Monday, October 28, 2013

Poisoned Gas From Poisoned Minds

I have only recently discovered a news item about poison being sprayed on innocent members of the public in the London Underground system .The news item was found on the B.B.C. site dated 14.6.2013. Here is the gist of it

"Tests are set to be carried out on the London Underground to see how quickly poisonous gases could spread across the tube network.

The tests will be carried out several days this month ( that means in June 2013 ). The gases will be released between the morning and evening at peak times.

11 stations will be tested and a further 30-40 stations will be monitored.

A similar test was carried out at St.John's Wood Station in 2007.

All the main stations, like Oxford Circus, London Bridge etc will be used."

No outcry ! No screaming headlines ! No debates on the B.B.C !

It's like this is a normal event, and so what.

The same thing was done in New York recently too.

Even the alternative media made no big thing about this.

I find this rather frightening. Are we all do drugged up through chemicals in our food, water and in the air, that we can no longer think straight. The powers that be must be wondering how far they can go, which is as far as they want, because people do not matter to them. Perhaps future news items will be

" Cyanide  to be added to bread  to see how people react "

Just in case Al Jonson, Al Martino, Al Capone, Al Lewis or Al somebody or other might have a similar idea.

And people will go back to watching,' Eastenders' - a popular British Soap Opera.


" Army to shoot people on village streets  "
Done, of course, in preparation for a possible future terror attack.

And people will talk about Kate's new baby  ( if she really had one - that's a new post going round a few blogs ). They would probably even say." Well, it has to be done I suppose. It's a shame, but this war on terror we're in makes it necessary."

 I can just picture Editorials in The Times explaining in great clarity the necessity of such intelligent action, as to be prepared for any kind of attack is the sign of a sensible, civilized society, and how the great British people will give their loyal support as it's all being done for Queen and country. The wise Editor would probably add a bit of twaddle  about how a few brave souls  sadly have to lay down their lives for the good of the many.

I mean what WILL wake people up to the fact that the Elite who rule us are sick in the head, and do amazingly, incredibly,unbelievably, beyond stupid . acts like flood the London Underground with
poison; like attack a country that was absolutely no threat to the U.K whatsoever ( Iraq ) and completely devastate it, killing up to a million or more and leaving it in ruins.The same is true for Afghanistan  Keeping the streets of Britain safe ? .Anyone with half a brain knows that the streets in Britain and America would be far safer if there were no poor misguided soldiers sent there .

We are now being treated as if we are sheep, simply because we act like sheep.

If people dare to complain, they are are  attacked by the Elite's guard dogs, the police, and totally ignored.
Large numbers are demonstrating against Fracking in the U .K right now; they are , of course, ignored.

There is a faint glimmer of hope.Have you noticed that a lot of what the powers that be are saying lately is almost complete nonsense ? It's like they live in a very different world to the one we are in. They also have a strange, glazed, almost mad stare in their eyes.They even seem to have a weird arrogant gait.

Perhaps they are going  really  bonkers - I mean madder than they are now- and one day one of the top ones will appear on television and say, something like;
"Yes, Unemployment is up, up, up and away, how beautiful and then break into unstoppable, hysterical laughter that just doesn't stop."


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