwell's classic'Nineteen- Eight -Four'.

Liars, cheats and hypocrites, and we let them get away with it.
Will we ever wake up? Thumbnail

Chapter Ten will follow shortly.

Here is my song ' George Orwell 'Just click on the link below.

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